Some Perspective From A Retired Pro -

MaxiMilyen's Avatar

we can have banter back and forth repeatedly but in the end, it is the buyer whom controls the market when it is flooded by options. There are many variables that drive any market, not just supply and demand. If it were only that simple. Choosing a lady is not a simple process for most hobbyists. There is not just the price or physical characteristics they seek, but many other options that will drive them to decide.

in an area with many choices, the buyer doesn't have to remain 'loyal' to any particular purchase. aspects of this hobby are based on the interest of the new/unknown/non-consistent....a debate could be prosed on the merit of variations of loyalty, in a world where many men are going outside of their SO to get into the hobby to begin with! No, they don't have to remain loyal and some do like "strange" every single time, but more often than not, hobbyists want, desire, and need the kind of service the reputable independents provide and often seek a consistent experience from those who have proven themselves and with whom they have some compatibility. The hobbyists seeks and finds something other than just a warm hole.

with the rapid rise of market share going to 'managers' on this board and their girls, whom are starting to understand price management and service will probably just get more competitive over time. I believe you may be wrong on this point. Managers are for women who already do not have their "stuff" together, are easily manipulated, and already care less about their reputation than an independent does. Most hobbyists don't and will never like the idea of maybe running into a manager at any point during the process of making a date, much less see a lady he even thinks might have a "manager". Most hobbyists actually prefer independent women who have a good business sense and are able to run their businesses in a professional manner while being able to provide the illusion of the experience of being with a girl friend. You will never see anyone here state, now or in the future, she's got a manager, so she is much more reliable and performs better...LOL

if the 'managers' can have their employees provide satisfactory service, and their employees aren't the ones posting in the powder room...ahh, market dynamics. Hobbyists don't want satisfactory service, they want Outstanding service. Outstanding service is not really something a managed lady can or will provide consistently for obvious reasons. Manager's don't care who their employees see or whether a meeting will be mutually compatible and the best it can be for the hobbyist. Managers are ALL about making as much money as he/she can from their employee, not whether the gent will return because he got the best experience available to him.

To sum it up, most managers are about Quantity and most Reputable Independents are about Quality.
Bargain hunting and managed ladies normally will lead to a less than outstanding experience for a true hobbyist. There is a chance it will be satisfying or more so, but it's sort of like playing the lottery. If you don't mind losing time and again, then you continue to gamble with unknowns and managed ladies. If you want a winner, then you go with the sure thing, which in this instance, is a reputable and well known Independent lady if/when you can afford her.
I will add maybe another factor. The "psychology" of the economy. I left Dallas for another job in 2005 and returned in 2009. When I left the economy was going full blast. Now - not as good.

I was very active in the hobby in 2005, and looked forward to jumping right back in. But somehow attitudes were a bit different due to the economy. Here is how I think it affects both sides.

From the guy's side, I think that we demand more value/service (liked that Value = Price + Service, Tony P, great way to put it) for the dollars we spend. I know that in 2005, I didn't worry about my career path or $300 or $400 in hobby money. Today I wonder when/if my company will let me go. It has been that way for a lot of us. And there's the rub. I've had some bad sessions in the last year from some excellent providers - including ones who I had seen in 2005. And unlike 2005, where I may have written it off, I consider it valuable money lost. And I don't jump into the hobby as much.

Now to the gals side - and I can think of two good examples. I went to one reputable provider since returning who did not want to do FS. The reason? She didn't think she should have to for the 30 minute rate. I am lumping no lady on this board in there with her, but you have to wonder if the wear of making $100 for 30 minutes now, versus $300/hr for multiple hours in 2005 (and before) makes a difference in the attitude towards the services offered. Another former 2005 ATF had an appointment with me that was awful. Afterwards I found out she was having personal issues and should have cancelled. Had this been a few years ago, would she have cancelled because the money wasn't as hard to get? I think so.

Point being that this has had a stressful wear on both sides of the hobby. For me, I have been much less active in the hobby, not because of the money, but because the level of service has been less consistent. What I wouldn't give for happier providers - and for that matter, a more carefree attitude from my side as well.
TheGiftedOne's Avatar
[QUOTE=M A X;624339]

