
Naaa Speed that's ok. We'll see if someone can proscute Trump. Right now, I read that New York dropped their case - of course

You don't think I could post dozens of other sources stating the same thing? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You're right.

Pro Tip: Pay the rent or mortgage, otherwise you are stacking homelessness on top of the steaming pile of crap brought to us by Old Cabbage Head and his Demonicrat minions. There is a rule of thumb I find to be accurate: Almost nobody recovers from being a month behind on rent. Mortgages are a little different dynamic. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Naaa Speed that's ok. We'll see if someone can proscute Trump. Right now, I read that New York dropped their case - of course Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Do you REALLY think Trump is the best option in 2024? He lost by 8 million votes in 2020 and he has taken a major hit since the election with his continued claims that voter fraud, totally unsubstantiated, cost him the election. I realize that the ongoing inquiry is biased but the facts coming out of it portray a very unstable man throwing temper tantrums. It is time to move on from both Trump and Biden in 2024 and bring some younger blood into the WH.
I think I'm going with Ron DeSantas with Trump remaining in his king maker role. But it's so crazy now who knows what will happen.

Do you REALLY think Trump is the best option in 2024? He lost by 8 million votes in 2020 and he has taken a major hit since the election with his continued claims that voter fraud, totally unsubstantiated, cost him the election. I realize that the ongoing inquiry is biased but the facts coming out of it portray a very unstable man throwing temper tantrums. It is time to move on from both Trump and Biden in 2024 and bring some younger blood into the WH. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Pretty much like this:

Data Point: Right above the '7D' button you see a little "pinch". That is approximately when Russia, Russia, Russia invaded Ukraine +/-. Recall the media (propaganda delivery vehicle) was going in to overdrive ahead of the actual invasion.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Maybe Louis Gohmert will throw his toupee into the ring.

Gohmert-Boebert ticket will get everybody talking.

But not about Russia Russia Russia.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...the ongoing inquiry is biased but the facts coming out of it portray a very unstable man throwing temper tantrums.... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Based upon hearsay of hearsay of someone overhearing a conversation with someone, who as it turns out, wasn't even present that day. Epic fail!
...Do you REALLY think Trump is the best option... in 2024?... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Absolutely! If he is crazy enough to want to jump on the steaming pile of crap that is F Joe O'Biden and the New Liberal World Order - count me in. I'll bring my own shit shovel even.
...He lost by 8 million votes in 2020 and he has taken a major hit since the election with his continued claims that voter fraud, totally unsubstantiated... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Hardly. We now have many facets of their playbook figured out and documented. More importantly, enough information to defeat much of it - I hope. The math does not support Old Cabbage Head with those numbers.
The Show Trial Begins
Three new high-profile documents are driving the Democrats insane and encouraging them and the Trump-hating Republicans to double down with the Jan. 6 hearings.

On April 6, former Trump advisor and Citizens United chairman David Bossie released Rigged, an exposé of how Mark Zuckerberg purchased a vast ballot harvesting bureacracy for $450 million.

One month later, thanks to a phenomenal investigation by True the Vote, Dinesh D'Souza released 2000 Mules, which showed the Zuckerberg money in action, stuffing ballot drop boxes in key swing districts across America.

Just days later, former Michigan state senator Patrick Colbeck released The 2020 Coup, which examined the structural flaws of America's decentralized elections systems, how they could be manipulated, and then matched that to events he and others had witnessed on the ground and presented before various courts across the country.

Colbeck described "ballot shaving," a process of manipulating the votes by a small margin so not to attract attention or trigger an audit. I showed how this process worked in my August 2020 novel, The Election Heist, which predicted many of the schemes that actually happened in the 2020 election.

Colbeck argues that Americans will only learn the truth -- and begin to heal the deep divisions caused by the theft of the 2020 elections -- if county sheriffs and other judicial authorities conduct full forensic investigations of the election.

In the meantime, whenever you hear that a county or state supervisor of elections has filed suit to prevent the release of election records, or has destroyed those records before the 22 months they are required by federal statute to retain them, understand that you have just witnessed an accessory to election fraud.

The Democrats knew Trump was going to win an overwhelming victory on November 3, 2020, and conceived an intricate, nationwide plan to steal that victory -- not by turning out new voters, but by fabricating them and, when they didn't have enough, by introducing vote-splicing algorithms into election tabulators on election night. They even boasted of their effort after the fact....
Have someone tell you about money supply and who most of the increase in money supply happened under AND who nominated the lawyer to run the Fed that is going to go down as the worst head of the Fed over. And the Fed is the Federal Reserve
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Based upon hearsay of hearsay of someone overhearing a conversation with someone, who as it turns out, wasn't even present that day. Epic fail! Absolutely! If he is crazy enough to want to jump on the steaming pile of crap that is F Joe O'Biden and the New Liberal World Order - count me in. I'll bring my own shit shovel even. Hardly. We now have many facets of their playbook figured out and documented. More importantly, enough information to defeat much of it - I hope. The math does not support Old Cabbage Head with those numbers. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
There is absoutely no proof that the claims made under "The SHow Trial Begins" caused a single fraudulent vote to be cast in the 2020 election. For example, the claim that 2000 mules stuffed ballot boxes. Yes, individuals picked up valid ballots from several people and brought them to precincts. They were validated and entered into the system. All legal. They underwent the same authenticity procedures as any other mail-in ballot. No fraud was found.

