11 Officers Shot 3 Dead

Mavs fan's Avatar
Frique, All I am saying is that her reaction did not seem typical to me. Watch the tape and decide for yourself. If my significant other had just been shot at close range sitting next to me I think I would be freaking out. Not getting on Facebook. But maybe she is just a tough person.
ramblinman69's Avatar
And your point earlier Randall was that if you react to racism with racism then your racism isn't racism because someone else was a racist first. Is that what you said? Why don't you just say I'm rubber and your glue or call me a poopoo head? So I guess what you really mean is that "The 2nd wrong is right because someone else was wrong before you". Is that what you meant? Or is it still accepted that 2 wrongs don't make a right? Let the justice system deal with these cop shootings these cops deserve due process and if they are convicted of wrong doing I am fine with that. What you are saying is that they should go straight to execution with no trial. That is called a lynching and a black man above all others should be against lynching. And yes I acknowledge Jim Crow and slavery and the struggle for Civil Rights and I think America was wrong. But that shit is over now. Originally Posted by Mavs fan
Creed doesn't listen to any basic logic or reasoning, or he will just ignore it and go completely off topic as he did earlier in this thread. It's amazing really.
Of course Creed had to write a post about racism, I wonder how many cities he posted in, or if he hates Dallas like the shooter did!
Imagine having the same sick views as that sack of shit that killed FIVE Dallas officers. and injured 12. How can anyone understand racism?
dallasfan's Avatar
The whole video was extremely strange. It was almost like it was staged and she was playing to an audience. referring to him as dead when he is still there screaming. She was extremely cold in response to his shooting. Then she says he was 9 days from his 35th birthday. The news media lists him as 32. She doesn't know how old he is...how long have they been together?

The St. Paul thing is the craziest thing I ever saw. The guys girlfriend got on Facebook to document the shooting. No way a person that just witnessed a fatal shooting could be that calm. No fucking way! She never even looked back at her 4 year old child. Someone explain that to me. Originally Posted by Mavs fan
Frique, All I am saying is that her reaction did not seem typical to me. Watch the tape and decide for yourself. If my significant other had just been shot at close range sitting next to me I think I would be freaking out. Not getting on Facebook. But maybe she is just a tough person. Originally Posted by Mavs fan
I really don't know. He told her not to move. I've been in situations with police where their actions don't make any sense and their directions don't make any sense but you just have to roll with it til it's over.

I would have been trying to render some sort of aid to him by at least holding pressure on his wound but the cop told her not to touch him bc he had a firearm on his lap. So what do you do? If you're just made to sit there while someone is dying then I can see why she grabbed her camera. She still seemed like she was playing it up though, yes. It was strange and disengenuous. I'd guess they hadn't know each other very long.
pyramider's Avatar
Damn, I need to buy GO PRO stock. Their cameras are going to flying off the shelves.
What company makes the body cams? That's the way to go. I hope they outfit every officer in the country with them. People should see the shit they have to put up with everyday and still keep it together. There's a reason they have the highest suicide rates.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Would I be allowed in the thoughtful, fearful mom club then? Do I have to have a Black child to know what it means to fear for their safety and their future? I thought all mothers felt that. I didn't realize I had to have a Black child to be worried for them. Originally Posted by THN
Fear by degrees

It's like white people are thought to be living in this worry-free existence lala land where everything is roses and gumdrops and we all know are kids will grow up fine without any real threats to their safety. Originally Posted by THN
No. Those are Asians your're thinking of

We all have fears. The likelihood of any of our children getting killed by a cop someday is slim to none, regardless of their color. There are much worse threats that are much more likely. I don't see why this fear is so much more important. Why this fear gets played out in such a divisive manner. Originally Posted by THN
In the grand scheme none of the incidents this week warrant an annotation to a footnote of a paragraph in history.
I believe this whole thing is fucked up but it was a necessary evil, to wake up people's eyes.. That you can't get away with murdering AA, without coimage.jpegnsequences. You poke somebody long enough guess what they going poke back..
ramblinman69's Avatar
America! Fuck yeah! You've got it all figured out.

Fear by degrees

No. Those are Asians your're thinking of

In the grand scheme none of the incidents this week warrant an annotation to a footnote of a paragraph in history. Originally Posted by Dorian Gray

I think it will be considered historically relevant. It sparked the actions of a cop killer. Things are becoming increasingly heated between blacks and whites. I'm afraid this is just the build up. I don't like it. I don't like feeling like I can't dialogue with my friend at the risk of offending her because I know we don't see eye to eye and on something like this. I feel like this issue has the potential to divide us. It's better to just not say anything. Our children are close so, more importantly, I don't want to rock that boat either. I don't want to add to the conflict that's already lingering there.

It's subtle but it's meaningful and it's bugging me. And this is my only place to vent about it with with people I know will give me their honest feedback and I'm really thankful for that.
I don't think the girl was making a dramatization. Her boyfriend was just shot 4 times in front of her eyes and she did not want the officer to shoot her. This is where different viewpoints come in, whereas some of you look at it as an "act" those who know and have known people similar to the victim immediately recognizes her behavior as going into "survival mode". Case in point, the video, obviously this woman is shrewd enough to know that tbe officer probably won't shoot her if she's recording. Also, she knows that she can't be beligerent and boisterous because 1. Said video, 2. The officer just shot her boyfriend. She was merely protecting herself. In my POV, the officer is the one who acted most erratically in the video. Finally, her boyfriend was not dead at the time, he died later.

Also, I challenge anyone of you to look at the portion of the video when she was in the cop car and the situation hit her. This is the moment where she senses she is safe and therefore is no longer in survival mode. The "act" as you put it ends and she breaks down to the point that she has to be consoled by her 4 year old daughter.

