New Poll shows the uneducated favor Trump.

I certainly agree they are not all hate filled, nor all rednecks, nor all stupid. Some are sincere, and some are just vehemently nauseous at the thought of Clinton the Psycopath getting elected.

But Trump does pander to the demographic that IS the hate filled redneck bunch.That crowd is never going to vote for Clinton, so he really should start fo using on the broader middle. If he doesn't make inroads with them he has zero chance. Originally Posted by Old-T
Well you might be right, and the reason you maybe right is because this country has become very divided. Divided politically, racially, economically and socially. I don't think it's our fault either. It's the fault of our so called leaders. You can't run a country as diverse as ours successfully by pandering to individual groups. You must handle the country as a whole.

Well you might be right, and the reason you maybe right is because this country has become very divided. Divided politically, racially, economically and socially. I don't think it's our fault either. It's the fault of our so called leaders. You can't run a country as diverse as ours successfully by pandering to individual groups. You must handle the country as a whole.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I agree Jim but I been saying for the last 20 years that the GOP did a poor job diversifying and reaching out to other minorities. We could have made a huge gain with Rubio, but most view the Republican Party as a good old boy party that caters to white over 40 men. Trump solidified the stereotype by catering to racist and alienating other races and religions.
The factor of the matter is the Latino race is growing and talking bad about Mexicans and immigrants isn't going to win over the Hispanic votes.
One day blacks will realize that the DEMS are just using them and keeping them down and please don't call me a racist but the DEMS have been pandering to African Americans for years and have also solidified their votes - ditto to the LBGT communities.
Republican politicians are fools to think that they can win a national election with just the votes of the white over 40 population.

Donald trump was a poor choice - do any of you guys think that a billionaire cares about the common man ? Trump has never worked hard for anything in his life he's never held a blue collar job.
Rubio or Kasich could have beaten Clinton but we selected an idiot.
I agree Jim but I been saying for the last 20 years that the GOP did a poor job diversifying and reaching out to other minorities. We could have made a huge gain with Rubio, but most view the Republican Party as a good old boy party that caters to white over 40 men. Trump solidified the stereotype by catering to racist and alienating other races and religions.
The factor of the matter is the Latino race is growing and talking bad about Mexicans and immigrants isn't going to win over the Hispanic votes.
One day blacks will realize that the DEMS are just using them and keeping them down and please don't call me a racist but the DEMS have been pandering to African Americans for years and have also solidified their votes - ditto to the LBGT communities.
Republican politicians are fools to think that they can win a national election with just the votes of the white over 40 population.

Donald trump was a poor choice - do any of you guys think that a billionaire cares about the common man ? Trump has never worked hard for anything in his life he's never held a blue collar job.
Rubio or Kasich could have beaten Clinton but we selected an idiot. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Do minorities need reaching out? Is being a minority a handicap? That seed was planted long ago. This country is very diverse in many ways. Nobody needs reaching out, we need empowerment. Lets face it some of our fellow American regardless of race are not very talented, they aren't very educated or very resourceful. In a round about way politician are telling these people that they really aren't shit and they need Government. They have been indoctrinated their whole lives into believing that. If you want to turn a country around people have to feel like they are being encouraged not oppressed. Listen to these politicians they really don't know what they are talking about. Every time a politician utters the phrase "I'll bring about change" we all should utter the phrase "but first it must start with you". I am tired of being jipped by these people.

  • DSK
  • 08-15-2016, 09:29 PM
I agree Jim but I been saying for the last 20 years that the GOP did a poor job diversifying and reaching out to other minorities. We could have made a huge gain with Rubio, but most view the Republican Party as a good old boy party that caters to white over 40 men. Trump solidified the stereotype by catering to racist and alienating other races and religions.
The factor of the matter is the Latino race is growing and talking bad about Mexicans and immigrants isn't going to win over the Hispanic votes.
One day blacks will realize that the DEMS are just using them and keeping them down and please don't call me a racist but the DEMS have been pandering to African Americans for years and have also solidified their votes - ditto to the LBGT communities.
Republican politicians are fools to think that they can win a national election with just the votes of the white over 40 population.

Donald trump was a poor choice - do any of you guys think that a billionaire cares about the common man ? Trump has never worked hard for anything in his life he's never held a blue collar job.
Rubio or Kasich could have beaten Clinton but we selected an idiot. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
We did but there is still time to act. Trump might step down if paid enough.
  • DSK
  • 08-15-2016, 09:30 PM
The Republican Party voted expressly and overwhelmingly AGAINST the Republican Establishment. To thwart the will of the voters and insert an Establishment candidate at this time would totally destroy the party. Which would be good thing, but the cost of having Hillary as President for 4 years is too much. If they want to keep their party together they need to unite behind Trump. But they won't, so the Republican Party is dead either way. And good riddance. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You are completely correct and so the solution is for Trump to quit.

