president veto

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-25-2015, 11:30 PM
- sequestration was Odumbo's brainchild. You immediately claimed I was wrong, at which point Duc beat me to the punch with a link substantiating my post and showing you to be an ignorant partisan liar.

So let's cut the crap about your intending to make a bipartisan point all along. Anyone can go back and check the sequence of posts in this thread and see that you're a liar who is desperately seeking to save face after being caught trying to rewrite history in a partisan libtard fashion.
. Originally Posted by lustylad
Except that it was not Obama's brain child. It did originate from the WH after congress could not agree on many other proposals, many more rational IMHO. .

So just who is being disingenuous?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-26-2015, 07:20 AM
Hey, you're the one who keeps requesting . Originally Posted by Ducbutter
So the WH suggested sequestration....did Congress have to accept?

Ducbutter, you can run but you can not hide. You and lustturd have tried to lie with the truth through distortions, half truths and Gay sex.

So once again Ducbutter, had you accepted my invitation to video gay sex with lustlad, would you then blame me if I showed the video on eccie? Would your defense be, "WTF suggested lustlad lad and I such each others dick on video , it is his fault we did the video!'' Congress did not have to accept sequestration! Get that through your fucking thick skull....and then try and be more honest. That is all I ask.
  • DSK
  • 10-26-2015, 09:13 AM
Did you understand how to comprehend what bipartisan voting means? It was a bipartisan effort that voted in sequestration. Now if neither side wants to take credit then both sides are lying. Originally Posted by WTF
Since the yearly deficit is going down, maybe the motherfuckers should take credit for it.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-26-2015, 09:22 AM
Since the yearly deficit is going down, maybe the motherfuckers should take credit for it. Originally Posted by DSK
I liked sequestration. Only way you can cut Defense spending without chicken hawks crying about the deficit in one hand and yet not wanting to close unneeded bases in the other.

lustylad's Avatar
Except that it was not Obama's brain child. It did originate from the WH....

So just who is being disingenuous? Originally Posted by WTF
Really, fagboy? I know you like to try out absurdly dumb arguments - but REALLY?

You want to convince us the POTUS isn't responsible for what his own staff does? Or that he is not in charge of the executive branch of our government?

What's next, fagboy? If you and Odumbo sit on the potty and can't poop, who do you blame? The potty?

You're becoming a bigger laughingstock than the sewer rat!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-26-2015, 11:00 AM

You want to convince us the POTUS isn't responsible for what his own staff does? Or that he is not in charge of the executive branch of our government?

. Originally Posted by lustylad
That is not what I said. I said Obama himself did not come up with the idea as you tried to imply.

Next ...and more to the point of this thread...the GOP controlled House is just as responsible as Obama or the Democratic controlled Senate for sequestration.

Which does not seem to fit into your narrative of trying to blame it on Obama.

I will slap the living fuck out of both you and Ducbutter with the whole truth....not snippets whose only purpose is to advance your partisan take on things.
Jesus...Trump is running in the GOP primary. Maybe if he runs third party I'll vote for him! Originally Posted by WTF

You don't have to be a communist, WTF... You don't have to be a member of the uni-party, WTF!

Here is your entertainment for the day...
lustylad's Avatar
That is not what I said. I said Obama himself did not come up with the idea as you tried to imply. Originally Posted by WTF
Really, fagboy? You're doubling down on stupid again? What the fuck is wrong with you? It doesn't fucking matter if Odumbo personally came up with the idea or ran a WH staff meeting where it was suggested. He OWNS it because he is the POTUS and it came out of his executive branch. And nobody would ever have raised the authorship issue if that lying Shirkster-in-Chief hadn't tried to DISOWN it afterwards.

Next ...and more to the point of this thread...the GOP controlled House is just as responsible as Obama or the Democratic controlled Senate for sequestration.

Which does not seem to fit into your narrative of trying to blame it on Obama.

I will slap the living fuck out of both you and Ducbutter with the whole truth....not snippets whose only purpose is to advance your partisan take on things. Originally Posted by WTF
Go back and read this thread from the start, fagboy. Try to find a single instance where either Db or I said no Republicans voted or were partly responsible for the passage of the Budget Control Act of 2011. You created another STRAWMAN. You, sewer rat and Odumbo are the only ones pushing a false narrative here by trying to blame everything on the GOP. I spoke up to counter your crude, lying partisan attempt to rewrite history and misstate the factual record.

If Obama had a son, he would lie like WTFagboy!

Ducbutter's Avatar
So the WH suggested sequestration....did Congress have to accept?

