Is Obama a Marxist?

Munchmasterman's Avatar
You want me to concede that it's possible that I'm wrong? Of course it's possible. I make mistakes like everyone else. I'm just expressing my opinion. I don't think I'm wrong about Obama being a communist, but anything is possible. Nothing you've written has made me any less convinced that he's a communist. Originally Posted by joe bloe
I never expected to or tried to change your mind about Obama. I can only speak for me and what I think.

You'll continue to speak your opinion and I'll continue to speak mine. If I see some info I think is wrong, I'll research it to see if it is. And right or wrong, I learn more about the subject matter.
joe bloe's Avatar
That sounds reasonable to me.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
As to the original question.
Well duh!
Is the Pope Catholic?
Is a pigs pussy pork?
Can a fish swim?
Does it hurt when you rack your nuts?
joe bloe's Avatar
As to the original question.
Well duh!
Is the Pope Catholic?
Is a pigs pussy pork?
Can a fish swim?
Does it hurt when you rack your nuts? Originally Posted by The2Dogs
I agree. But of course that's only my opinion and I could be wrong. I'm only human
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I agree. But of course that's only my opinion and I could be wrong. I'm only human Originally Posted by joe bloe
Good call.

Now if only those dogs could catch on. As canines they dodge that "I'm only human" deal.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
As to the original question.
Well duh!
Is the Pope Catholic?
Is a pigs pussy pork?
Can a fish swim?
Does it hurt when you rack your nuts? Originally Posted by The2Dogs
we call it pork uteri in the meat biz
rodog44's Avatar
To be fair, successfully defending Obama against the charge of being a Marxist is an impossible task; but the lefties are certainly making a spirited attempt. What their arguments lack in logic is more than made up for with an abundance of hate, anger and lies. As I mentioned in a prior post, "the worst are full of passionate intensity" It's actually the truthfulness of the accusation that really makes the leftists furious. At some level, I think they know Obama is a dangerous radical. The evidence supporting the accusation is overwhelming. The left can deny the obvious conclusion, but that doesn't mean they don't know it's true.

Watching the leftist nutjobs react to the accusation of calling Obama a Marxist gives me a sense of deja vu. It reminds me of the way the Islamists overreact to any insult to their religion, real or imagined. A couple of Korans get burned by accident, and they go completely berserk. Originally Posted by joe bloe
You could not have explained it any better
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So munchie, what would it take to convince you? You said there was something. What is it? Yes, I am trying to pin you down and trying to illustrate how far you've wandered from reality.

Court room evidence??? Obviously not a lawyer... In a CRIMINAL trial the standard is beyond a reasonable doubt. In a civil trial it is the preponderance of the evidence. So which is it?
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Court of law acceptable evidence that can't be interpreted any other way as the standard in a criminal trial.

What would it take for you to accept (do you wonder why people complain about our schools and teachers?) that he is not?

You claim he is guilty.
Since Americans believe someone is innocent until proven guilty, what do you believe?
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
In this post above I pretty much layed out my conditions. I also asked you guys what it would take for you to admit innocence. I've seen many folks pass right by our question to ask yours

So munchie, what would it take to convince you? You said there was something. What is it? Yes, I am trying to pin you down and trying to illustrate how far you've wandered from reality.
Well see how far somedody is from la la land
Court room evidence??? Obviously not a lawyer... In a CRIMINAL trial the standard is beyond a reasonable doubt. In a civil trial it is the preponderance of the evidence. So which is it? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Tell me your standard and what you will acceppt to prove innocence
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I asked the question first.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-08-2012, 04:14 AM
So munchie, what would it take to convince you? You said there was something. What is it? Yes, I am trying to pin you down and trying to illustrate how far you've wandered from reality. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
This would convince me.
joe bloe's Avatar
This would convince me. Originally Posted by Doove

I see, so it's a witch hunt. An innocent man unfairly accused by a hysterical mob. You know there really are communists in the world. We are able to recognize them by the things they say and do. If it looks like a duck, and it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck a reasonable person has to concede it's a duck.

Trying to convince left wingers that Obama is a communist reminds me of another Monty Python sketch.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-08-2012, 02:00 PM
I see, so it's a witch hunt. An innocent man unfairly accused by a hysterical mob. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Well, if by "hysterical mob" you mean "bunch of idiots", then yeah, that's exactly what this is.

You know there really are communists in the world. We are able to recognize them by the things they say and do. If it looks like a duck, and it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck a reasonable person has to concede it's a duck.
Again, pointing out things Obama has said or done and suggesting a Marxist would do or say that so Obama's obviously a Marxist is, well, it's dumb. There's just no other way to describe it. Obama is no more a Marxist than Bush was a Fascist.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-08-2012, 02:04 PM
Well, if by "hysterical mob" you mean "bunch of idiots", then yeah, that's exactly what this is.

. Originally Posted by Doove
LOL, even you righties gotta admit that was a funny one
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Obama is no more a Marxist than Bush was a Fascist. Originally Posted by Doove

So, you're agreeing that Obama is a Marxist?