Iran Would Defeat America In A War

I will say it again. Iran has a right to defend itself against American aggression. America is as big a terrorist Nation if not more than Iran. None of you really care for me to lay out Americas terrorism around the world carried out by Black Ops, The CIA, the Military, and the KKK Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
So what's the Solution? Elect a Socialist President to hold us all hostage, lol.
LexusLover's Avatar
You take out the infrastructure not just for ground troops but to make the populace "uncomfortable" - physically and psychologically. I doubt half their population can live without wireless much less electricity. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I suspect most of the population is currently uncomfortable, and have been for years. Only the "elite" religious freaks are "comfortable."

The "communication" infrastructure is distinguished from roads, bridges, and dams. IMO this country and others are after their ability to create nuclear weapons and delivery systems for them, as well as obtaining access to those items by importation. We don't have a quarrel with the general population, nor do they have one with us .... except when they reach out and don't get help.

The Israelis have also had the nuclear capability in the region in their sights and have acted before in a swift, undetected, and effective manner. Their only issue with Iran has been distance as it relates to fuel and crossing large expanses of territory to get to the targets (except of course past POTUS resistance to them doing anything about it). At the moment those two hindrances are resolved ... with U.S. support focused on the area.

They assisted us with Kuwait and Iraq in the face of Arab opposition, which they no longer have outside of Iran's puppets. Ridding Iran of their religious freaks will calm things down in the region by eliminating the feeding of the Anti-Semites in the region.

Anti-Semites like SC on here (and his favorite fraudulent Arab Representative who should be a $150 an hour provider) are not concerned about the Israelis, but their right to self-defense is paramount IMO to Iran's alleged "self-defense" .... which is like Hitler claiming a right to "self-defense" by destroying other countries. Liken their circumstance to the "Cuban missile crisis"!
  • oeb11
  • 07-21-2019, 07:23 AM
LL - Agreed
One exception - to be clear- the fraudulent arab rep should be "paying" $150.
LexusLover's Avatar
LL - Agreed
One exception - to be clear- the fraudulent arab rep should be "paying" $150. Originally Posted by oeb11
I wouldn't want her to entertain any ideas of "obligatory" activities, because she was "paying" for it ..... owning her for 60 minutes would make tolerating her on the news worthwhile ... she'd probably give it up for free after that just to suffer more humiliation and vulgarity.
RetiredSubmariner's Avatar
Haha you guys are living in a total fantasy world. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Real World military experience is 'fantasy'?

... if I was a military guy I'd clearly be a general because people like me think strategically and long term
You have no idea what it takes to be a military officer.

... No way in hell even if all bets were off would the US even come close to defeating that Revolutionary Guard in a year let alone a week
They can NOT defend against ballastic ordinance coming in from orbit.

We can deliver that ordinance within 3-meter target zones from off the coast of Morocco. Or launched from off the coast of Florida.
SC needs to be viewed as the persona he displays on this board, a chest pounding mouse that is just in serious need of attention. Three handles on the board that I know of that come up with some of the most self-aggrandizing nonsensical bullshit. People in the RW that I know of have very few friends...and they wonder why.
SC has been banned for threats...indicative of an out of control loose cannon hot head.

No sane person believes that Iran could defeat the most power nation on earth...the Japanese and Germans did...look what it got them.
If SC thought so, he could join the Iranian "national guard" and march through Washington DC like the German did Paris!!
  • oeb11
  • 07-21-2019, 05:15 PM
Thank you bb and RS - for a good post of reality!
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
SC probably believed every Baghdad Bob story he reported.
Rod Auger's Avatar
merica is doing plenty to destroy itself but importing third world criminals. And coddling the {staff edit- ck}.
adav8s28's Avatar
They dam near have nukes already.
Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
No they don't. The constraints of the Iran Deal that Obama signed in 2014 make it impossible for Iran to get an Atomic Bomb. The agreement ends in 2024, at that time Iran can turn on the high-speed centrifuges and start the enrichment process over again. They have to enrich to 90% U-235 to get an Atomic bomb. Iran is seven plus years away from getting a nuke.
No they don't. The constraints of the Iran Deal that Obama signed in 2014 make it impossible for Iran to get an Atomic Bomb. The agreement ends in 2024, at that time Iran can turn on the high-speed centrifuges and start the enrichment process over again. They have to enrich to 90% U-235 to get an Atomic bomb. Iran is seven plus years away from getting a nuke. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Just a hypothetical question.

