#DiedSuddenly reporting

At least you’re entertaining. Not impressively smart at all though (not even unimpressively to be honest. I don’t expect you to rely on things like facts or knowledge, just silly rantings from some dude that I picture is a hick or rube who for the first time in his life has an opportunity to use one of things called a Computer. You driving into town to use the interwebs?

Believe me, you entertain me but I don’t take a single letter you type seriously. You don’t even provide a snack for thought. I rank your rantings down their with Bambi and RIP Originally Posted by 1blackman1

And you are the most dangerous person out there, one that thinks they know way more than they do. You post zero accurate base knowledge.

"The answers to every question I posted are easily available. and if you answer them honestly, you'll get the picture of what's been done"

No they aren't,

The real problem with life science is there are zero black and white answers. Even under the most ideal circumstances you will get 1% to 5% outliers that don't make sense.
Precious_b's Avatar
Looks like a meeting of "ambulance chasers". Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
What they ain't gonna like is that future budgets are going to have to allocated for pandemics that have been forseen a long time ago.

Most all our old standbys have lived their purpose and new antibotics and such will need to be developed for these pestulences that have adapted.
And you are the most dangerous person out there, one that thinks they know way more than they do. You post zero accurate base knowledge. Originally Posted by farmstud60
i'm still waiting for that guy who judges the intelligence of others, and reveals same with a self-assurance seemingly born of his own pride

to close his parenthetical statement
And you are the most dangerous person out there, one that thinks they know way more than they do. You post zero accurate base knowledge. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Uh huh.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
They have none. Just unsupported cause-and-effect. A guy is hit by a car and killed. When you look at VAERS data he is Covid vaccinated and dead, ergo the Covid vaccination caused his death according to those who doubt the efficacy of the vaccines. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Just a teensey bit of hope for you yet. (not really) Now apply that exact same logic to covid deaths in 2020-2021. For example, a person with 3 comorbidities who died and a DNA test said they had the covid. Ye olde, from versus with discussion of days gone by. <--- See how that actually works now?!? Do ya? Come on man! You do see it now. Right? It's like Lizzo doing a lap dance on ya. You might not want to look, but it's right there in all it's glory.

Just a quick jog down memory lane: You do know the CDC dropped using the DNA test last year because it was neither accurate or reliable. BTW: that whole concept was not peer reviewed until 10 months after the original proposal was made (they didn't even have the virus as a sample then) and the peer review found the original paper to be cra-pola
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
And your explanation for the undead unvaxxed is what exactly?
If I was bored and had time I'd find the post about how EVERYONE who had the vax was going to die and their bodies would have to be burned within two years of the initial jab. But then fools would just say they didn't mean mean the first two years literally...it's the two years after the two years that it didn't happen. You can't educate anyone unwilling to learn, regardless of topic. Originally Posted by 69in2it69
If I was bored and had time I'd find the post about how EVERYONE who didn't have the vax and multiple booster after booster was going to die and their bodies would have to be burned.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
texassapper's Avatar
No they aren't,

The real problem with life science is there are zero black and white answers. Even under the most ideal circumstances you will get 1% to 5% outliers that don't make sense. Originally Posted by farmstud60
You asserted "The problem with trying to talk about Covid-19 is that it is a very unusual virus that is behaving quite differently than those in the past."

I simply asked for what you mean by this assertion.. to explain what you meant.

You are unable? It was your assertion.
texassapper's Avatar
According to the CDC's Wonder database on I46 ICD codes (cardiac arrest). Heart attack-related deaths for people under the age of 50):

- 2018 -> 19K heart attack-related deaths
- 2019 -> 18.6K
- 2020 -> 24K (5000 extra deaths)
- 2021 -> 28K (8000 extra deaths)

And no, it's not Covid. The same database only has a combined 2,398 Cardiac-related Covid deaths in that age group in 2020 & 2021.
  • Tiny
  • 02-16-2023, 12:21 PM
No. It shows there are ~550K people who mathematically should be alive but aren't. We know historically, the percentage of people that die every day from medical causes... for some strange reasons, deaths with cancer, blood, respitory disease are going through the roof in comparison to historical norms. Those curves started diverging in Mar/Apr 2021. Originally Posted by texassapper

