San Diego War Cross

I B Hankering's Avatar
You bounce around like a pinball game. If you fail at one point you try another. Wake up bitch Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Only in your devolving, prosimian mind do you imagine things have changed, Ekim the Inbred Chimp. The reality is that you have still ignorantly failed to show support for this 100 year old memorial commemorating U.S. veterans; hence, Ekim the Inbred Chimp, your double-dose of stupidity has actually never deviated and remains unchanged.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
When did putting up a symbol of religion become an establishment of religion by Congress?
Would that be like claiming the moon for the United States just because we planted a flag there.
LexusLover's Avatar
Would that be like claiming the moon for the United States just because we planted a flag there. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
May be that is what Sheila Jackson was "thinking" when she said "we" planted "our flag" on Mars!
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 12-17-2013, 06:21 AM
Hey fucktard, the post was still about the cross on JFK's grave marker located on Federal property, but it's obvious you're still too damn stupid to learn any better. BTW, the other U.S. cemetery featured @ #4 with prominent Christian crosses as memorials to the fallen: it ain't Arlington. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
The Federal property where JFK's grave is used to belong to the traitorous Robert E Lee. The Federal property where JFK's grave is used to belong to the traitorous Robert E Lee. The Federal property where JFK's grave is used to belong to the traitorous Robert E Lee. The Federal property where JFK's grave is used to belong to the traitorous Robert E Lee.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The Federal property where JFK's grave is used to belong to the traitorous Robert E Lee. The Federal property where JFK's grave is used to belong to the traitorous Robert E Lee. The Federal property where JFK's grave is used to belong to the traitorous Robert E Lee. The Federal property where JFK's grave is used to belong to the traitorous Robert E Lee. Originally Posted by Bert Jones
Check again, dumbfuck! Robert E. Lee never "owned" Arlington, dumbfuck. Arlington never "belonged" to Robert E. Lee, dumbfuck. It belonged to George Washington's step-grandson until he died in 1857, and then it passed to Washington's step-great grand daughter -- not Robert E. Lee. In 1861, Federal troops took possession of Arlington, and it's remained in Federal possession ever since. So the only point you've managed to make is to show your profound ignorance, dumbfuck. BTW, dumbfuck, the post was still about the memorial cross on JFK's marker. Your dumbfuck, idiotic attempt to make something else out of that is just that: idiotic!

Only in your devolving, prosimian mind do you imagine things have changed, Ekim the Inbred Chimp. The reality is that you have still ignorantly failed to show support for this 100 year old memorial commemorating U.S. veterans; hence, Ekim the Inbred Chimp, your double-dose of stupidity has actually never deviated and remains unchanged. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

The reality is you can't show where I stated I was against the cross. You have babbled on and on till I am tired of I'm Boring Hankering. In your hominid mind you can chalk up a win. This has gone on long enough. All has seen your stupidity, plus your denying you have sucked most of the dicks in your unit.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The reality is you can't show where I stated I was against the cross. You have babbled on and on till I am tired of I'm Boring Hankering. In your hominid mind you can chalk up a win. This has gone on long enough. All has seen your stupidity, plus your denying you have sucked most of the dicks in your unit. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
The reality is that you've obviously aligned with those who wish to tear down the memorial cross by attacking those who wish to maintain the memorial as it is, Ekim the Inbred Chimp. That fact is underscored by your inability to cite any post wherein you claim to support the memorial as is, Ekim the Inbred Chimp. In fact, so marked is your position against the present memorial honoring the service and sacrifice of U.S. service personnel, you adamantly refuse to declare you are for the said memorial, Ekim the Inbred Chimp. Furthermore, your predilection for homo-erotic insults speaks volumes about you, Ekim the Inbred Chimp, more than those you declaim.

Life is good!

DOJ says cross on California war memorial should stay

Published April 12, 2014

The Justice Department says a 29-foot war memorial cross on a San Diego mountain is not an unconstitutional promotion of Christianity and should remain on federal property.

The Obama administration said an appeals court ruling declaring the cross on Mount Soledad a violation of the constitutional separation of church and state undermined an act of Congress and conflicted with recent Supreme Court decisions.

But, in a filing Monday to the nation's highest court, it said an appeal should first be considered by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals because there is no imminent risk that the cross is removed. Last month, the Mt. Soledad Memorial Association asked to skip the appeals court and go straight to the U.S. Supreme Court, saying it wanted to hasten resolution to a legal dispute that began in 1989.

The brief by Solicitor General Donald B. Verrilli Jr. said "additional time for reflection" may cause the 9th Circuit to reconsider its position. It says the Justice Department will appeal to the Supreme Court if it loses.

The 9th Circuit has been an unfriendly venue to advocates of the cross, ruling in 2011 that it was unconstitutional because it sits on federal property and sending the case back to U.S. District Judge Larry Burns to consider alternatives. In December, Burns reluctantly ordered that the cross be removed but said his order would be put on hold pending appeals.

"So long as the stay remains in place, this case can proceed along the usual procedural course without causing immediate harm to the public interest," the Justice Department wrote in its brief.

Verrilli added that the 9th Circuit’s earlier ruling was "wrong" and needs to be overturned, either by the appeals court or by the Supreme Court, according to The Los Angeles Times.

“The United States remains fully committed to preserving the Mount Soledad cross as an appropriate memorial to our nation’s veterans,” he wrote.

The concrete cross was erected in 1954 to the memory of veterans of World War I, World War II and the Korean War. The federal government seized the property from the city of San Diego in 2006 through an act of Congress in an effort to prevent it from being removed.

James McElroy, an attorney for plaintiffs who have challenged the cross, said the Justice Department made the right call by refusing to join the war memorial association's call for an immediate appeal to the Supreme Court.

"This is not a case where the cross is going to be ripped out of the ground anytime soon," McElroy said. "There's no reason to not go the normal course."

The Liberty Group, a nonprofit legal group specializing in religious liberty cases, says the Supreme Court petition has received support from 19 states, the American Legion, prominent veterans and members of Congress.

"We are encouraged by the outpouring of support that the Mt. Soledad Memorial Association has received for its petition to have the U.S. Supreme Court settle, once and for all, the constitutionality of the Mt. Soledad Veterans Memorial Cross," said Kelly Shackelford, president and CEO of the Liberty Institute.