Biden Family $$$$ Money

berryberry's Avatar
... Facts like this are shown here most every day.

.... As we surely follow the Biden Family $$$$ money!

... Stay tuned...

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Yeah Salty - while it seems most leftists are allergic to actual facts, we will keep posting them here as the Senile Biden Crime Family gets exposed !!!
... President Kamala coming soon!

Me political "insiders" are sayin' that the corruption scandel
will have "Crooked Joe" out by the end of the year.

#### Salty
HDGristle's Avatar
Didn't your political insiders and you predict hat Biden wouldn't last through the end of the year last year AND the year before?

Is this the new version of "just 2 more weeks"
... And WHAT have we here?!

... So when the Burisma investigation with the prosecutor
was coming to a head... Hunter got John Kerry involved.

Hmmmmm... Surely makes me wonder if Chris Heinz was a
partner there also...

The House oversight Committee has more work to do.

Stay Tuned!

#### Salty
HDGristle's Avatar
Just 2 more weeks confirmed
... Blimey! ... "Robert Peters" and "Robin Ware" were
constantly e-mailing Hunter and the business partners
concerning business dealings... well, well...

... Hmmmm... Didn't Hunter like to call Mr. Peters "pedo pete"??
And shouldn't "Robin Ware" be spelled "Robbin' Where"??

Joe's robbin' where? ... EVERYWHERE!...

... As we surely continue to Follow The Money! $$$$

#### Salty
... New book coming soon - "Breaking Biden"....

Wherever fine books are sold... B. Dalton's and what-not.

... This might give us more insights into following the money.

Those banking records and whistleblower revelations have
been very revealing also! $$$$$

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
The EU said Shokin was doing a good job but Senile Joe withheld Ukraine aid to get him fired anyway!

Even 61% of Americans believe Senile Biden was involved in his son’s corrupt business deals.
The EU said Shokin was doing a good job but Senile Joe withheld Ukraine aid to get him fired anyway! Originally Posted by berryberry
So, now it's bad to withhold Ukraine aid? Somebody's got some splainin' to do.
... I'll explain.

... The Ukraine aid back-then had been already promised to them.
VP Joe Biden was asked to intercede in the Ukraine prosecutour's
investigation of Burisma (Hunter's company) to get it STOPPED.

So Joe threatened the aid would be held up IF the prosecutour
is not fired. (I'm sure by now you've heard Joe bragging of this)

... So - fired the bloke was - and Ukraine got the aid.

... And quite different from giving Ukraine constant "war money" NOW
that has NO accountability.

#### Salty
rmg_35's Avatar
... I'll explain.

... The Ukraine aid back-then had been already promised to them.
VP Joe Biden was asked to intercede in the Ukraine prosecutour's
investigation of Burisma (Hunter's company) to get it STOPPED.

So Joe threatened the aid would be held up IF the prosecutour
is not fired. (I'm sure by now you've heard Joe bragging of this)

... So - fired the bloke was - and Ukraine got the aid.

... And quite different from giving Ukraine constant "war money" NOW
that has NO accountability.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
the fantasy maga and radical far-right wing conspiracy theories news media.
berryberry's Avatar
... I'll explain.

... The Ukraine aid back-then had been already promised to them.
VP Joe Biden was asked to intercede in the Ukraine prosecutour's
investigation of Burisma (Hunter's company) to get it STOPPED.

So Joe threatened the aid would be held up IF the prosecutour
is not fired. (I'm sure by now you've heard Joe bragging of this)

... So - fired the bloke was - and Ukraine got the aid.

... And quite different from giving Ukraine constant "war money" NOW
that has NO accountability.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Not just corruption. That is taking a bribe
... Let's not forget all the Biden Family Corruption $$$$$
being revealed every day...

Banking records coming soon! ... Will they tell the tale??

Whatever you do... Wherever you go... Please keep reading!

#### Salty