Help me to understand this!!!!

suiram77's Avatar
Broke it done so smooth. Like no other.

Thank you for getting it. Originally Posted by R.M.
Yw RM, but it just takes a brain that’s working that’s all lol. Most men with extensive wealth, class and great taste understand this.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 06-21-2024, 06:20 AM
Yw RM, but it just takes a brain that’s working that’s all lol. Most men with extensive wealth, class and great taste understand this. Originally Posted by suiram77
True and they don't talk about their wealth. Nor do they asked to be grandfathered or ask those annoying thousand questions.
Grace Preston's Avatar
True and they don't talk about their wealth. Nor do they asked to be grandfathered or ask those annoying thousand questions. Originally Posted by R.M.
And they always-- always... keep their commitments.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
True and they don't talk about their wealth. Nor do they asked to be grandfathered or ask those annoying thousand questions. Originally Posted by R.M.
Yes providers hate guys who let the ladies know what they like out of a session they pay for. It gives them the opportunity to play the YMMV card and get as much money for as little service as possible. Because if you let a provider know what you like, you are considered hard to please. And if she did set an appt, the provider would be afraid that if she does not give the service she agreed to in order to see you and does not follow thru, then she will get a bad review and/or negative intel on her. The real reason a board of this nature exists is so that guys can get proper intel to make an informed decision to see a particular provider. But, turns out, the board is really for giving only the intel on provider she wants you to give or face the wrath of being labeled an outcast.

BTW, this thread is about donation prices being on the rise and the OP wants to to know why. My answer to that question is, because they can and definitely will not give a reason for doing so. There is no reason they would give that justifies it and we cannot have adult discussions about any topic on this site without people insulting or talking condescendingly to others.
secondHandNews's Avatar
I honestly think that some folks believe that Eccie and other related hobby boards are a much bigger part of the hobby than they actually are.... That's really the only explanation of why people every few months will post these threads complaining about rates--way back in the day, some of these threads had some minor impact. These days-- not so much. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
You bring up some good points, Grace, but I don't agree that guys are questioning rates in order to influence them. For the most part, men view the world through a logical lens; they question things to understand the rationale. Being told, "This is the way it is so just deal with it," leaves us unsettled, like a story that has no conclusion. Guys want to know, "This is the way it is because of <reason #1> and <reason #2>." Then he can sit back and say, "OK, I don't agree with it but I get it now." This topic continues to rear its head because the only reason we're given is "because she said so." What we'd like to hear is what we're getting that's different and, as WEC mentioned, worth the ROI.

One other opinion re this discussion: There's a disturbing trend that I see on this board where guys are shamed for asking anything that can be construed as critical of providers. I think that's dangerous. Guys should be free to ask questions, to note incongruities among the providers, and to share their experiences (both good and bad), as long as those topics are raised and discussed respectfully. Shaming guys for asking questions, being cheap with their appointment times, not being gentlemen, or any other form of "little-dick energy" only hurts the community.
Grace Preston's Avatar
You bring up some good points, Grace, but I don't agree that guys are questioning rates in order to influence them. For the most part, men view the world through a logical lens; they question things to understand the rationale. Being told, "This is the way it is so just deal with it," leaves us unsettled, like a story that has no conclusion. Guys want to know, "This is the way it is because of <reason #1> and <reason #2>." Then he can sit back and say, "OK, I don't agree with it but I get it now." This topic continues to rear its head because the only reason we're given is "because she said so." What we'd like to hear is what we're getting that's different and, as WEC mentioned, worth the ROI.

One other opinion re this discussion: There's a disturbing trend that I see on this board where guys are shamed for asking anything that can be construed as critical of providers. I think that's dangerous. Guys should be free to ask questions, to note incongruities among the providers, and to share their experiences (both good and bad), as long as those topics are raised and discussed respectfully. Shaming guys for asking questions, being cheap with their appointment times, not being gentlemen, or any other form of "little-dick energy" only hurts the community. Originally Posted by secondHandNews
Respectfully-- the answer really and truly is-- because she said so.

Rates are largely dictated by what the market will bear. A lady will set her rate-- and then see if she gets the business she needs at that rate. If she gets too much business to handle, the answer is to raise the rate. If she doesn't get enough business-- the answer is to either improve marketing or lower the rate. If the business level is perfect, then she's found her sweet spot. Increases in costs, improvements in looks, services, etc-- can and do result in increases in rates over time.

Ladies aren't just randomly setting their rates at $500-- then choosing to starve to death. If they're charging $500-- its because they're getting it.

