Bill O'Reilly

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  • WTF
  • 04-21-2017, 01:45 PM
Really? So he is going to walk away with twenty five million. Not bad for a sexual predator. Originally Posted by R.M.
Asking a woman up for drinks is now considered the actions of a sexual predator?

lustylad's Avatar
One woman filed a complaint against O'Reilly because he characterized her comments as "hysterical" when she was a guest on his show. She said it was sexist to use that word in reference to a woman. O'Reilly said nonsense and never invited her back on his show. So.... that constitutes actionable sexual harassment? Seriously? What the fuck is wrong with people?

Just another bullshit way for the left to impose Political Correctness run amok!
I B Hankering's Avatar
One woman filed a complaint against O'Reilly because he characterized her comments as "hysterical" when she was a guest on his show. She said it was sexist to use that word in reference to a woman. O'Reilly said nonsense and never invited her back on his show. So.... that constitutes actionable sexual harassment? Seriously? What the fuck is wrong with people?

Just another bullshit way for the left to impose Political Correctness run amok! Originally Posted by lustylad

"Political Correctness" is Fascism by another name.
Yep, it was Media Matters. Which is another way of saying the Clintons and the DNC.

OK, I suspect the SkyTV purchase and the incident where the Murdochs had the BBC tapped had something to do with it too.
lustylad's Avatar
Now what say you about big pharma and protection from lawsuits? ... You suppress lawsuits a (sic) guess what....comoanies (sic) start cutting corners to make more bucks. Originally Posted by WTF
What are "comoanies"? Is that something you and assup offer down at the gloryholes? You hum and "co-moan" together?

Ever heard of the Food and Drug Administration, dickhead? It's been around since 1906. Your tax dollars at work, paying bureaucrats to ensure the safety and efficacy of new drugs. Why do we need tort lawyers if the FDA is doing its job? If an FDA-approved drug is harmful, then sue the FDA, not the drugmaker!

Those fucking tort lawyers don't go after the guilty parties anyway, you gullible dipshit. They just get real creative trying to pin liability for anything and everything on whoever has the deepest pockets.
Paying taxes is what the little people do. Along with trimming greens, building houses, reading contracts, etc.

Don't expect WDF to engage in that activity.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 04-21-2017, 04:04 PM
Asking a woman up for drinks is now considered the actions of a sexual predator?

. Originally Posted by WTF
If the shoe fits wear it Cinderella . But purse must be at least Gucci.
lustylad's Avatar
If the shoe fits wear it Cinderella. But purse must be at least Gucci. Originally Posted by R.M.
Fagboy always carefully coordinates his Gucci handbag with his stillettos! He is constantly being asked up for drinks!
"Can't You See"

Gonna take a freight train
Down at the station, Lord
I don't care where it goes
Gonna climb a mountain
The highest mountain
Jump off, nobody gonna know

Can't you see, whoa, can't you see
What this Government, Lord, been doin' to me
Can't you see, can't you see
What them uni-party Zombies, been doin' to us?
LexusLover's Avatar
What are "comoanies"? Originally Posted by lustylad
As a "house builder" he knows about "cutting corners"!

He also knows about "borrowing from Peter to pay Paul"!

BTW: That was a "freudian slip" when he typed "como" ....

.... you know what he was thinking about!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-22-2017, 08:41 AM

Ever heard of the Food and Drug Administration, dickhead? It's been around since 1906. Your tax dollars at work, paying bureaucrats to ensure the safety and efficacy of new drugs. Why do we need tort lawyers if the FDA is doing its job? If an FDA-approved drug is harmful, then sue the FDA, not the drugmaker!

Those fucking tort lawyers don't go after the guilty parties anyway, you gullible dipshit. They just get real creative trying to pin liability for anything and everything on whoever has the deepest pockets. Originally Posted by lustylad

You might be thinking to yourself, "An FDA employee did something wrong by approving Yaz or pelvic mesh or Pradaxa or another defective drug," so I should be allowed to sue the agency under the Federal Torts Claims Act." However, there are a number of exceptions written into the Act, and one of them bars lawsuits against the FDA in conjunction with its responsibilities for licensing and approving drugs and vaccines. As a result, you cannot sue the FDA for approving a defective drug.

What you do not understand about a economic eco system, you need tort lawyers.....Did you see Tucker Carlson last night? The pharmaceutical industry has gotten filthy rich off your plan of no checks and balances.

Robert Kennedy, Jr. began by stating, “I’ve read the science, and the science is very clear—what you have to understand is that the vaccine regime changed dramatically around 1989. The reason it changed is that Congress, drowning in pharmaceutical industry money, did something they’ve never done for any other industry, they gave blanket legal immunity to all the vaccine companies so that no matter how sloppy the line protocol, or how absent the quality control, no matter how toxic the ingredient, or egregious the injury to your child, you cannot sue them.
“So there no depositions, there’s no discovery, there’s no class action suit. All of a sudden vaccines became enormously profitable.
“In ’87 it was implemented and then there were a gold rush by the pharmaceutical industry to add new vaccines to the schedule.
“I got three vaccines; I was fully compliant. I’m 63 years old.
“My children got 69 doses of 16 vaccines to be compliant. And a lot of these vaccines aren’t even for casually communicable diseases, like hepatitis B which comes unprotected sex or sharing needles.
“Why do we give that to a child the first day of their life?

. Originally Posted by WTF
This is wtf happens when you tie the hand of tort lawyers. You have bullshit like this going on. You're an idiot to think big business will protect the common man from harmful product.

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  • WTF
  • 04-22-2017, 08:43 AM
As a "house builder" he knows about "cutting corners"!

He also knows about "borrowing from Peter to pay Paul"!

BTW: That was a "freudian slip" when he typed "como" ....

.... you know what he was thinking about! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Tell me more about borrowing Peter to pay Paul you homo LE.

Tell us why so many folks on this board think you are a Cop or affiliated with LE.

  • DSK
  • 04-22-2017, 11:26 AM
This is wtf happens when you tie the hand of tort lawyers. You have bullshit like this going on. You're an idiot to think big business will protect the common man from harmful product. Originally Posted by WTF
You're also an idiot to think small business will protect the common man from harmful product.
It is a dog eat dog world out there and it won't get any easier until we get rid of liberals and multiculturalists.
  • DSK
  • 04-22-2017, 11:30 AM
Asking a woman up for drinks is now considered the actions of a sexual predator?

. Originally Posted by WTF
Depends on the circumstances, but it also applies to you when you proposition your male employees or the employees of subcontractors that you bully.

Quit asking guys to stick their dicks in your ass, and you will have fewer problems in life.
lustylad's Avatar

You might be thinking to yourself, "An FDA employee did something wrong by approving Yaz or pelvic mesh or Pradaxa or another defective drug," so I should be allowed to sue the agency under the Federal Torts Claims Act." However, there are a number of exceptions written into the Act, and one of them bars lawsuits against the FDA in conjunction with its responsibilities for licensing and approving drugs and vaccines. As a result, you cannot sue the FDA for approving a defective drug. Originally Posted by WTF
Wow... is it cut-and-paste time for fagboy? You even went to an ambulance-chaser website named "lawyer locator" lol! Thanks for making my point!

The fucking tort lawyers who own Congress have exempted the FDA from being sued! So lemme get this straight - you want us to hold drugmakers accountable when they don't do their jobs right, but we can't do the same to the federal regulators who are specifically tasked with keeping unsafe drugs off the market!

This is precisely why we need to DRAIN THE SWAMP in Washington DC! The bastards won't hold themselves to the same standards they impose on everyone else!

Thanks again for making my point, fagboy!