Ladies, what are your two biggest client problems?

"I've been asked by a provider if I'm married? "

as a provider, girls like to know this because our ideal clients are married with their own independent lives. I cannot speak for everyone...and for my beloved divorced clients, I enjoy you just as much as my married ones)-so I guess its not so much the ideal client is married, it's that the ideal client has an independent life with goal oriented hobbies and goals. This prevents stalkers or what I have learned trolling. *hope I am using that term correctly. -Avery Originally Posted by BookaBodyrub
Oh, wait...that means single gents (a group I'm proud to be a part of...) have no life, and are born with the stalker gene? Brilliant observation. SMDH.
"I've been asked by a provider if I'm married? "

as a provider, girls like to know this because our ideal clients are married with their own independent lives. I cannot speak for everyone...and for my beloved divorced clients, I enjoy you just as much as my married ones)-so I guess its not so much the ideal client is married, it's that the ideal client has an independent life with goal oriented hobbies and goals. This prevents stalkers or what I have learned trolling. *hope I am using that term correctly. -Avery Originally Posted by BookaBodyrub
What? Number one, that is none of your business if a guy is married or not and number two, just because a guy is single does not make him a co dependent with no other activity in his life but to chat up providers 24/7 and number three, just because a guy is married or has a ring on his finger does not make him sane nor does it prevent that he will not be a threat/stalker or worse to providers.

You have a lot to learn!
I have to say, the last stalker I had was married. The issue was, he was lacking the emotional and physical affection at home and looked to get it elsewhere and began to believe we had something between us. He then started talking about leaving his wife, asking me to marry him, etc. Shit got too crazy for my taste. And all the while, he was still playing the family man role at home, so I have to disagree: just because a man is married it doesn't make him any safer than single guys. Another bonus to the single gentlemen, you don't ever have to worry about a pissed off spouse calling you, or making threats to turn you into L.E. so there's that
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 01-22-2015, 05:53 PM
I think speaking in general married men with families and careers are less likely to be problematic as far as stalker, clinginess, time wasting. There of course are exceptions to every rule.
That's just my opinion...I have no facts.

I wouldn't mind being a stalker but I live too far away, don't have enough time, and I'm way too lazy.
i agree with what has been posted. but we knew the job was dangerous when we took it. i address any issues acutely, directly and gracefully. thanks for the discussion, xo Originally Posted by legendarybadass

Got to love your attitude! :-)

It's dangerous for sure. Way more for you guys than us. I really don't see how y'all do it. Y'all are way tougher than anyone can appreciate accept for another provider.

I'm drawn to danger. I love the treat of LE. It makes it much more exciting. The "you know" part is great but the combo of danger and the deed is irresistible for me.
Agreeing against my BETTER judgement to see someone ALOT younger than me...almost 20 years, then getting physically ripped apart in every way possible, like as if I were supposed to be 21 years old in a review. Errrr. If a "mommy" tummy bothers you so bad....don't see one of us seasoned, more "mature" ladies.
:==) Originally Posted by Lindsay Lee
Young guys (well most) just don't get it... Mature provides are like sipping a glass of a fine Cabernet... Thank god I'm in my early 40's now...mature enough to know better, earn enough to do what I want and smart enough to know the

I have one more... Because it is happening more often and it has to stop!
Partaking in a stripper slide (which is very nerve wracking). But then, the client "accidentally" slips. Then you back up and they are surprised. Wtf is going on with you guys?!?! I have spent more $$ at walk in appts at my drs office getting checked bc some guys dnt feel it is necessary to respect my wishes or have no regard for my health. To me it is like u are saying "fuck your life and your children's futures".
It is irresponsible, rude, disrespectful, and fucking nasty!
So, for the love of God, stop doing it!
Thx.... Originally Posted by SexyStephTx
SS and Penetration are practically the same thing...Potato - Pah tah too....Tomato - Tuh matto....It's too tempting for most guys. ijs

I have to say, the last stalker I had was married. The issue was, he was lacking the emotional and physical affection at home and looked to get it elsewhere and began to believe we had something between us. He then started talking about leaving his wife, asking me to marry him, etc. Shit got too crazy for my taste. And all the while, he was still playing the family man role at home, so I have to disagree: just because a man is married it doesn't make him any safer than single guys. Another bonus to the single gentlemen, you don't ever have to worry about a pissed off spouse calling you, or making threats to turn you into L.E. so there's that Originally Posted by Slim.
I'm single...well divorced but that was a long time ago. I had a provider tell me once that she didn't want to see me because I was "single" and she prefers married guys because they have a better chance of becoming a regular.... Wow really?
pyramider's Avatar
Ahhh the old SS debate.... Yes......Unless you are wearing a scroguard, even CFS carries the same risk of skin to skin contact that SS does. Don't think so? Think about it for a second: inner and outter lips are still coming in contact with the base of a covered penis when you are grinding against it as it bangs in and out of you over and over and over again. Your gentinals still thrusting against each other even though no fluid is exchanged. Just like SS.

There IS a difference between SS and penetration. This discussion will go on for ever and ever amen and both sides have good points. Imo, sure the temptation or intent may be there by one or both parties but ultimately its up to the one with their head on straight to keep the boundaries intact.

That being said, If we don't click or its pushed for, I'm not doing SS. I'm very YMMV with SS. If you come in acting like an entitled fuckstick with a wallet then that's exactly the service you're gonna get.