To sum it up, most managers are about Quantity and most Reputable Independents are about Quality.[/COLOR] Bargain hunting and managed ladies normally will lead to a less than outstanding experience for a true hobbyist. There is a chance it will be satisfying or more so, but it's sort of like playing the lottery. If you don't mind losing time and again, then you continue to gamble with unknowns and managed ladies. If you want a winner, then you go with the sure thing, which in this instance, is a reputable and well known Independent lady if/when you can afford her. Originally Posted by beercan
Max makes a valid point about "true" managed ladies. This is NOT to be confused with new ladies who are mentored by another experienced provider. Many of the most successful gals in this business through the years have had a screener. This an entirely different animal than a manager. The ladies who utilize an assistant or screener or are mentored by a successful lady generally make fewer mistakes and are not overwhelmed by the hundreds of emails, PM's and phone calls from guys wanting to see her. Less pressure and less chance of her getting burned out... The provider remains "independent" in all regards.
Good points.
Lately, I've been doing more repeat visits than I ever have. I've found a handful of great providers (two of whom I've seen on or off for 7 or 8 years), and while I will continue to seek out other quality providers to also see, my regulars have earned my repeat business.

Some of the things they do to keep me coming back:
a) They communicate very well. Requests for appointments receive timely responses, even if it's just to let me know they're not available. They alert me if they're running late or have to cancel. It's been years since I had a NS/NCs.
b) They have an open mind. They see each person as an individual, not a stereotype.
c) They deliver excellent service. Excellent.
d) It doesn't feel like each session is scripted. We mix things up. They understand the benefits of foreplay.
e) They let me know that they appreciate having me as a client. This can be as simple as saying the right words as I'm leaving. Or sending a thank you email. They know that there are hundreds of providers in Dallas, and appreciate when a man takes the time to research and select them.
f) They're flexible in their scheduling. Nights and weekends are the only times I can meet. So I can only see ladies who do appointments at these times. This falls outside the range of when one of my ATFs works, but she's kind enough to accommodate my schedule. I love that about her.
g) They're always clean. And they try to look their best.

In return, I show my appreciate in several ways:
a) return visits
b) tips
c) verbalize my appreciation
d) respect their time
e) try to look my best and scrub from head to toe Originally Posted by RoDunn
OK, I did not read all post here, it is a book.
I suggest that the older and out of shape providers lower their price, and put pride aside for the time. If I needed to survive, I would work for less than half of my current income. You have to first accept that you are not what you once were, like all of us guys (I may take a beating for this). Offer your satisfied clients discounts, and options at the right time and in the right way. Do not call me blind when I am in a meeting or with my SO to make an offer, keep in touch to know when. Know who to deal with, if I am in no way attracted to a lady (not common), free would not get it done. It is a business folks, learn the market.
Alas, this was such a great thread for awhile. Lots of on topic posts. Too bad it has wandered so far afield. I hope the ladies were able to gain some insights. It really is not about price but rather value. If you understand the difference, you should be OK. Lots of great comments here.

Best wishes to all of you ladies.
Bubba, As usual, you are wrong. You are one of a group of guys that needs "anyone to make you feel special". Your group is not getting it done here. There are guys here paying for ladies that are not their first choice for companionship.

Wal-Mart is a great company that has put many great companies out of business. They have great products, but not the same "Prestige" as others. Well these times are different. If you do not know that you must live in a different world than 99% of the rest of us.

You can sell your house in a few hours for the right price...
Ladies, I do agree about the flavor of the week group that do not do as much as you do. But, this will exist untill you give these guys a reason to change. I somtime laugh when I see providers post adds for $300 and see another behind her with better looks and reviews posting for $200.

I wish you all the best.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar

Max makes a valid point about "true" managed ladies. This is NOT to be confused with new ladies who are mentored by another experienced provider. Many of the most successful gals in this business through the years have had a screener. This an entirely different animal than a manager. The ladies who utilize an assistant or screener or are mentored by a successful lady generally make fewer mistakes and are not overwhelmed by the hundreds of emails, PM's and phone calls from guys wanting to see her. Less pressure and less chance of her getting burned out... The provider remains "independent" in all regards. Originally Posted by M A X
Yes, TGO....I was being nice when I was referring to managed ladies, but I guess I should have just outright said, pimps. There is a difference between screeners and mentors who help the ladies out and those who peddle the flesh of the uneducated, nieve, and easily manipulated ladies for their own gain. Thanks for clarifying and I apologize to any legitimate "entities" I may have offended for not doing so.
Introuble's Avatar
Ladies, I do agree about the flavor of the week group that do not do as much as you do. But, this will exist untill you give these guys a reason to change. I somtime laugh when I see providers post adds for $300 and see another behind her with better looks and reviews posting for $200. Originally Posted by RoundPound
What you THINK your worth generally has nothing to do with your REAL value.....which will vary depending on economics. That's why so many times you here the phrase "golden pussy".
I know a lot of gals in this business. The most successful ones cultivate their regular clientele. Ladies, you cannot count on seeing a new guy every time. Make the guy feel special and not just a fistful of cash. Remember the little things about him. His name, likes/dislikes. Light some candles, put on some music, etc. It's the little things that can set you apart.