It's plain and simple to me because I grew up in that environment and understand how women of her "background" think and operate. Believe it or not, the "hood" and/or "ghetto" which is so often discussed in a less than favorable light produces some of the strongest, amazing people one can imagine every now and then. This woman is one of them in my eyes. She did evergthing right though her boyfriend died, she .ade it home safely with her child.

Let's keep in mind this guy had no criminal record. He was a Cafeteria Supervisor for a Montessory school. Be had the right to carry, there was no foul play going on. They were pulled over for a broken tail light. Let's keep this in mind to understand the black viewpoint. We have discussed otber case here which I would agree that it maybe debatable. IMO though, I'm sure you can find policy and procedural violations from the officers in most of these cases (i.e....the football tackle, that can't be standard operating procedure) things that another officer would never call them out on based on some arbitrary "code". In any case, one where the evidence is pretty clear cut (at least to me) such as the Minnesota case, some of you see it as fishy? Others see fit to judge a man based on the fact that he has precious metals in his mouth? This guy had braids but his record was clean. This is where a lot of the black frustration comes in.

For the record, I'm not frustrated, I have worked side by side with Whitey for the last 10+ years, a majority of that time I have been the only "brotha" in tbe office environment. Of course I'm use to being treated differently because of. Some would want to walk on eggshells around me to "make me feel welcomed" and prove somehow they are racist. Others use being treating everyone equally and fairly as an excuse for disrespect. I don't blame them though, as inherently good people, they try. I can live with it, My only issue is that we try to understand situations such as these from one side of the fence. Of course the white privileged would always be on the side of the law as they were groomed to revere cops as modern day heroes. Of course people from the other side of the fence were taught to be cautious of cops because of the terror some have exacted on the communities. This is why, if you really want to know what goes on in the mind of a black person, you must go beyond the surface "black friend" relationship. I doubt many care to do that but it's your prerogative. But this is why I say "real" discussions, training, and process re-engineering must be enacted to affect change witbin this society. Then again, one can never knkw what it means to be black unless, you know you are black. I guess some of you could walk around in black face if you are really committed to the cause.

Tbe truly sad thing is that, as a people, although we have lived side by side, worked, played, educated, and slept together under one country, our cultures and relationships are still worlds apart.

I typed this on my phone so I realize that there maybe some egregious errors, so my apologies ahead of time.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
.... Things are becoming increasingly heated between blacks and whites. I'm afraid this is just the build up. I don't like it. I don't like feeling like I can't dialogue with my friend at the risk of offending her because I know we don't see eye to eye and on something like this. I feel like this issue has the potential to divide us. It's better to just not say anything. Our children are close so, more importantly, I don't want to rock that boat either. I don't want to add to the conflict that's already lingering there. Originally Posted by THN
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
- Martin Niemöller
Generic White Guy's Avatar
I am concerned about the rush to judgement in the Louisiana and Minnesota shootings... Investigations have not been completed (barely started) and the media and people have convicted the cops... I know people will say the system is rigged and the investigation is bogus, but let's see how it plays out...

In Louisiana, the guy had a gun and had threatened a homeless man... He didn't follow police instructions, was tased and continued to fight the cops... Then his gun came into play - in some way...

In Minnesota, the guy had a gun ... At this point, we have seen video after the shooting... Nothing that shows what led up to the shooting... Did he follow CHL protocol or did he become a threat to the cop.. I have no clue at this point...

In both of these incidents, there was a lot going on... The cops could have been in the right or panicked... We don't know at this time...

On Thursday and Friday, there were police officers shot in Dallas, St.Louis, Bristol TN and Valdosta GA... In Bristol, the gunman said that he "hated police and black lives matter" before shooting several people and killing one of them... He then shot a cop...
In both of these incidents, there was a lot going on... The cops could have been in the right or panicked... We don't know at this time... Originally Posted by Generic White Guy
This is the most important factor here. I want to point out a few things here.

1. No one knows the real deal but the people involved. To some, no one will know the truth even after the investigation is conducted. This will be an overatatement but, how much faith would you have as a Jew in the system if someone told you Hitler would investigate a murder of a Jewish person? Once again, this is a gross overstatement, but I just want to shine a different light on it. American led investigations are NOT the end all be all "Comey" anyone (no politics, I promise)? However, some people are hard coded to believe the opposite.

2. I noticed your word choice, cops could have been in the right or "panicked". In my opinion wrong would be diametrically opposed to the word "right". Now, I don't have any reason or cause to say you intentionally or unintentionally stated anyrhing. You seem like a great guy. But is it possible you may have been hard coded to hold the view that cops are never wrong? Probably not right? In either case, I thought that was an interesting word choice.

3. Back to your word choices. Though I am not sophisticated enough to parse out verbiage on this phone. You also stated (paraphrasing) of course people are going to say that the cops where wrong. Therefore, blindly aligning yourself with those who feel the cops were right while admitting that no one knows and an investigation has not been conducted. Which is your main concern by your first sentence.

Once again, I don't know you so I really don't know what's in your heart so I hope what I am pointing out is not offending you in any way. My point is, we as a people have to get past the point of immediate alignment in a matter, in a sense making a judgment before the hearing. This is something I feel you agree with as well. Hell, even the founding forefathers who established trials thought the same. My point is, you can't get to that point if your very conversation aligns you with one side or another. You can be on the deceased side for all I know, but as a people, your conversation would have come off as biased. So imagine how a group of people would feel if every conversation came off as yours did. They would feel like they lost the battle before it even started and that there is no hope.

For the record, I am not by all means exhonerating any of the defendents in these cases. I see arguments from both sides. My point is that the thoughts and concerns of both sides should have equal weighting before making a valid assessment. If this is something that traditionally has been done in society, why would we "still" be having these issues today?

Once again GWG, I'm not coming for you, just making an observation.