Trump's loss was very predictable but Trump supporters don't want to hear the FACTS. They would rather cling to the ridiculous narrative from Trump that the election was stolen. Without any proof at all. To pull off a steal of the proportions that Trump claims happened would have taken hundreds if not thousands of people working together to manipulate the outcome. Yet not one person has been found who participated in this theft. 20 months and NOTHING.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I think I'm going with Ron DeSantas with Trump remaining in his king maker role. But it's so crazy now who knows what will happen. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I prefer DeSantis to Trump but he is too far to the right for me. In 2016 I supported John Kasich who was one of the only sane individuals in the Republican debates. I couldn't begin to tell you who I would prefer in 2024 on either side.

I do know I don't want anyone in their 80s running this country. You can complain about Biden's verbal gaffes but Trump is right up there with him. Just listen to his ramblings at his speeches.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
The current fav, is ....
none of the above.

Seriously, the repubs have got to get a decent middle of spectrum frontrunner very soon cause as the 2nd week of November the hardcore electioneering will begin for the next presidential vote.
Precious_b's Avatar
I prefer DeSantis to Trump but he is too far to the right for me. In 2016 I supported John Kasich who was one of the only sane individuals in the Republican debates. I couldn't begin to tell you who I would prefer in 2024 on either side.

I do know I don't want anyone in their 80s running this country. You can complain about Biden's verbal gaffes but Trump is right up there with him. Just listen to his ramblings at his speeches. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Uh oh. People are gonna start calling him a libturd now since I wanted John Kasich to win too.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
There is absoutely no proof that the claims made under "The SHow Trial Begins" caused a single fraudulent vote to be cast in the 2020 election... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
EXCLUSIVE: Sentencing For Arizona Ballot Trafficker Pushed Forward After NEW Footage Released – New Hearing Set For July 7th

A Yuma County Superior Court Judge recently set a new sentencing hearing for San Luis ballot Mule, Gadsden Elementary School District Board Member and Ex-Mayor of San Luis Guillermina Fuentes.

Fuentes pleaded guilty last month to her role in a sophisticated ballot trafficking ring during the 2020 Primary Election in Arizona. She was caught forging signatures and trafficking ballots in August 2020 by San Luis residents who filmed her using undercover cameras.

Arizona State Senate candidate Gary Snyder and San Luis Resident David Lara witnessed this voter fraud in their community, and they busted these criminals.

Their work, which resulted in two indictments for illegal ballot trafficking, was featured in True the Vote‘s and Dinesh D’Souza’s “2000 Mules” documentary...
For example, the claim that 2000 mules stuffed ballot boxes. Yes, individuals picked up valid ballots from several people and brought them to precincts. They were validated and entered into the system. All legal. They underwent the same authenticity procedures as any other mail-in ballot. No fraud was found... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Nothing you said is true or accurate. Here's a short list of "irregularities" that occurred in many states, swing states especially:
  • Mail-in ballots can be received up to seven (7) days after the election and still be counted
  • These ballots can be missing postmarks and still be counted
  • The signature on the ballot doesn’t even have to match with that of the registered voter
  • And, as a bonus, they have banned the Green Party from the ballot to prevent erosion of the Biden vote
BTW: Most of those practices were in direct violation of existing laws and were enacted by people without the regulatory to enact them and the list is actually larger than above.
...To pull off a steal of the proportions that Trump claims happened would have taken hundreds if not thousands of people working together to manipulate the outcome... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Maybe math is still a thing. ((1,000/1,000,000) X 100 = .1%). Basically, it could take 0.1% of the Demonicrats to pull it off. However, there are computers involved so that ratio can be greatly reduced. Notwithstanding; math does not explain 5 swing states "pausing" vote counting at 1AM with Trump in the lead and then getting a vote dump of ballots at 6 AM for F Joe Biden to push him over the top.

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
As I understand the current standings in the Republican electorate. Trump is currently #1, with DeSantis a close #2, by a mere 40 points behind Trump - 56 to 16 percent.
The current fav, is ....
none of the above.

Seriously, the repubs have got to get a decent middle of spectrum frontrunner very soon cause as the 2nd week of November the hardcore electioneering will begin for the next presidential vote. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You got a link to that, WYID?