Chase Bank and at risk accounts.


Another ur'a bitchboy quote abortion. I think you are saying the "Smart" gun is the way to go? ... could you please explain? Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Good to see you are opposed to free enterprise Infodumb welcome to stupid.
Karl Hungus's Avatar

I'm not talking about the porn star being prosecuted. I'm talking about the bank. If a trillion dollars of fraud didn't result in banker prosecutions, I'm pretty sure a couple of porntards won't. Anyway, for a bank, that would be a small time fraud--and the bank would have a pretty good defense that it was not on notice of specific improprieties.

I sincerely hope that my government is not leaning on anyone to terminate legitimate business relationships without due process of law, but then maybe there is more to this story than we are being told. Now that the NRA is involved, we might get an answer out of DOJ. At least the NRA is more likely to get an answer from Congress than a bunch of disgruntled porn stars.
You're the one choking on fresh Dixie air, you dumb-fuck Yankee jackass.

You're the "Southern loser", you Yankee jackass. You're dumb Yankee ass breathes pure, Dixie air every fucking day, and it makes your miserable Yankee ass choke. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Pure air? You must not be referring to Dallas, shit head. We are in the top ten for high ozone levels.

Of course, since you typically have your face jammed into some tranny's ass crack, I'm sure that Dixie air smells pure by comparison.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Pure air? You must not be referring to Dallas, shit head. We are in the top ten for high ozone levels.

Of course, since you typically have your face jammed into some tranny's ass crack, I'm sure that Dixie air smells pure by comparison. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Dixie air -- absent Yankee morons like you, who pollute it, you dumb Yankee cock-sucker, is sweeter than anything you'll find in your beloved New York City from which your ignorant ass is exiled.

Dixie air -- absent Yankee morons like you, who pollute it, you dumb Yankee cock-sucker, is sweeter than anything you'll find in your beloved New York City from which your ignorant ass is exiled. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
So, so obsessed with "yankee". The South lost. Get over it. The old days are NEVER coming back.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-06-2014, 02:58 PM

So, so obsessed with "yankee". The South lost. Get over it. The old days are NEVER coming back.
Originally Posted by ExNYer
The "Good Ol' Boy" South, the Dark Ages, Sodom & Gomorrah. Good riddance to all three.
LexusLover's Avatar

I'm not talking about the porn star being prosecuted. I AM NOT EITHER. I'm talking about the bank. ME TOO If a trillion dollars of fraud didn't result in banker prosecutions, I'm pretty sure a couple of porntards won't. IF ITS A VIOLATION OF THE TERMS OF SUSPENSION IT WILL. KIND OF LIKE ONE DRINK OF ALCOHOL CAN GET YOUR DWI PROBATION REVOKED Anyway, for a bank, that would be a small time fraud--and the bank would have a pretty good defense that it was not on notice of specific improprieties.NO DEFENSE IF IT IS A CONDITION OF SUSPENSION OF CRIMINAL PROSECUTION

I sincerely hope that my government is not leaning on anyone to terminate legitimate business relationships without due process of law CHASE IS GETTING ITS "DUE PROCESS" IN THE FORM OF A SUSPENSION OF THE CRIMINAL PROSECUTION, but then maybe there is more to this story than we are being told. 99.99% OF THE TIME THERE IS (For one I am personally familiar with the existing policy changes within Chase) Now that the NRA is involved, we might get an answer out of DOJ. At least the NRA is more likely to get an answer from Congress than a bunch of disgruntled porn stars.This is not about "porn" .. it is about money laundering. There are more than porn star accounts being "monitored" by Chase personnel ... it's just on this board "porn" gets publicity and everyone whines about "other things to do" by the "bank police"! Originally Posted by Karl Hungus
My quick response.
Karl Hungus's Avatar

You are totally right. I just read the deferred prosecution agreement over at the US Attorneys' website. I gotta say, I'm a little disgusted that JPM's punishment for selling out its clients to Bernie Madoff is to sell out its clients to Eric Holder.
If you want to anger a conservative ....LIE to them.
If you want to anger a liberal ....tell the TRUTH.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If you want to anger Simple Jack, turn the light off in the fridge!
lustylad's Avatar
Karl Hang-myself,

You're the one whose arguments don't pass the “common sense” test. Just look how you keep contradicting yourself:

I sincerely hope that my government is not leaning on anyone to terminate legitimate business relationships without due process of law... Originally Posted by Karl Hungus
In other words - the banks shouldn't screen their customers so hard!

I gotta say, I'm a little disgusted (about) JPM's punishment for... (not terminating its account with) Bernie Madoff... Originally Posted by Karl Hungus
In other words - the banks should screen their customers harder! $2.6 billion isn't punishment enough!

