What to do about a lying review?

onehitwonder's Avatar
Smarty Pants!
If you did use it I'm surprised you didn't call me this morning cryin' and offering condolences as boring as my life is......

Computer lessons ? Yeah you and me bother obviously...........
dearhunter's Avatar
Thinck of all of those people you should be pissed off at...............all of those board members who did not send you a PM warning..........all of them waiting.........and watching........it was out of love for you they kept quiet..........they were like a parent watching their child play with a scorpion (thincking ~ let the bitch sting my little one, she will learn not to play with scorpions)..........boardman is the scorpion.........I'm your snuggle buddy..............let's snuggle
What a know-it-all!!!!

Does your kitty have fur? Originally Posted by boardman
She most defintiely does.....but the other one does not. . . .
dearhunter's Avatar
Is the furless one all wrinkly?
boardman's Avatar
boardman is the scorpion.........I'm your snuggle buddy..............let's snuggle Originally Posted by dearhunter

Cock block, cock block, cock block, cock block, cock block, cock block, cock block, cock block, cock block, cock block,

Wanna play with my stinger?
boardman's Avatar
She most defintiely does.....but the other one does not. . . . Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston
dearhunter's Avatar

Just think of what else you might have gotten without asking if you had of been nice to me!? Oh, well, ya haze you lose............. Originally Posted by onehitwonder
Obviously, she wants nothing to do with your "stinger"..........you hazing scorpion, you............I'm offering the little lady a shoulder to cry on........after you have been mean to her...........I wanted to PM her........but, you told me not to........you told me it would make her want me all the more........I see through your game.
boardman's Avatar
Go ahead and carry your ass to Mesquite. There's a bald kitty in H-town that needs petting.
dearhunter's Avatar
There's a bald kitty in H-town that needs petting. Originally Posted by boardman
Is it all wrinkly?
notanewbie's Avatar

I know, I know that is nasty
boardman's Avatar
If my collection of pictures weren't nearly as sick as yours you would scare me a little.
dearhunter's Avatar
.......and it's pink, too.
boardman's Avatar
Is it all wrinkly? Originally Posted by dearhunter
Slap it a couple of times and the wrinkles go away.
Come to thinck of it my stinger works the same way.
boardman's Avatar
Brooke and LD have become noticeably absent.
You don't thinck they're................Oh hell no, they better not without me!!!!
Those girls both need to get their asses to the island and show some taint.
dearhunter's Avatar
Slap it a couple of times and the wrinkles go away.
Come to thinck of it my stinger works the same way. Originally Posted by boardman
OHW, do you see what I have protected you from..........the scorpion abuses the kitty............and the stinger...........fap fap fap fap...........let's snuggle.