Your tax dollars at work, even if the people who receive them won't

the Government doesn't stop crime, but it sets up mechanisms to deal with and punish crime.. if we left it to private security and individuals to react to crimes, there would be mass killings.. a guy trying to steal a 6-pack from 7-11? shoot him dead, dispose of the body.. no Court to render a verdict..argument with a neighbor? kill him, ask God for forgiveness later.

the Government deals with discrimination, too.. you want individuals to decide justice? guns and money already rule to a large extent, your anarchist system would make it a certainty.. I don't think most people want Government as a "Daddy", but they do appreciate some form of an orderly society.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
You must have some horrible neighbors. 99.9% of the people that I know just want to live their lives, raise their kids, and enjoy their lives.

As far as deciding justice, what justice is being decided? It's a principal that you shouldn't kill, steal, or do bodily harm to the next person. You don't need laws for that. Those are principals that almost every person knows innately. You learn how to treat people by the time you're 4-5.

But what you call justice, I call "oppression". Is it justice to wreck a mans life who wants to trade the money that he earned for an hours pleasure with a beautiful woman? Is it justice to lock someone up for a decade because they provided a plant (that grows naturally) to someone interested in buying it? Is it justice to steal the home of a family who paid the price that the seller wanted just because they didn't pay their "rent" for living in a specific county? There's no justice in any of that. It's all arbitrary.

The government (really all governments) sees the people who reside within their imaginary borders as slaves. Period...point blank...full stop. That's why they tell you who you can marry, what you can earn, what/who you can sell your wares to, how much you can make off your money, what you can invest in, where your kids can go to "school", and so so and so forth.

It's slavery.
Chung Tran's Avatar
You must have some horrible neighbors. 99.9% of the people that I know just want to live their lives, raise their kids, and enjoy their lives.

As far as deciding justice, what justice is being decided? It's a principal that you shouldn't kill, steal, or do bodily harm to the next person. You don't need laws for that. Those are principals that almost every person knows innately. You learn how to treat people by the time you're 4-5.

But what you call justice, I call "oppression". Is it justice to wreck a mans life who wants to trade the money that he earned for an hours pleasure with a beautiful woman? Is it justice to lock someone up for a decade because they provided a plant (that grows naturally) to someone interested in buying it? Is it justice to steal the home of a family who paid the price that the seller wanted just because they didn't pay their "rent" for living in a specific county? There's no justice in any of that. It's all arbitrary.

The government (really all governments) sees the people who reside within their imaginary borders as slaves. Period...point blank...full stop. That's why they tell you who you can marry, what you can earn, what/who you can sell your wares to, how much you can make off your money, what you can invest in, where your kids can go to "school", and so so and so forth.

It's slavery. Originally Posted by str8.2.bbbj
LOL! ok, some good points here, but I will say that Government/Laws/Justice system helps to regulate people's actions.. it only takes a few crazy people to disrupt whole societies, if there is no codified justice system in place to dispense punishment. I'm talking about "real" criminals, I agree that the examples you list reflect oppression upon society, by the slave masters (Government).. but don't get carried away and advocate pure anarchy.. be careful what you want as a substitute.
Anarchy is the only true freedom because governments will always grow out of control.

Think of how long we've been at "war against terrorism" and the so-called perpetrators and the "mastermind" of the original act, are supposedly all dead. Now the terrorists "hate our freedom" (bullshit), but in the act of fighting them, we're less free. On top of that, TRILLIONS of dollars are being spent to stop a group that we're not even sure exists. And the only people who suffer for it are the poor inhabitants of the countries we bomb and the American people at large.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Anarchy is the only true freedom because governments will always grow out of control.

Think of how long we've been at "war against terrorism" and the so-called perpetrators and the "mastermind" of the original act, are supposedly all dead. Now the terrorists "hate our freedom" (bullshit), but in the act of fighting them, we're less free. On top of that, TRILLIONS of dollars are being spent to stop a group that we're not even sure exists. And the only people who suffer for it are the poor inhabitants of the countries we bomb and the American people at large. Originally Posted by str8.2.bbbj
the more you talk, the more you're winning me over!
the more you talk, the more you're winning me over! Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Because I just want you (and everyone else) to be free. That's the only way we experience our best selves and evolve.