Why don't you make up your mind instead of being so brazenly inconsistent? Oh wait, you want to have it both ways, don't you? Since banks have deep pockets, that makes them automatically guilty and you want to be able to sue them either way. You're like the guy who sues his bank for turning down his subprime loan application, winds up getting the loan, and then turns around and sues the bank again for “fraud” after he falls behind in his payments. What's the definition of chutzpah?

And yes, I have kept up with the fact curve on the Madoff case. So your best argument is an interview where the lying, thieving sociopath himself says “JPMorgan knew it”? Oh yeah, that's credible. We should all believe whatever comes out of that narcissistic manipulator's mouth. And what exactly is “it” that the bank “knew”? That there were rumors of a Ponzi scheme? So banks should shut down accounts every time they hear an unsettling rumor? Oh wait, that doesn't sound like "due process of law", does it? I'm sure every time he was asked about rumors, Madoff was quick to brag that he had been audited and given a pass multiple times by the SEC, which (unlike JPM) had unlimited access to his investment records.

By the way, the Madoff scandal is not an example of “systemic” failure. It's an example of regulatory failure. Funny how you still haven't answered my question – why do you expect the banks to do the SEC's job for it? Is it because SEC staffers sit around all day looking at porn on their government computers? If that's the way you want to go, you should at least be more forthright about it. We could shut down the SEC and save a lot of taxpayer money.

I B Hankering's Avatar

So, so obsessed with "yankee". The South lost. Get over it. The old days are NEVER coming back.
Originally Posted by ExNYer
Says the cretinous Yankee exile that is lost and wandering in despair in the South.

The 1 "Good Ol' Boy" South, 2 the Dark Ages, 3 Sodom & 4 Gomorrah. Good riddance to all three. Originally Posted by Old-T

New York State Sen. Ruben Diaz Sr., a Bronx Democrat, Pentecostal minister and adamant opponent of gay marriage, compared New York Governor Cuomo with the leaders of the Biblical cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Diaz wrote:
"You should know that back in Biblical times, there were two cities, Sodom and Gomorrah, whose leaders were intolerant of anyone who would oppose their teachings and beliefs, to the point that the leaders would expel and commit physical violence against anyone who disagreed with them. The leaders of Sodom and Gomorrah demanded that its citizens should be tolerant of their beliefs.

"You should also know that New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo has spent the past few years pushing for tolerance from people who disagree with him and his ilk. However, we just got a very disturbing lesson of intolerance from our beloved Governor, Andrew Cuomo.”
LexusLover's Avatar
If you want to anger Simple Jack, turn the light off in the fridge! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Then why don't you see if you can get a subsidy also for your light bill.
LexusLover's Avatar

You are totally right. Originally Posted by Karl Hungus
For me it's not about whether I am correct, it's about you being correct.

I thank you and respect you for the honesty. It's rare on this board.

As for the culture within Chase ... like most financial institutions when "money bags" walks in the doors they fall all over themselves and "cut corners" to get the funds on deposit .... not really giving a shit from where the funds have come ... when Juan Garza, yard man, walks in he goes to the back of the line and has to jump through numerous hoops to open an account, if they allow him to open one ... Since banks notoriously pay on the low end of the scale, even for money handlers, they don't get the brightest bulb in the house, and managers and supervisors are no exception. They all quickly forget it's not their money they play with every day, it belongs to the customers who brought in the money.

(Government employees are just the same.)

Chase is no exception.

IMO: Investors ought to stay out of banking, and bankers ought to stay out of investing.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-07-2014, 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by Old-T
The 1 "Good Ol' Boy" South, 2 the Dark Ages, 3 Sodom & 4 Gomorrah. Good riddance to all three.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Ah yes, why would I expect the supposed literature major to comprehend the very difficult concept of a collective noun? I should have realized that isn't covered until 5th grade or so, therefore someone who dropped out around 2nd grade would not have been exposed to such complex thoughts.

How often does on refer to Sodom without Gomorrah, or Gomorrah without Sodom? The next thing you know Ol' IB will say "AT&T are...." vice "AT&T is...." Poor Ol' IB, can't even carry the day in what is supposedly his forte. And I even tried to help him out by writing it as "The 1"Good Ol' Boy" South, the 2Dark Ages, 3(Sodom & Gomorrah)" instead of "The "Good Ol' Boy" South, the Dark Ages, Sodom, and Gomorrah". But such subtleties were always lost on IBIlliterate (not that this one was very subtle).

Or maybe I am missing the obvious--maybe counting single digit numbers is IB's fundamental problem. Either way, don't panic: I am sure there is an Adult Literacy program mommy can sign you up for. Even she can tell that you need it.