Will Rand Paul be the GOP nominee in 2016?

It is an indisputable FACT that Sara Palin is more qualified than Barrack Hussein Obama when they were running for office. Originally Posted by therock18

It's an indisputable fact?

Explain to me what her great qualifications were. See my posts above before you respond.

Both of them held minor offices (Illinois state legislator vs. Wasilla mayor) until he became a US senator from a big state and she become governor of a small state.

Palin got pulled into the national spotlight by McCain. Otherwise she still would be a nobody - although she might have completed her term as governor instead of quitting after a half term.

Disagree with Obama if you will, he still made his own spotlight. He wasn't pulled into it by anybody else.
What does "qualified for president" mean anyway?

Wasn't Lincoln a state representative? Arguable the greatest president ever?

Ronald Reagan was a governor, but he was largely a political novice too. Herbert Hoover was probably the most "prepared" for office, yet he was one of our worst.

Please tell me what qualifies Palin (or anyone for that matter) over our current president?
bojulay's Avatar
Just proves what a dependent on government nation we have become.

In spite of how lame Obimbo is, a democrat will probably take the white house again.

Trips me out that anyone would think that is something to look forward to.

Saturation point near completion.
Oh my goodness!!! Why is it that libtards are lazy and don't read? Or is it that they have NO comprehension

Represent State at Federal Level
Vote on different bills to make laws
Represents their state on issues

Has same powers as President but at a State level
Responsible for running a state
Oversee the executive branch of their state's government
Take care of its citizens at state level
Creates and submits budget
Call state's military in time of crisis
Appoint officials to state governmnet

Lets look at DumbBama's accomplishment

Middle East is worse compared to when he took over
Worst spender in history and created worst deficit ever
Green Energy push has resulted in pay for play schemes and don't work
Refuses to sign off Keystone
Does not want fracking
Refuses to drill offshore, in fact reduced offshore drilling
Refuses to let us become energy independent so we are held hostage by the muslim countries
Try to rewrite history with his speeches
Can't talk without a teleprompter
Returned Churchill bust to England
Flew to try to secure Olympics for Chicago
Is always away on vacation and hardly ever working in the white house
Pushed stimulus and said it will ensure that unemployment won't go above 8%
Leaving Afghanistan without victory over Taliban
Pulled out of Iraq with no clear victory over insurgent forces
Constantly giving into Russia which is why Putin walks all over him (Hillary takes hit here too)
Middle East is in turmoil because of his and Hillary Clinton's policies (Hillary takes hit here too)
Lied about Benghazi saying that the attack was because of a video tape (Hillary takes hit here too)
Refused to assist our people in Benghazi (Hillary takes hit here too)
Ignored Benghazi reports regarding how unstable and dangerous it was (Hillary takes hit here too)
IRS Scandal goes to Obama's door
Fast and Furious
AP Phone Records
James Rosen indictment
Highest unemployment ever
Worst economy ever
More part time job created ever
Hardly any full time jobs created
Rescinded Bill Clinton's 1996 welfare reform and made it easy to get on welfare
Responsible for losing AAA rating
Increase in gas prices
Unbelievable - but actually worse than Jimmy Carter
etc etc etc etc etc
So..the Rock18....is that a reference to your brain?
So..the Rock18....is that a reference to your brain? Originally Posted by timpage
This asshole is throwing around "libtard" like a long time Tea Party troll, even though he only has 9 posts and joined less than a month ago.

I think one of the resident wing nuts set up a second handle. the posting style is familiar and he appears to be cutting and pasting from the same Tea Party websites.

Rockhead - I am not a liberal. I am a conservative, small government type. But I can recognize an ignorant mope when I see one. Even is she is claiming to be a Republican.
This asshole is throwing around "libtard" like a long time Tea Party troll, even though he only has 9 posts and joined less than a month ago.

I think one of the resident wing nuts set up a second handle. the posting style is familiar and he appears to be cutting and pasting from the same Tea Party websites.

Rockhead - I am not a liberal. I am a conservative, small government type. But I can recognize an ignorant mope when I see one. Even is she is claiming to be a Republican. Originally Posted by ExNYer
LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL, LOLing and you voted for WHO?
So..the Rock18....is that a reference to your brain? Originally Posted by timpage
Perhaps but it is also possible he is the current reincarnation of Marshy!
BigLouie's Avatar

Lets look at DumbBama's accomplishment

Middle East is worse compared to when he took over
Worst spender in history and created worst deficit ever Nope that would be Bush by a wide margin. You can look it up
Green Energy push has resulted in pay for play schemes and don't work
Refuses to sign off Keystone
Does not want fracking
Refuses to drill offshore, in fact reduced offshore drilling
Refuses to let us become energy independent so we are held hostage by the muslim countries The US is for all practical purposes energy independent
Try to rewrite history with his speeches
Can't talk without a teleprompter
Returned Churchill bust to England
Flew to try to secure Olympics for Chicago
Is always away on vacation and hardly ever working in the white house Bush spent 35% of his time in office on vacation and out of the White House. No President comes close.