Now apply that exact same logic to covid deaths in 2020-2021. For example, a person with 3 comorbidities who died and a DNA test said they had the covid. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

According to the CDC's Wonder database on I46 ICD codes (cardiac arrest). Heart attack-related deaths for people under the age of 50):

- 2018 -> 19K heart attack-related deaths
- 2019 -> 18.6K
- 2020 -> 24K (5000 extra deaths)
- 2021 -> 28K (8000 extra deaths)

And no, it's not Covid. The same database only has a combined 2,398 Cardiac-related Covid deaths in that age group in 2020 & 2021. Originally Posted by texassapper
It's no great mystery. Here are total deaths in the USA by year,

2015 2,712,630
2016 2,744,248
2017 2,813,503
2018 2,839,205
2019 2,854,838
2020 3,358,814
2021 3,458,697

Incremental deaths in 2020 over 2019 level: 503,976 (18% increase)
Incremental deaths in 2021 over 2019 level: 603,859 (21% increase)

Deaths from COVID in 2020 (JAMA): 345,323
Deaths from COVID in 2021 (CDC): 460,000


The number of people who died in 2020 and 2021 as a result of the COVID epidemic was actually higher than the numbers quoted above, for the reason described by Why_Yes_I_Do. Somebody had, for example, diabetes, heart disease and COVID. He ended up dying in 2020 because of COVID, but his death was attributed to Diabetes.

Anyway, COVID the disease is what's causing most of the excess deaths.

If you had 5,000 extra cardiac-related deaths among people under 50 in 2020 and 8,000 in 2021, why would you attribute the excess deaths to the COVID vaccine instead of COVID the disease? Very few people under 50 got the vaccine in 2020.

That's not to say I'd necessarily get the vaccine if I were in my 20's or 30's. But for many people, including me, getting the vaccine made a lot of sense.
It's no great mystery. Here are total deaths in the USA by year,

2015 2,712,630
2016 2,744,248
2017 2,813,503
2018 2,839,205
2019 2,854,838
2020 3,358,814
2021 3,458,697

Incremental deaths in 2020 over 2019 level: 503,976 (18% increase)
Incremental deaths in 2021 over 2019 level: 603,859 (21% increase)

Deaths from COVID in 2020 (JAMA): 345,323
Deaths from COVID in 2021 (CDC): 460,000


The number of people who died in 2020 and 2021 as a result of the COVID epidemic was actually higher than the numbers quoted above, for the reason described by Why_Yes_I_Do. Somebody had, for example, diabetes, heart disease and COVID. He ended up dying in 2020 because of COVID, but his death was attributed to Diabetes.

Anyway, COVID the disease is what's causing most of the excess deaths.

If you had 5,000 extra cardiac-related deaths among people under 50 in 2020 and 8,000 in 2021, why would you attribute the excess deaths to the COVID vaccine instead of COVID the disease? Very few people under 50 got the vaccine in 2020.

That's not to say I'd necessarily get the vaccine if I were in my 20's or 30's. But for many people, including me, getting the vaccine made a lot of sense. Originally Posted by Tiny
The vaccine is catching up.
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Ruh Ro


The Pfizer fraud case is now a *go.*
Ruh Ro


The Pfizer fraud case is now a *go.*
https://beckernews.com/see-you-in-co...iminals-49384/ Originally Posted by bambino
The fundamental aspect of Viruses is they are tissue specific which means if a person has a Virus which affects the Respiratory tract that virus won't be found in other areas of the body. Viruses occur and cause symptoms in reference to toxicity. When the virus has neutralized the dead cells from toxins and expelled them through mucus and other excretions it's then that the body returns to normal. Now with that being said what makes anyone think that by injecting toxins into the body via a "Vaccine" will protect a person from a viral infection when toxicity is the main reason a virus would cause illness in the first place. So Pfizer's claim that their vaccine is safe and effective is totally untrue.