"As far as putting down other countries health care, grow up."
Thanks for the ad hominem attack...I took 5 years of Latin, so I can use those phrases.
I wasn't putting down those other countries...merely pointing out that they are not statistically comparable to the United States. You made my point by pointing out that Luxemberg is a very wealthy nation (poverty breeds health problems). Also, some of the countries on the list have draconian punishments (even death) for drug use. Others have an incredibly small population. The one I pointed out was San Marino...population 30,000. Is it really appropriate to use 'deaths per 100,000 people' style data on a country that small...where people must travel outside of the country for acute care!?
The WHO list is completely useless from a statistical standpoint.
And I still don't get it...you say 85k people travel outside US for healthcare and 750k travel to the US for healthcare...
All I am asking is for one single example of a government run healthcare system that people are happy with. Just one single example...that's all.
Originally Posted by lacrew_2000
Well I am very proud of your Latin prowess. To set the record straight, far more Americans leave this country for health care than those that come to the US for health care.
Why is the WHO useless? Because you don't agree with it. As far as statistical comparisons, everything can be compared statistically. It does not matter if a country only has 30K people. Need to get to the magical 100K number. Multiply 30K by 3.3. It isn't that hard. Now you have a statistical comparison. A lot of polling with low levels of deviation are done with just over 1,000 people.
How did I make your point about Luxembourg? Poor countries don't breed health problems. They just don't have the resources to deal with the health problems. And WTF does drug punishment have to do with anything? You are reaching for straws.
Here is a really cool link about some countries health care from Deloitte.
2010 Survey of Global Health Care Consumers
It appears as if many in the other countries are satisfied with their health care. 40% rated US health care as a D or F, but I have seen polls showing 80% are satisfied. The Brits show 4 of 5 do not feel adequately covered, but it shows that 70% are satisfied. 92% of the French are moderately or completely satisfied with their health care. It is an interesting study.