Ducbutter, you can run but you can not hide. You and lustturd have tried to lie with the truth through distortions, half truths and Gay sex.

So once again Ducbutter, had you accepted my invitation to video gay sex with lustlad, would you then blame me if I showed the video on eccie? Would your defense be, "WTF suggested lustlad lad and I such each others dick on video , it is his fault we did the video!'' Congress did not have to accept sequestration! Get that through your fucking thick skull....and then try and be more honest. That is all I ask.
Originally Posted by WTF

Now listen here you not so closeted queen.
I've read what you and Lusty bandied about and I'll only add this to the "discussion".
Firstly I've neither done or written anything dishonest on this board.
I never once said Obama himself came up with the idea of sequestration only the White House or the Obama White House. So I ask you directly, leaving aside any blame, did the idea originate in the white house or not?
If the legislation was passed in a bipartisan vote is it honest for the president to blame it on republicans, as I've established he did?
Should Obama get the blame for it? Yes, because he signed the bill. He could have vetoed it or done nothing and forced the legislature to ratify it. But he signed it so he owns it. Just like Bush owns his wars and tax cuts and Bubba owns the repeal of Glass Steagall.That's why he owns it and not because of where the idea originated you fucking ignorant bastard.
You see, this is the reason I so rarely post in here. It's nothing but a pig wrestling contest some some ignorant fuck who can't read or reason, like you.
I would suggest that you counsel with your therapist on your next visit about your confusion over your sexual preference issues. I have no doubt you'll be a happier person if you just let the real you out. Please just keep it to yourself though. You're creeping me out more than a little bit with your constant requests.
lustylad's Avatar
If the legislation was passed in a bipartisan vote is it honest for the president to blame it on republicans, as I've established he did? Originally Posted by Ducbutter

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  • WTF
  • 10-26-2015, 01:49 PM
If the legislation was passed in a bipartisan vote is it honest for the president to blame it on republicans, as I've established he did?
Should Obama get the blame for it? Originally Posted by Ducbutter
You do understand that the gist behind sequestration was that future Congresses would so dislike it's effects. .. they would then come up with a bill the WH could sign. Obama has instructed congressional leaders what they can do to fix the bill to his liking. One can make an argument that it is their fault for not sending him something he will not have to veto.

So let me run you through something called a nuanced points.

The WH came up with sequestration. Bipartisan effort passed it. New congress. Remember that. This new congress will not send a bill Obama therefore the ensuing looming sequestration can be blamed on this GOP controlled congress.

I'm on my phone and not able to draw these things called nuances spelled out to your arrogant gay rainbow colored ass butt you two partisan loons are mixing your nuts together. .. which given your nature is not surprising.
lustylad's Avatar
So let me run you through something called a nuanced points (sic)....

I'm on my phone (viewing gay porn) and not able to draw these things called nuances.... Originally Posted by WTF
Your idea of nuance is to sniff out devious and dishonest ways for Dimocrats to own popular bills and disown unpopular ones, regardless of who controls the WH or the Congress.

And stop talking down to us. You're lucky we take the time to school your ass, you arrogant fuck.
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  • WTF
  • 10-26-2015, 02:24 PM
Your idea of nuance is to sniff out devious and dishonest ways for Dimocrats to own popular bills and disown unpopular ones, regardless of who controls the WH or the Congress.

And stop talking down to us. You're lucky we take the time to school your ass, you arrogant fuck.
. Originally Posted by lustylad
Grow the fuck up and i won't have to continually talk down to you two yardbirds.

Think of sequestration as a are my chef and i have requested you cook a meal we can all eat. If you do not bring me something I can eat, we all have to eat that turd called sequestration . Pretend that i am a vegetarian...and you continue to bring me nothing but red meat. Whose fault is it that we will be eating turd?

LexusLover's Avatar
...the GOP controlled House is just as responsible as Obama or the Democratic controlled Senate for sequestration.

Which does not seem to fit into your narrative of trying to blame it on Obama. Originally Posted by WTF
Actually, this "axiom" ...... sits well with me.

The Senate is to blame for the Invasion of 2003 of Iraq.
Ducbutter's Avatar
I'm on my phone and not able to draw these things called nuances spelled out to your arrogant gay rainbow colored ass butt you two partisan loons are mixing your nuts together. .. which given your nature is not surprising. Originally Posted by WTF
The threat wouldn't exist but for Obama signing the bill.

Did BigTex tell who he voted for when he was giving you a reach around or was is during "pillow talk" time?