Say Adios MoFo to Governor Quitter!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hey, at least when she is screwing the people, she's honest about it. Unlike our other "representatives".
And you know Are they photoshopped, or just not entirely current? Originally Posted by Doove
As an initial matter, nearly EVERY magazine photo you see nowadays (including hers) is photoshopped. Even hot women are photoshopped.

And in the case of her photos, the too smooth skin is the first give away. No lines, no moles, no birthmarks, no shadows from where the lighting hits the naturally occurring contours of the skin at different angles.

In the photo of Eva with the chains, check out the blank featureless forehead, nose, cheek and chin. Also check our the smooth featureless forearm and especially the vein-free hand. Where are her wristbones?

If you zoom in on the photo, the Photoshopping on the back of her hands and wrist is pretty blatant.

Like I said, they are all Photoshopped these days, at least in the magazine layouts. If you want a better perspective, look at the candid photos of them when they are out in public - walking on the street, laying on the beach, waling the red carpet, etc..

Sarah Palin is not exactly on par with a true Democratic politician - or Republican politician, for that matter. She's a beauty queen who managed to wink her way to getting elected governor of Alaska. Big deal. Some might consider her nothing more than a failed reality TV star. Originally Posted by Doove
On this we agree.
joe bloe's Avatar
As an initial matter, nearly EVERY magazine photo you see nowadays (including hers) is photoshopped. Even hot women are photoshopped.

And in the case of her photos, the too smooth skin is the first give away. No lines, no moles, no birthmarks, no shadows from where the lighting hits the naturally occurring contours of the skin at different angles.

In the photo of Eva with the chains, check out the blank featureless forehead, nose, cheek and chin. Also check our the smooth featureless forearm and especially the vein-free hand. Where are her wristbones?

If you zoom in on the photo, the Photoshopping on the back of her hands and wrist is pretty blatant.

Like I said, they are all Photoshopped these days, at least in the magazine layouts. If you want a better perspective, look at the candid photos of them when they are out in public - walking on the street, laying on the beach, waling the red carpet, etc..

On this we agree. Originally Posted by ExNYer
This is what Hillary looks likes after Photoshopping.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I wouldn't fuc her with George Burns dick!

What is with you and dicks WTF?

EXNY Maybe you don't understand what elections are about. Maybe for you is about picking winners regardless of views or party but some of us pick candidates based on their values and character. Sometimes they win and sometimes they lose. Palin has a better average than most when it comes to picking candidates and she does pick a lot unlike Axelrod who runs maybe three or four.

Jolie is not a leftie and she may not be a rightie but she is definitely not a leftie.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Some more forgotten conservative women:
Kathy Ireland

Bo Derek

Angie Harmon

Cindy Crawford

Jane Seymour

Jessica Simpson

Heather Locklear

Britney Spears

Laura Flynn Boyle

Gloria Estefan
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Uh, let's not brag about Britny, ok? Ijs.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I thought we were going basically by looks and whether or not you wanted to fuck them. I haven't heard one thing about Sarah Palin's policies.
Right wingers are strolling down the bridge to nowhere,and enjoying the view.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 01-28-2013, 02:26 PM
Jolie is not a leftie and she may not be a rightie but she is definitely not a leftie. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Not that it matters much, but i'm curious as to what you base this on. If anything besides your own imagination.
Not that it matters much, but i'm curious as to what you base this on. If anything besides your own imagination. Originally Posted by Doove
The best evidence she leads heavilly to the left is she does not get along at all with her father, who is a confirmed right winger.

But then, maybe she doesn't get along with him because he doesn't approve of her being a slut.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
She gets along better with him now. Here is a little something for now from a Hollywood leftie. Take it for what it's worth. He remembers like I do some comments that she has made.

Here’s Jeffrey Wells, sans irony:
Angelina Jolie isn’t just the once-estranged daughter of Hollywood’s worst saliva-drooling Tea Party nutter, Jon Voight. She may also be a closet ally of Voight’s, at least in terms of despising Barack Obama. (Call this a flimsy maybe.) She also seems to be a supporter of America’s military adventures in Iraq and perhaps also Afghanistan and…well, basically anywhere that the poor are suffering due to the deprivations of war. …
I only know what Jon Voight has said and stands for, and that I saw him standing near his daughter and Brad Pitt inside a roped-off area at the Salt premiere after-party. And the old cliche about the acorn not falling too far from the tree flew into my mind, especially considering her rep as a closet rightie (including her alleged support for McCain during the ‘08 campaign) and that “stay the course in Iraq” Washington Post article she posted in ‘08. And being…okay, maybe she’s more of an Ayn Rand libertarian, given her interest in making a film version of Atlas Shrugged.
It’s fair to say that if Rush Limbaugh is singing your praises, something stinks in the kingdom of Denmark.
The basic conservative impulse is to bow down and show total allegiance to authority. This obviously links up with the old cliche about right-wing women (like Rand) being especially passionate about worshipping strong males, which is incidentally why they’re said to be so great in bed. This could be one possible explanation for those reportedly overheard sounds that suggested “an animal being killed.”
I’m not one to take unsourced Us magazine quotes as anything to rely upon, but combine the Washington Post op-ed piece with this 11.09 non-attributable quote that Jolie considers Obama to be a “closet socialist,” and I’m at least thinking “hmmm.”
The term “closet socialist”….well, what’s so bad with that? FDR was one, and he had it right in my book. Anyone who uses such a term is clearly a closet rightie. I mean, that’s a symmetrical way of looking at it.
“‘She hates [Obama],” a source close to Jolie told an Us reporter, according to the article. “She’s into education and rehabilitation and thinks Obama is all about welfare and handouts. She thinks Obama is really a socialist in disguise.”
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 01-28-2013, 05:23 PM
So, you are basing it on your own imagination. You really do need to get out of your bubble.

Key quote:

"... it was reported that Jolie was a reluctant supporter of Obama and called him a "one-term President." Jolie took issue with that when it was brought up by the Caller. "Reported by who? By Us Weekly?" she asked. "You gotta read better papers."
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I gave some evidence but you want to deny it... in the meantime no takers or response to the lovely conservative women above.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 01-28-2013, 07:15 PM
I gave some evidence but you want to deny it. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Someone willing to write an article telling you what you want to hear does not constitute evidence.

.. in the meantime no takers or response to the lovely conservative women above.
Because your willingness to believe whatever your told, no matter how specious so long as it's what you want to believe, is far more fascinating.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
We forgot about the guys. Tim Robbins the great Hollywood liberal and former squeeze of Susan Sarandon gave money to republicans, conservative republicans!