If the Koch brothers would loan him 5 billion, I think he would go.
  • DSK
  • 08-15-2016, 09:37 PM
You mean Kasich could win AFTER the GOP dumps Drumpf?

Shoulda thought about that before they let the sewage lines rupture. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Look, I admit we were wrong to select Trump, though I voted for Rubio.

Trump could resign, and we could put in Rubio or Kasich.

If he doesn't resign, it is a suicide mission, so he should be cut lose to wreak havoc on Hillary and the Democrats, and the Republican House and Senate members should say publicly they do not endorse or respect him.

Look guys, Trump cannot win, though he has a lot of good ideas interspersed with his indefensible statements. He just won't fucking listen to all the good advice he has gotten from the political professionals, who have managed to get us majorities in the House and Senate, which we desperately need to maintain to prevent a total liberal destruction of the country like they have done to Detroit.
We did but there is still time to act. Trump might step down if paid enough. Originally Posted by DSK
There's no way Trump would ever voluntarily drop out he has too much of an ego. I think Trump really didn't think he would win the nomination and has no desire to be POTUS because all of his life Trump didn't have to answer to anyone and being POTUS you will report to and answer to many people. Trump is your typical millionaire and yes millionaire I don't think he's a billionaire in the true meaning of the word - which is why he won't release his taxes. But regardless trump is your rich playboy that wants to be wine and dine and be surrounded by beautiful ladies.
He knows he will lose big which is why he's made the comment that if loses Pennsylvania or the election it would mean it's rigged that comment in itself should have disqualified him - there has NEVER been in a candidate within 90 days of the election make a comment that the system is rigged.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I think Governor Kasich could win. Originally Posted by DSK
You mean Kasich could win AFTER the GOP dumps Drumpf?

Shoulda thought about that before they let the sewage lines rupture. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
The Republican Party voted expressly and overwhelmingly AGAINST the Republican Establishment. To thwart the will of the voters and insert an Establishment candidate at this time would totally destroy the party. Which would be good thing, but the cost of having Hillary as President for 4 years is too much. If they want to keep their party together they need to unite behind Trump. But they won't, so the Republican Party is dead either way. And good riddance. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Donald trump was a poor choice - do any of you guys think that a billionaire cares about the common man ? Trump has never worked hard for anything in his life he's never held a blue collar job.
Rubio or Kasich could have beaten Clinton but we selected an idiot. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Kasich beating Clinton is a given. I don't think conservatives will vote for Kasich as he's cut from the same cloth McCain & Romney was and to a lesser extent Dole. they will stay home.

I should point out that Kasich was the last remaining establishment candidate that survived the cut.
Kasich beating Clinton is a given. I don't think conservatives will vote for Kasich as he's cut from the same cloth McCain & Romney was and to a lesser extent Dole. they will stay home.

I should point out that Kasich was the last remaining establishment candidate that survived the cut. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Where are you getting this establishment crap from - you sound a lot like that CuteOldguy fella - do we want an outsider who was as liberal as they come as head of our party? Trump is no conservative and he can't hide from the positions he held not too long ago. What true conservative would ever say on record that the economy tends to better under the democrats? What true conservative would ever see Clinton would be a terrific president and that her and Obama would be a dream ticket ?
LexusLover's Avatar
If anyone could bribe Trump into not running, I wouldn't want him to be POTUS.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-16-2016, 04:35 AM
At this point, while I would take any of the other Rep candidates over Trump, I do not see it feasible for the Reps to stage a coup. Too late, and as COG states it would fracture the party beyond repair.

I think the real solution is to minimally support him (no sense throwing too much good money after bad) and then look at reforming the Rep party into a more sane establishment--go after the independents, not as voters in 2012 (that train has left) but to switch registration and become Reps. The party must become more representative of the demographics and bring in a wide swath of fiscal conservative/socially mainstream people to keep the RWW fringe from inflicting Trump-2 in 2020.

The Dems should go after the same block, but (1) they are not in the same position so they don't need to, and (2) the independent block is not as easily aligned into the Dems without much bigger changes to the Dem platform.

The RWWs have slowly forced out (or more correctly they have encouraged out) many people who in previous years would associate themselves as Reps. And once the exodus started the Rep party control became more and more Wacko, just accelerating the exodus.

The party probably has one cycle to become relevant or ride into oblivion. And at this point I suspect their only hope is an infusion of the more representative middle.

But I am sure the vocal far rightists on here will be much happier seeing "their" candidate get nominated and squashed. A moral victory in their minds?
LexusLover's Avatar
Every year people look at Republicans vs. Democrats, because most people like nice, neat labels by which to identify others (not themselves, of course!). The real battle ground in every election in recent political history are those people who may be "registered" to one party or another simply to vote in a primary (if required), but who consider themselves to be "independents" (and I'm talking about "true independents" and not those who conveniently use the title to avoid the embarrassment of indirectly "endorsing" a party's nominee).

