Okay, if I close my eyes will I be invisible to the bull dogs coming my way soon?
Originally Posted by Laney1
Invisible? Clearly you posted this so the bull dogs would take some notice of you and charge. "Hey guys! (Waving red flag) Look Look Look over here! Ok now if I close my eyes maybe they won't see me"
You know, the "pimps"...the guys behind their cubicles wearing Docker slacks and button down Ralph Lauren shirts who talk sh*t about pimping ho**....when the reality is they are sitting behind their little computers while the wifey is cooking dinner and rounding up the kiddos.
"Michael..stop hitting your sister!!"
"Robert, get in here and control these kids. They've been driving me crazy all day...and you've been sitting behind the computer all F-ing night!!
"God dammit...I need to finish this project that's due for work!!
Yeah...I'm pimping these b**ch - H*e- sl*ts. Yada, yada, yada.....
I think Leslie Lane/Laney just screwed herself out of working in this town again.
Originally Posted by Laney1
And the reason we shouldn't assume you aren't actually the real Robert with bitching wife and screaming kids is? Hum drum Bob assumes the online persona of Laney the anonymous provider.
Pretty much everyone on the board excepting registered providers could be balding pot bellied Bob playing out his online fantasy. This especially includes you. The difference is Homi doesn't really expect anyone to believe he's turned pimp.
So is Laney really the name of your sister-in-law, baby sitter or is she perhaps the hot milf next door who mows her lawn in cut off shorts (who your overweight wife hates)?