Women Coming Forward

It's still a pretty funny joke. Do you know what my favorite book is? David cop-a-feel. As the elder Bush firmly grabs a young lady's butt. No wonder the guy has lived so long. He's still got the taste for it even if he can't do the deed.
Amber Does's Avatar
Amber Does's Avatar
It’s going to stop when men stop making victims of women...period. No woman wants to be a victim...but because of our male dominated society, way too many of them are...

The fucked up thing is that most of these old fucks don’t realize they’re wrong. They were brought up in a world where patting a woman on the ass was acceptable. Where making sexual innuendos at work was just part of life. The world changed, and they are still blind to it. The only way to stop it is for all the Baby Boomers, and most of us Gen X’ers who have been infected by their idiocy, to hurry up and die... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Fifty years...once us Gen X’ers are all dead, and the Baby Boomers are thrown on the trash heap of history as the racist, mysoginist bigots they are, can’t infect the next generations with their ingrained sexism, racism and intolerance...

Then things will be different...until then, they have well and truely fucked the world... Originally Posted by Wakeup
These two posts are way too legit. Sadly.

I will have to go against what seems to be majority of dislike for you and say I will jump on your band wagon any day. 😍
I like your style mister.
Wakeup's Avatar
You know what they say...whores love them some Wakeup...
You know what they say...whores love them some Wakeup... Originally Posted by Wakeup
lilylivered's Avatar
Cool, now Amber wants me to die along with the ladies man
elghund's Avatar
You know what they say...whores love them some Wakeup... Originally Posted by Wakeup
See what happens when you reveal your soft, caring side?

Who else could wish 150 million or so people to die, to better the country, and have people worship them?

Wakeup's Avatar
Linck? Originally Posted by Notuagain
Just picked one of the many quotes at random.

Wakeup: Providers Love you…with an Anaconda that reaches all the way to Britain! Originally Posted by Ninotsugi
Of course...she's not the first hooker to fall in love with Wakeup...and I've never even met her...

You see, hooker love is like a one man cold to Wakeup...Wakeup's the only one catching it, Wakeup's the only one coming down wit' it...

move one of these into your house a few days
and your just typing

heres a young man of action

lets get rid of all the closed minded thought =s of us and our fathers

we need more of this in society
just a poor misunderstood soul that needs the visa lottery program

just on the verge of getting his GED

why should you spoiled bigot women abusing American be able to just ride your bike freely down a path ?

ben8888's Avatar
I watched kids 9-13yr olds in iraq think the greatest thing they could do in life is blow themselves up.... They are not born that way they are taught it.... Just as you are not born racist you are taught it... When my grandfather was born in the 20's they were not black people they were not African Americans he was taught they were coloreds he called them coloreds his whole life, when he was born he was taught they were not equal he was the kindest sweetest guy that would help anyone of his friends their kids but yes he was prejudice as all hell. I dont look down on him for it, if anything i look down on that time period and what he was taught and how sad it was that Everyone was taught that back then... It is a fact you are indoctrinated when you are young and it is very hard to change that but with every generation it gets better but it will never just change over night. The same goes for a lot of guys with how they view women.
ben8888's Avatar
I also am not saying victimization is right but women play a roll as well... At my job they did a downsizing they had 10 admin assistants they cut it down to two about 3 months after the cut the guy in charge of the cut got caught in his office getting a blow job from one of the two they kept.... now the company is getting sued by the 8 let go because they claim thats the only reason they didnt get that one spot and they all started accusing the 2nd woman of having done the same with no evidence..... I dont know the details of if he propositioned her or if she offered or whatever, The guy lost his job and everyone thinks he forced her... But nothing against you ladies here on the board your fucking and sucking for anywhere from $60 QS to $300 a hr is it really that hard to believe that she offered it knowing it might help her to keep a 50k a year job....

The whole thing gets way complex.
cowboy8055's Avatar
Fifty years...once us Gen X’ers are all dead, and the Baby Boomers are thrown on the trash heap of history as the racist, mysoginist bigots they are, can’t infect the next generations with their ingrained sexism, racism and intolerance...

Then things will be different...until then, they have well and truely fucked the world... Originally Posted by Wakeup

The world was fucked long before the arrival of Baby Boomers and Gen X. The human condition has been a mess for 1000's of years. I'd like to think the world's problems can be fixed by one generation but that's probably unlikely. And you'll be relying on a small number of people to make that happen. Most people I know under the age of 30 have the political awareness of a pineapple. Many have checked out of reality. They couldn't name a Supreme Justice but can tell you all about the Kardashians, Lady Gaga and the Bachelorette.
elghund's Avatar
Humans have preyed on each other since the dawn of recorded time......I don't see that ever changing......
