Colorado secession won't go away

BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 11-11-2013, 07:44 AM
General welfare programs for poor minorities?

So, poor whites aren't eligible for those programs?

It says a lot that you thought the word "moochers" referred to minorities only. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Nice try - I was implying that about you.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-11-2013, 08:55 AM
It was also a minority who rebelled from England. How did that work out? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
So you do believe in rule by the minority?
How many times have I written that I don't drink. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Who knows? And who cares?

There must be some reason that you post so many incoherent rants during the post-midnight hours. But maybe your favorite cocktail is simply one mixed with generous portions of extreme stubbornness, ignorance, obnoxiousness, and the habit of doubling down on stupidity.

It was also a minority who rebelled from England. How did that work out? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
That's about the most inapt comparison imaginable.

Professor, you're nothing more than an annoying, astonishingly clueless buffoon. You never made the slightest effort to learn anything at all from the previous threads you started on this very subject. I doubt seriously that you're actually a teacher. All the educators I've known have curious minds and are eager to learn about topics with which they're unfamiliar.

You need to start making an effort to read, comprehend, and engage in at least some measure of critical thinking.
I found this quote from an article about the Colorado secession issue and thought it was interesting:

>>>Not everyone is behind the concept of secession. Six other counties that had the measure on the ballot rejected it, including Weld County, where elected officials first raised the question.

Akron resident Charles Johnson, 69, said there were many unanswered questions about how secession would work, like what the state would be called, where the capitol would be and how schools would be funded. He also didn't like the message a secession vote would send.

"The sad thing is it makes us all just look like whiners out here," said Johnson, a retired teacher and former superintendent. On a recent trip to Texas to visit family, he said it was a few minutes before relatives started questioning him about the secession movement.

"I'm saddened that people, maybe, see us in a lesser light," Johnson said.<<<<

Yes. A lesser light. In other words, the vast majority of the rest of the country thinks that the people in Colorado who want to secede are fucking idiots.....just like the Professor.
"I'm saddened that people, maybe, see us in a lesser light," Johnson said.<<<<

Yes. A lesser light. In other words, the vast majority of the rest of the country thinks that the people in Colorado who want to secede are fucking idiots.....just like the Professor. Originally Posted by timpage
That touches on a point that occurred to me earlier, and seems completely lost on all the loons who support these secession efforts.

This sort of "tilting at windmills" uses up a lot of political bandwidth that might be better channeled in other directions. Everyone who even did so much as snooze through a high school government class realizes that this nonsense has no chance of going anywhere. And it just makes the people who promote it look like laughingstocks.

As a result, the state's urban residents may react by heaping even more scorn on residents of rural counties, and simply telling them to go fuck themselves. In that event, some counties could get an even worse "deal" on a number of issues than they do now.

At best, the secession efforts are completely useless. But for the reason mentioned above, I think they may actually be worse than useless.
I agree with that.

Of course, the Republican solution is going to be to introduce legislation that the number of legislators should be based on the land mass represented, not the population. That will allow them to get more RWW's in the house based on the huge swaths of largely unoccupied land that the big red map the conservabots like to throw up so often represents.....while ignoring the fact that the vast majority of folks live in urban areas. There is already some talk about this in Colorado. I can't imagine it will go anywhere but it won't surprise me if they try. Anything to get around the law and the Constitution just so long as it will result in a GOP election win.
BigLouie's Avatar
It was also a minority who rebelled from England. How did that work out? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Totally unrelated. You cannot be any stretch of the imagination compare the two.