Pushed stimulus and said it will ensure that unemployment won't go above 8%
Leaving Afghanistan without victory over Taliban
Pulled out of Iraq with no clear victory over insurgent forces This was already agreed to by Bush and signed off on. It was a done deal by the time Obama took office.
Constantly giving into Russia which is why Putin walks all over him (Hillary takes hit here too)
Middle East is in turmoil because of his and Hillary Clinton's policies (Hillary takes hit here too)
Lied about Benghazi saying that the attack was because of a video tape (Hillary takes hit here too)
Refused to assist our people in Benghazi (Hillary takes hit here too)
Ignored Benghazi reports regarding how unstable and dangerous it was (Hillary takes hit here too)
IRS Scandal goes to Obama's door
Fast and Furious
AP Phone Records
James Rosen indictment
Highest unemployment ever
Worst economy ever When Bush left office the market had suffered two horrific market crashes and was at 8900. It is not at all time highs of 15,500+
More part time job created ever
Hardly any full time jobs created
Rescinded Bill Clinton's 1996 welfare reform and made it easy to get on welfare
Responsible for losing AAA rating
Increase in gas prices
Unbelievable - but actually worse than Jimmy Carter
etc etc etc etc etc Originally Posted by therock18
You are wrong on a number of things.
LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL, LOLing and you voted for WHO? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I voted for the Libertarian candidate, Bob Barr, as a protest again McCain for his stupidity in picking Palin.

I could not stomach the thought of her becoming President if McCain died in office.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Originally Posted by therock18 and amended by Big Louise

Lets look at DumbBama's accomplishment

Middle East is worse compared to when he took over
Worst spender in history and created worst deficit ever Nope that would be Bush by a wide margin. You can look it up Complete attempt to rewrite history. In 2001 (the first year that submitted a budget) the debt was $4.6172 trillion. In 2009 (the last year of the Bush budgets) the debt was $10.6269 trillion. Subtract 4.6172 from 10.6269 and you get $6.0097 trillion of Bush debt and that includes the TARP, the bailout from late 2008, early 2009, both wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the fallout from 9/11. The current national debt is $16.8976 trillion. Subtract Bush (and the others) from Obama and you get $6.2707 of Obama debt. Obama debt (with only one war, no TARP, and only the stimulus package to deal with) is a quarter of a trillion dollars higher than Bush's.

Green Energy push has resulted in pay for play schemes and don't work
Refuses to sign off Keystone
Does not want fracking
Refuses to drill offshore, in fact reduced offshore drilling
Refuses to let us become energy independent so we are held hostage by the muslim countries The US is for all practical purposes energy independent We are using less imported energy than we did in 2009 but there is a lie hidden here. We are using less energy in general because of the economic down turn. Our energy usage is equal to the 1993 level. So we are using less energy because of bad times and not conservation or independence. In fact in 2008 the US consumed 19.498 million barrels of oil a day and in 2012 the US used 18.554 million barrels of oil daily. We are not more independent, we are just using less.
Try to rewrite history with his speeches
Can't talk without a teleprompter
Returned Churchill bust to England
Flew to try to secure Olympics for Chicago
Is always away on vacation and hardly ever working in the white house Bush spent 35% of his time in office on vacation and out of the White House. No President comes close. Nice try again. According to Mark Knoller (if you have to ask then you shouldn't be posting stats) George H.W. Bush spent more time on vacation than Barack Obama. You got the wrong Bush idiot. Knoller doesn't count Camp David visits for any president because he counts it as an away office. Knoller also points out that during the 400 some odd days that Bush spent at Crawford he met with 17 world leaders, had several staff meetings, and was meeting with various diplomats. Not sightseeing.

Pushed stimulus and said it will ensure that unemployment won't go above 8%
Leaving Afghanistan without victory over Taliban
Pulled out of Iraq with no clear victory over insurgent forces This was already agreed to by Bush and signed off on. It was a done deal by the time Obama took office. This was not agreed to by Bush. That is an outright lie. Bush used the "surge" to win the war and counted on Obama to negoiate the Status of Forces Treaty (Hillary's failure) that would leave some troops in Iraq as an advance base. Obama fumbled the ball and failed to get the treaty. He didn't even really give more than a token effort. This was all Obama's and Hillary's failure.
Constantly giving into Russia which is why Putin walks all over him (Hillary takes hit here too)
Middle East is in turmoil because of his and Hillary Clinton's policies (Hillary takes hit here too)
Lied about Benghazi saying that the attack was because of a video tape (Hillary takes hit here too)
Refused to assist our people in Benghazi (Hillary takes hit here too)
Ignored Benghazi reports regarding how unstable and dangerous it was (Hillary takes hit here too)
IRS Scandal goes to Obama's door
Fast and Furious
AP Phone Records
James Rosen indictment
Highest unemployment ever
Worst economy ever When Bush left office the market had suffered two horrific market crashes and was at 8900. It is not at all time highs of 15,500+ Define economy please. Under Bush unemployment was lower, the debt was lower, the deficit was lower, and interest rates were lower. Yes, the market was lower but take away the $85 billion being injected by the FED monthly for the last year were do you think the market would be? 7,000, 8,000? Bush had to deal with 9/11 and the melt down of Fannie and Freddie. What comparable thing has Obama faced?
More part time job created ever
Hardly any full time jobs created
Rescinded Bill Clinton's 1996 welfare reform and made it easy to get on welfare
Responsible for losing AAA rating
Increase in gas prices The average price of gas in 2008 was $1.46 a gallon.
Unbelievable - but actually worse than Jimmy Carter
etc etc etc etc etc
chefnerd's Avatar
$1.46/gallon? Not in 2008. Briefly in 2004 it dipped to $1.43. Where did you pull that fabrication from? Most likely somewhere in your imagination. The average in 2008 ranged from a high of $4.12 to a low of $1.61. Kind of hard to have an average lower than your lowest isn't it? Unless of course you're using some type of new math.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Allow me to clarify; by average I do not mean for the year or month, by average I mean across the nation. Around here in Kansas City we spend less than some people in the country for our gas. Here the price hit $1.46 for a few days in December of 2008. The average for the entire country, including all grades at that same time was $1.61 on the 29th of December and it is shown on this link to the US Energy Administration. http://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/Lea...TE_NUS_DPG&f=W