My other pet peeve is asking how much at the end of or before the session. I know it happens guys and I'm not bashing anyone. Some of my favorite people have done it and i realize it's an honest mistake but PLEASE, if you can, check the ladies donation before you get there. For me, it is so embarrassing/awkward to discuss "the paperwork".

I don't have a lot of problems with anyone though. I guess I'm lucky. Most of my sessions go well and any issues are dealt with calmly and nicely. I just try to make sure we both enjoy ourselves. That usually saves saves us both from having any problems.
The thing I dislike the most is clients who keep pushing for more this or that and end up going over but only pay for the hour. If I have the time, I don't mind a few extra minutes but if they take a full 90, they need to pay for a full 90. Do not take advantage of my generous nature. The second thing that irritates me to no end are clients who push for activities I do not provide. The not even for meeee, argument will not work and will in fact, make me never want to see you again. Also, I don't care how you want to approach the activity, your unique take on it, won't inspire me to do it. Keep trying and I'll put you on my DNS list. I'm a well known provider and I have a skill set. Let me do things the way I like to do them and you'll enjoy our time. But if clients want more or push other things, then you need to find a provider who participates in those desired activities.
The thing I dislike the most is clients who keep pushing for more this or that and end up going over but only pay for the hour. If I have the time, I don't mind a few extra minutes but if they take a full 90, they need to pay for a full 90. Do not take advantage of my generous nature. ..... Originally Posted by Dharma

Question for you and other providers on time:

Assuming he gets there on time, does the 60 minutes a client pays for mean 60 minutes of BCD time or 60 minutes total time? In other words, does a guy get to play for 60 minutes or does the 5-10 minutes time of idle chit chat, using the facilities to freshen up and getting undressed before BCD activities commence go against his play time in addition to also having to stop 10 minutes or so before so that he can clean up and get dressed so as to not go over the allotted time and be out the door just as the buzzer goes off?
FishGuy13's Avatar

I wouldn't mind being a stalker but I live too far away, don't have enough time, and I'm way too lazy. Originally Posted by L.A.
david, that really depends on the provider. Some will start the time as soon as the clock strikes 2, or whatever time it was that you asked for the appointment to take place, whether you are there or not, so if you are 10-15 mins late, well, that's on you. Your clock began running 10-15 mins ago. Some will allow you to freshen up before and not start the time. And others start it as soon as your hands touch her body. So it's more of a preference thing. I will say that it can also vary form client to client. If you have someone who you feel is going to try to push the boundaries of time as far as they'll stretch, then ladies may decide to be a lot more strict with when the countdown begins.
david, that really depends on the provider. Some will start the time as soon as the clock strikes 2, or whatever time it was that you asked for the appointment to take place, whether you are there or not, so if you are 10-15 mins late, well, that's on you. Your clock began running 10-15 mins ago. Some will allow you to freshen up before and not start the time. And others start it as soon as your hands touch her body. So it's more of a preference thing. I will say that it can also vary form client to client. If you have someone who you feel is going to try to push the boundaries of time as far as they'll stretch, then ladies may decide to be a lot more strict with when the countdown begins. Originally Posted by Slim.
No problem here. Whether I'm late or early, I can squeeze my usual 124 seconds of XTC into the 45 to 60 minute time frame.
THN - you make a good point about the SS. I never really thought about the "base of shaft" ramming into outer lips being similar to a SS anyway. For me, any time my uncovered-ness is tempting fate with a slide, well, I'd just rather not! But yes, as long as the slider is controlling the situation, no accidents ought to happen!

This married/single thing is interesting. Personally I don't want to know stuff like that about a provider but I've been told that some men get off on being with a married provider. Not me! As for the client - there's nothing wrong with keeping a little mystery to it, but again, I think some guys want or need the confessional hooker. I don't understan that - if you're going to do this kind of thing you have to know how to keep your mouth shut. And if you can't keep your mouth shut with your provider you're just asking for trouble.

I can see the white knight action that must roll through trying to "Pretty Woman" a provider. The arrogance of that is astounding but I can see it happening. Oh well, takes all kinds.
Question for you and other providers on time:

Assuming he gets there on time, does the 60 minutes a client pays for mean 60 minutes of BCD time or 60 minutes total time? In other words, does a guy get to play for 60 minutes or does the 5-10 minutes time of idle chit chat, using the facilities to freshen up and getting undressed before BCD activities commence go against his play time in addition to also having to stop 10 minutes or so before so that he can clean up and get dressed so as to not go over the allotted time and be out the door just as the buzzer goes off? Originally Posted by davidfree986
That's a good question. It's easy for me because I'm a massage provider and the time starts when your appointment time starts. I generally have my hands on you for 50 minutes or so of your hour. It's your hour to do with as you like but most clients want as much time on the table as possible. If a clients wants to freshen up, let me know ahead of time so that I can make allowances for that. I recently had a client who arrived late, then informed me that he wanted to shower, ok, went over by asking for just a little of this and that and after I told him we'd gone over and I had ladies coming in for henna, he decided to take another shower. A long shower. My next appointment arrived on time and left because I wasn't yet ready to receive them. I lost that money and received damage to my reputation. My time starts when your appointment does. I pad my appointments and leave about a half hour to 45 minutes between appointments. If we go over because of me, it's my gift to you and I'll say so. If a client goes that far over out of inconsideration and then doesn't pay for it, I'm not inclined to book them again. Then there's my personal favourite. I was seeing a client for another provider and he paid me less claiming to pay more, the rest next time. There won't be a next time. I apologize for taking the long way around to answer your question.