What if the Chinese decided to give the Iranians enough fissionable U235 or Plutonium to make a Fission Bomb?

Why would they do this. ?? We would be forced to spend billions developing a foolproof means of preventing the Iranians from delivering it. Keep in mind. Once you get Fissionable Material, building a bomb is rather simple. Getting it to a target is the most difficult thing to accomplish once you have a workable bomb.

Nuclear blackmail could be a very affective means of bankrupting western countries. All the Iranians need is one or two bombs. The thought of a 25 kiloton Nuke hitting the middle of any major American City is a terrible thought. Mutual assured destruction doesn't seem to work with enemies who are religious fanatics. We simply will not trade New York City for the entirety of Iran.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
....No way in hell even if all bets were off would the US even come close to defeating that Revolutionary Guard in a year let alone a week.... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Less than a week.
They simply don't have the logistic system depth to launch more than one round. So back to my original comment of Iran going back to stone age quickly.
rexdutchman's Avatar
IRAN , Okay jump
RetiredSubmariner's Avatar
Just a hypothetical question.

What if the ... Originally Posted by Jackie S
Oh goody, I love this game. The 'what if?' game

This is where we get to ignore all the laws of physics.

My turn, 'What if?' an army of six battalions of Djinn suddenly appears hovering in the skies over Iran and they declare the continent of Antarctica is the home of the one and true ruler of the Multiverse, and everyone must now submit to the rule of the Djinn and pay tribute to them.

Huh, then what are you going to do?
adav8s28's Avatar
Just a hypothetical question.

What if the Chinese decided to give the Iranians enough fissionable U235 or Plutonium to make a Fission Bomb?

Why would they do this. ?? We would be forced to spend billions developing a foolproof means of preventing the Iranians from delivering it. Keep in mind. Once you get Fissionable Material, building a bomb is rather simple. Getting it to a target is the most difficult thing to accomplish once you have a workable bomb.

Nuclear blackmail could be a very affective means of bankrupting western countries. All the Iranians need is one or two bombs. The thought of a 25 kiloton Nuke hitting the middle of any major American City is a terrible thought. Mutual assured destruction doesn't seem to work with enemies who are religious fanatics. We simply will not trade New York City for the entirety of Iran. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Good question Jackie. Hard to see China giving Iran highly enriched Uranium, when China was one of the P5 +1 countries to sign off on Obama's agreement. It just does not make sense for China to sign an agreement that makes sure Iran does not get an Atomic bomb (U-235 at 90% concentration) and then turn around and give Iran highly enriched Uranium.

If Iran could get their hands on highly enriched Uranium, they still need to get a delivery system (which they don't have). Let's say after 2024 when the Iran deal ends, they get both. Then the USA and the other P5 plus one countries have a decision to make. Work out another agreement similar to the one that was signed in 2014 or get into a military confrontation with Iran.

If Iran launched one nuke at the USA, our ICABM system will would knock out one incoming nuke.

The USA has a rolling debt of about 23 Trillion dollars, I don't think a couple billion would hurt the USA, it might hurt one of our allies.

Now you can see why the 2014 deal Obama/Kerry cut with Iran was good deal. There is no way for Iran to get atomic bomb for 10 years. Iran is only allowed to enrich Uranium to 3.67% concentration of U-235 and all of the high-speed centrifuges are turned off and monitored 24/7 in real time. There is more security on those centrifuges than there is at Fort Knox.