Wanna know what some girls REALLY think?

I know right..scary for real..usually though.. only trolls.. i only go after the trolls Originally Posted by DeAnna Luv
DeAnna, I really appericiated Your comments in this thread, a voice of reason in sea of negitiveness....I almost feel bad for Cute blonde, the OP, And on Your list, ....of course OnYourlist says She only posts on eccie beause its popular, but with one post....I guess She registered a new handle to rant about her poor life choices, Too bad She didn't have the guts to post her real , well reviewed handle, I'm sure Her Husband is proud of Her.
She critcizes Us for cheating...while happily taking Our cash, but the real truth is most of Us PROVIDE OUR WIVES with a nice lifestyle...too bad Her man can't do the same.
And before I get flamed...I'm not judging anybody here, like ONYOURLIST is...I just hate the bitter hooker bashing the hobbiest thread this has turned into....ONYOURLIST....maybe since You register handles to rant, maybe You do the same for Your excellent reviews????
DeAnna, Dannie,and the classy ladies who were nice enough to post here thank You
Valentine Michael's Avatar
Tony, onyourlist is probably just a sad, lonely dude looking to stir up trouble to take his mind off his troubles. Responding gives him what he wants.
PickUpSticks's Avatar
DeAnna, I really appericiated Your comments in this thread, a voice of reason in sea of negitiveness....I almost feel bad for Cute blonde, the OP, And on Your list, ....of course OnYourlist says She only posts on eccie beause its popular, but with one post....I guess She registered a new handle to rant about her poor life choices, Too bad She didn't have the guts to post her real , well reviewed handle, I'm sure Her Husband is proud of Her.
She critcizes Us for cheating...while happily taking Our cash, but the real truth is most of Us PROVIDE OUR WIVES with a nice lifestyle...too bad Her man can't do the same.
And before I get flamed...I'm not judging anybody here, like ONYOURLIST is...I just hate the bitter hooker bashing the hobbiest thread this has turned into....ONYOURLIST....maybe since You register handles to rant, maybe You do the same for Your excellent reviews????
DeAnna, Dannie,and the classy ladies who were nice enough to post here thank You
With all due respect Mr. Gambino, shouldn't you get back to managing the mafia instead of hanging out on whore boards 24/7?
TheBizzer's Avatar
Sounds like "I'm on ur list" is in desperate need of a good ol' fashioned sweaty gang banging so she can experience a real orgasm. Originally Posted by PickUpSticks
I really hate to say it, but that's the funniest thing I've read in awhile.
With all due respect Mr. Gambino, shouldn't you get back to managing the mafia instead of hanging out on whore boards 24/7? Originally Posted by PickUpSticks
Shouldn't be hangin under a bridge troll? Most of Your posts are negitive, and some should got You banned, but You been there before...As JPD put it so poeticly ....nine ten...banned again
I really hate to say it, but that's the funniest thing I've read in awhile. Originally Posted by TheBizzer
In light of some recent things that happened here, I don't find any humor in the trolls comment, even when directed to a bitter bitch like ONYOURLIST, not right at all
well i appreciate the kind words..however i am sure many would disagree with the me being "classy" comment lol..

and i know based on the numerous EMAILS (they play it safe and won't pm their pissed off rants).. but i know thru several emails from obvious women that they disagree entirely with you considering me a voice of reason..

unfortunately many just don't "get it".. this is a customer based industry..we never like to drop the illusion and face facts..that first and foremost this is a business..money exchanges hands for a service provided.. the customer..aka hobbyiest want it done right, their way and to have a say in who they do business with..discussing the business practices of people they do business with etc. It would be no different no matter the business I choose to run that is customer service oriented..

It's not about kissing ass..it's not about sucking up (although its a helpful ability ) but it is about being happy with yourself, NOT two faced and not disgruntled at the end of the work day.

For years I never could figure out when ladies bitched about being worn out, stressed out etc how that could be? But this post..and the thoughts expressed in it give me a clear picture. Many..very popular ladies truly just put on an act to take the customers money. They truly do NOT like fucking and sucking perfect strangers and being reviewed in the process.. The quite possibly could dislike men greatly.. they don't have the balls to say so..and because they feel like their hands are tied they periodically lash out with rants such as this post and 1 spokesperson seemingly saying others feel like the blogger.