As a consequence, for the most part a party's nominee can depend on the regular party members of the nominee's respective party to vote a "straight" ballot for that party's candidates, but needs to focus on the "independents" who may split their ticket or depart from their "registered" party from the primaries ... who remain "undecided" when an inquiry is made.

To facilitate a sense of panic and to discourage the "undecided" voters there is a propaganda war launched by the media to undermine Trump's candidacy .... the "dialogue" and "accusations" are reflected on this board in this forum .... the cut and paste internet assault fed by some unsavory lying POS's.... who when the don't have anything factual to report suggest what Trump "really meant to say" that results in what he said being morphed and distorted.

It works for them, so they think it must work for everyone else.

Gruber had it right! And he wasn't laughing at the conservatives!
At this point, while I would take any of the other Rep candidates over Trump, I do not see it feasible for the Reps to stage a coup. Too late, and as COG states it would fracture the party beyond repair.

I think the real solution is to minimally support him (no sense throwing too much good money after bad) and then look at reforming the Rep party into a more sane establishment--go after the independents, not as voters in 2012 (that train has left) but to switch registration and become Reps. The party must become more representative of the demographics and bring in a wide swath of fiscal conservative/socially mainstream people to keep the RWW fringe from inflicting Trump-2 in 2020.

The Dems should go after the same block, but (1) they are not in the same position so they don't need to, and (2) the independent block is not as easily aligned into the Dems without much bigger changes to the Dem platform.

The RWWs have slowly forced out (or more correctly they have encouraged out) many people who in previous years would associate themselves as Reps. And once the exodus started the Rep party control became more and more Wacko, just accelerating the exodus.

The party probably has one cycle to become relevant or ride into oblivion. And at this point I suspect their only hope is an infusion of the more representative middle.

But I am sure the vocal far rightists on here will be much happier seeing "their" candidate get nominated and squashed. A moral victory in their minds?
Originally Posted by Old-T
Hit the nail on the head. All is not lost though, or at least, I guess it isn't depending on where you live. In TX, as far as state level elections go, we'll be Republican for a long time yet. So long as there are states with Republican led houses and governors, there's always a chance to move up to the Federal level. The problem with the GOP on a national level is that they bear very little relation to state politicians now... too busy trying to please the far right fringe members and completely ignoring the moderates and independents who really make up the bulk of the voting bloc.

To facilitate a sense of panic and to discourage the "undecided" voters there is a propaganda war launched by the media to undermine Trump's candidacy .... the "dialogue" and "accusations" are reflected on this board in this forum .... the cut and paste internet assault fed by some unsavory lying POS's.... who when the don't have anything factual to report suggest what Trump "really meant to say" that results in what he said being morphed and distorted. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Bullshit. Trump started this media backlash all on his own with his idiotic comments. Hell, the media was doing Trump a HUGE favor during the run-up to his nomination, especially the beginning, because of all the attention they gave him, favoring to cover him (even though he wasn't saying much of anything at the time) to the detriment of all the other candidates who were lost in the shuffle. Nobody even knew half the other candidates were running, because Trump was monopolizing all the media time. Now though, under the increased scrutiny of being the only one left running, he's found out that he can't play a dog and pony show and expect to get elected.
LexusLover's Avatar
Bullshit. Trump started this media backlash ..... Originally Posted by RelaxationJunkie
Of course~! Ignore the media bias that has been ongoing for years!

Pile on ..... that's the game!!!! What else you want to blame on him?

Muslim Terrorism
National debt
Lost jobs to overseas .... "Tie" manufacturers?

________________ fill in the blank.

They were doing him any favors. He was more interesting to cover!

Remember: They kept reporting his candidacy as a joke ... all the pundits had already decided he'd never get the nomination ....

he proved them wrong then .... now they are pissed!!! and Pro-Clinton!
So the Liberal Media says "working class" folks are "uneducated", for the purpose of their Agenda, (which BTW, you are not a part of, except of course to propel them forward, but of course you are sooo smitten with them to understand)

Myself, I would say, "the working class folks are the buttress of this nation interestingly with all the jobs going elsewhere, our support is collapsing very quickly.

On a side note about the Liberal effing Media, why have they not said anything about Milwaukee? Oh thats right they did say something, Wolfie and USA News, with zippo out of the mouth of our so called President (Oh, he got the notice, it was a black police officer who shot and killed an armed man who was getting ready to shoot him, but did he do anything to stop the riots which BTW are coming to the white boys neighborhood) Today said, that an unarmed black man was killed by a police officer. Well that totally proved to be their agenda didn't it? Or have you not heard about that and the baseless riots that are taking place now with National Guard called in?

Sorry if a bit convoluted, as I am typing quickly.