As many have noted above, keep your appointment!!!! If you don't there are "hundreds" of other gals who will.... You can't swing a cat in north Dallas without hitting a hooker right now. Supply exceeds demand and if you want a bigger piece of the pie, you better set yourself apart from the crowd!

That YMMV crap will kill your business quicker than anything. If you say GFE you better be and not just when you feel like it! Not trying to be harsh, but these are just criteria for success in this business. Originally Posted by TheGiftedOne

This is good too:

Originally Posted by RoDunn
Lately, I've been doing more repeat visits than I ever have. I've found a handful of great providers (two of whom I've seen on or off for 7 or 8 years), and while I will continue to seek out other quality providers to also see, my regulars have earned my repeat business.

Some of the things they do to keep me coming back:
a) They communicate very well. Requests for appointments receive timely responses, even if it's just to let me know they're not available. They alert me if they're running late or have to cancel. It's been years since I had a NS/NCs.
b) They have an open mind. They see each person as an individual, not a stereotype.
c) They deliver excellent service. Excellent.
d) It doesn't feel like each session is scripted. We mix things up. They understand the benefits of foreplay.
e) They let me know that they appreciate having me as a client. This can be as simple as saying the right words as I'm leaving. Or sending a thank you email. They know that there are hundreds of providers in Dallas, and appreciate when a man takes the time to research and select them.
f) They're flexible in their scheduling. Nights and weekends are the only times I can meet. So I can only see ladies who do appointments at these times. This falls outside the range of when one of my ATFs works, but she's kind enough to accommodate my schedule. I love that about her.
g) They're always clean. And they try to look their best.

In return, I show my appreciate in several ways:
a) return visits
b) tips
c) verbalize my appreciation
d) respect their time
e) try to look my best and scrub from head to toe

I have said basically the same thing in my previous posts in this thread. I hope that more than the few providers that have posted on this thread have read and understood all the really good advice hobbyists have given to get and retain business. If I wanted YMMV when I call a provider, I would just go down to the strip club, and even then, it is pretty much a sure thing if you have the donation required to receive the service(s) you desire. Plus you are not out the money to find out that they are a flake or will not do what they said they were going to do, you find that out many times, as is the same with some providers, but the difference being is that you have only spent 20 bucks for the lame dance knowing there would be no more and have not paid upfront, with a provider, your money is gone in the envelope or whatever which the provider has quickly "put away" and when the YMMV comes out of them, there goes that donation!
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
What you THINK your worth generally has nothing to do with your REAL value.....which will vary depending on economics. That's why so many times you here the phrase "golden pussy". Originally Posted by Introuble
Introuble....I'm happy to help take your foot outta your mouth when you get ready. And btw....your name is very appropriate....LOL prrrrrr

I'm not going to try and tell someone how to run their business. I will try to answer the OP's question.
I like to see a different provider to just mix things up. Being a middle aged guy I don't care for girls younger than my own offspring so I generally see ladies over 30.
There is one and only one lady I see at least once a month. She's a well known and reviewed lady here. The reason I go back to see her are:
She's attractive.
She always has a great attitude.
She's easy to schedule with.
She knows who I am at the sound of my voice.
She and her place are always clean and ready when I get there.
She really is interested in how I am doing.
BCD is always consistent but she throws in a new twist every now and then,
She never worries about the time limit and I don't abuse her hospitality.
We always spend time just BS'ing about normal everyday stuff after we finish BCD activities.
I leave feeling relaxed, spent, and glad I saw my "friend".

I think if you, provider fill your name here:___________________ can make me feel that way, I'll definitely keep coming back.
Im not sure about golden pussy.

But how much is pink pussy worth? Just asking.

What you THINK your worth generally has nothing to do with your REAL value.....which will vary depending on economics. That's why so many times you here the phrase "golden pussy". Originally Posted by Introuble
Introuble's Avatar
Did I say something wrong or incorrect?

For the record, I am not one of the "you're too expensive" guys. Every provider should make the most that they can. I just realize the practical aspects of pricing yourself based upon what you have to offer vs the market you are in at THAT given time in history.

Introuble....I'm happy to help take your foot outta your mouth when you get ready. And btw....your name is very appropriate....LOL prrrrrr

Originally Posted by M A X