It's actually kinda sad that people wanna bitch about something that is so easy to fix.. if you can't cut it at this job..do something else..but there in lies the problem..despite what so many wanna claim to maintain some shred of dignity..they simply CAN NOT earn this kind of money in the real world..they either lack the intelligence, lack the ability or whatever..they look to this world for the easy money and it allows many the chance to have wealth they would NOT otherwise be afforded in life.

Yet they have to wake up every morning upset at themselves that they fucked some horny fat bald headed guy last nite (ya ya could be any one of ya).. and have to put on a smile and push down their true feelings deep into their gut so they can yet again on this new day earn another quick buck. Does every person like the person they do business with? HELL NO.. not in real life.. but guess what.. the very choices women on here feel they have and have so much control over..the rules, the sex the blah blah blah..the one thing they don't and can't control if they wanna make money..they can't say what they truly think..and that makes it soooo difficult for so many..it eats at them, burns them out..they become so jaded about men and more importantly about what they have had to become to sustain a life they have created that it corrupts them.. they buy into this lifestyle and this "world"..and everyday it chips a little bit of them away.

You see for every girl that really does like this job..there are probably 15 that can't stand it..but have to make you believe they do.. they want guys to believe that they are top notch when in reality they haven't had a date for weeks. They are so stubborn they will not adjust their business model and admit they are wrong.. they will trudge along, swimming in the pool of self pity pointing the finger at the customer.. the paying client..the one that doesn't need the provider as much as the provider needs the paying customer..

for when the paying customer refuses to see a girl..he puts 200 bucks in his pocket to keep.. when a provider refuses to change and can't get a client.. all she puts in her pockets is hopefully her care keys if she has been able to make the payments and drives herself to the nearest mcdonalds to hopefully put in her application for employment because thats the next logical step and the only position many are qualified for.

No No..despite the rude emails and hatred spewd by so called ladies that want you to believe their shit don't stink..many are floundering..sinking ships really.. self esteem issues..they can't cope with really be a hired pussy..they really don't enjoy pleasing men..they enjoy getting paid to pretend and thats pathetic... despite what so many think..it's not siding with the guys.. it's siding with logic.. and the logic is..

IF YOU DON'T LIKE YOUR JOB..find a new one!! quit bitching about the paying customers and either adapt..shut up..or move on..

why be unhappy? why make yourself miserable? i mean sadly selling pussy ain't hard, somehow tho..so many seem to screw it up..and hate doing it in the process

DeAnna, I really appericiated Your comments in this thread, a voice of reason in sea of negitiveness....I almost feel bad for Cute blonde, the OP, And on Your list, ....of course OnYourlist says She only posts on eccie beause its popular, but with one post....I guess She registered a new handle to rant about her poor life choices, Too bad She didn't have the guts to post her real , well reviewed handle, I'm sure Her Husband is proud of Her.
She critcizes Us for cheating...while happily taking Our cash, but the real truth is most of Us PROVIDE OUR WIVES with a nice lifestyle...too bad Her man can't do the same.
And before I get flamed...I'm not judging anybody here, like ONYOURLIST is...I just hate the bitter hooker bashing the hobbiest thread this has turned into....ONYOURLIST....maybe since You register handles to rant, maybe You do the same for Your excellent reviews????
DeAnna, Dannie,and the classy ladies who were nice enough to post here thank You Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
PickUpSticks's Avatar
Why can't we all just get along???
You all need to settle down in here!
well i appreciate the kind words..however i am sure many would disagree with the me being "classy" comment lol..

and i know based on the numerous EMAILS (they play it safe and won't pm their pissed off rants).. but i know thru several emails from obvious women that they disagree entirely with you considering me a voice of reason..

unfortunately many just don't "get it".. this is a customer based industry..we never like to drop the illusion and face facts..that first and foremost this is a business..money exchanges hands for a service provided.. the customer..aka hobbyiest want it done right, their way and to have a say in who they do business with..discussing the business practices of people they do business with etc. It would be no different no matter the business I choose to run that is customer service oriented..

It's not about kissing ass..it's not about sucking up (although its a helpful ability ) but it is about being happy with yourself, NOT two faced and not disgruntled at the end of the work day.

For years I never could figure out when ladies bitched about being worn out, stressed out etc how that could be? But this post..and the thoughts expressed in it give me a clear picture. Many..very popular ladies truly just put on an act to take the customers money. They truly do NOT like fucking and sucking perfect strangers and being reviewed in the process.. The quite possibly could dislike men greatly.. they don't have the balls to say so..and because they feel like their hands are tied they periodically lash out with rants such as this post and 1 spokesperson seemingly saying others feel like the blogger.

It's actually kinda sad that people wanna bitch about something that is so easy to fix.. if you can't cut it at this job..do something else..but there in lies the problem..despite what so many wanna claim to maintain some shred of dignity..they simply CAN NOT earn this kind of money in the real world..they either lack the intelligence, lack the ability or whatever..they look to this world for the easy money and it allows many the chance to have wealth they would NOT otherwise be afforded in life.

Yet they have to wake up every morning upset at themselves that they fucked some horny fat bald headed guy last nite (ya ya could be any one of ya).. and have to put on a smile and push down their true feelings deep into their gut so they can yet again on this new day earn another quick buck. Does every person like the person they do business with? HELL NO.. not in real life.. but guess what.. the very choices women on here feel they have and have so much control over..the rules, the sex the blah blah blah..the one thing they don't and can't control if they wanna make money..they can't say what they truly think..and that makes it soooo difficult for so many..it eats at them, burns them out..they become so jaded about men and more importantly about what they have had to become to sustain a life they have created that it corrupts them.. they buy into this lifestyle and this "world"..and everyday it chips a little bit of them away.

You see for every girl that really does like this job..there are probably 15 that can't stand it..but have to make you believe they do.. they want guys to believe that they are top notch when in reality they haven't had a date for weeks. They are so stubborn they will not adjust their business model and admit they are wrong.. they will trudge along, swimming in the pool of self pity pointing the finger at the customer.. the paying client..the one that doesn't need the provider as much as the provider needs the paying customer..

for when the paying customer refuses to see a girl..he puts 200 bucks in his pocket to keep.. when a provider refuses to change and can't get a client.. all she puts in her pockets is hopefully her care keys if she has been able to make the payments and drives herself to the nearest mcdonalds to hopefully put in her application for employment because thats the next logical step and the only position many are qualified for.

No No..despite the rude emails and hatred spewd by so called ladies that want you to believe their shit don't stink..many are floundering..sinking ships really.. self esteem issues..they can't cope with really be a hired pussy..they really don't enjoy pleasing men..they enjoy getting paid to pretend and thats pathetic... despite what so many think..it's not siding with the guys.. it's siding with logic.. and the logic is..

IF YOU DON'T LIKE YOUR JOB..find a new one!! quit bitching about the paying customers and either adapt..shut up..or move on..

why be unhappy? why make yourself miserable? i mean sadly selling pussy ain't hard, somehow tho..so many seem to screw it up..and hate doing it in the process Originally Posted by DeAnna Luv
I'm still sticking with classy,, and I have not always agreed with Your posts in the past. that being said,You have gained a certain respect from Me,
I am a business man...and can always respect a business point of view, in this thread, Your responces were,,,classy .
Do I like all My clients?? No, but I need their business, I have employees that depend on Me, they have families and homes to support, I try to never let My EGO Interfere.
Much respect DeAnna
Thread has gotten way off topic.

Come on folks, it's not that hard to stay on topic.
Thread has gotten way off topic.

Come on folks, it's not that hard to stay on topic. Originally Posted by Chris Hansen
How's that Chris??its about how some providers really feel.....We are off topic how??
You and PickUpStick sound like the type that always thinks you have to get the last word. If I wanted to be surrounded by that type I'd still be married to my ex wife.
ForumPoster's Avatar
Sounds like "I'm on ur list" is in desperate need of a good ol' fashioned sweaty gang banging so she can experience a real orgasm.

As far as school, you don't need a fancy degree to lay on your back for five hours and to count your money at the end of day. The hobbyists on this site could care less if you have a fancy degree. They would rather you have GFE behind your name instead of PHD any day of the week!!! Originally Posted by PickUpSticks

You would be surprised as to how many patrons pay attention to woman's background, education and ability to express herself as well as her social skills.

You and PickUpStick sound like the type that always thinks you have to get the last word. If I wanted to be surrounded by that type I'd still be married to my ex wife. Originally Posted by Chris Hansen
Don't lump Me in with the troll, just explain how I am off topic...
LENA.....You are one of the classy ones!!