When I first got started-- I was a good bit overweight, had no wardrobe, and was utilizing a not-so-nice extended stay as an incall. As a result, my rates were super low. Over time-- I lost weight, imroved my incall, improved my wardrobe-- and slowly raised my rates. It also expanded my clientele-- as some gents were not comfortable seeing a provider at the rate level I originally charged as they assumed something was "seriously wrong". I've seen others come into this industry starting out at the same point I started out at-- but at a much higher rate-- and just killed it. They had a level of confidence I just didn't have when I started. A prime example of "because the lady said so". I let my "real world" business mind get in the way of the fact that this world doesn't match the outside business world. It is what it is.

I agree with you that people shouldn't be shamed for their choices in the hobby. WEC and I have a long history of not seeing eye to eye-- but I am very cautious to not shame him for his preferences when it comes to this topic-- everyone is entitled to see who they want for the style of session that they prefer... we are all here for different reasons.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 06-21-2024, 09:53 AM
Yes providers hate guys who let the ladies know what they like out of a session they pay for. It gives them the opportunity to play the YMMV card and get as much money for as little service as possible. Because if you let a provider know what you like, you are considered hard to please. And if she did set an appt, the provider would be afraid that if she does not give the service she agreed to in order to see you and does not follow thru, then she will get a bad review and/or negative intel on her. The real reason a board of this nature exists is so that guys can get proper intel to make an informed decision to see a particular provider. But, turns out, the board is really for giving only the intel on provider she wants you to give or face the wrath of being labeled an outcast.

BTW, this thread is about donation prices being on the rise and the OP wants to to know why. My answer to that question is, because they can and definitely will not give a reason for doing so. There is no reason they would give that justifies it and we cannot have adult discussions about any topic on this site without people insulting or talking condescendingly to others. Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
And then there's bottom feeding little pains in the ass like you. I really don't take people like you serious. You really should work on your reputation instead of your nonsense.
TinMan's Avatar
You bring up some good points, Grace, but I don't agree that guys are questioning rates in order to influence them. For the most part, men view the world through a logical lens; they question things to understand the rationale. Being told, "This is the way it is so just deal with it," leaves us unsettled, like a story that has no conclusion. Guys want to know, "This is the way it is because of <reason #1> and <reason #2>." Then he can sit back and say, "OK, I don't agree with it but I get it now." This topic continues to rear its head because the only reason we're given is "because she said so." What we'd like to hear is what we're getting that's different and, as WEC mentioned, worth the ROI.

One other opinion re this discussion: There's a disturbing trend that I see on this board where guys are shamed for asking anything that can be construed as critical of providers. I think that's dangerous. Guys should be free to ask questions, to note incongruities among the providers, and to share their experiences (both good and bad), as long as those topics are raised and discussed respectfully. Shaming guys for asking questions, being cheap with their appointment times, not being gentlemen, or any other form of "little-dick energy" only hurts the community. Originally Posted by secondHandNews
In the nearly 25 years I’ve been perusing discussion boards like this (going back to ASPD), this exact same topic has been brought up on a regular basis. The only difference now is the number is $400, not $200 (or $250, or $300). The responses are also nearly identical, and I’ve not once seen someone asking the question say, “oh, ok, I get it now…thanks for explaining it to me.”

The reason why threads like this get backlash is that the same question gets asked and there will NEVER be a change in the outcome. So either accept the response that the ladies set their rates, and we can choose to either pay or not; or continue to tilt against windmills and be eternally frustrated.

Because after awhile it really does just come across as whining.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 06-21-2024, 01:13 PM
And they always-- always... keep their commitments. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Yes yes yes.
suiram77's Avatar
True and they don't talk about their wealth. Nor do they asked to be grandfathered or ask those annoying thousand questions. Originally Posted by R.M.
suiram77's Avatar
Respectfully-- the answer really and truly is-- because she said so.

Rates are largely dictated by what the market will bear. A lady will set her rate-- and then see if she gets the business she needs at that rate. If she gets too much business to handle, the answer is to raise the rate. If she doesn't get enough business-- the answer is to either improve marketing or lower the rate. If the business level is perfect, then she's found her sweet spot. Increases in costs, improvements in looks, services, etc-- can and do result in increases in rates over time.

Ladies aren't just randomly setting their rates at $500-- then choosing to starve to death. If they're charging $500-- its because they're getting it.

When I first got started-- I was a good bit overweight, had no wardrobe, and was utilizing a not-so-nice extended stay as an incall. As a result, my rates were super low. Over time-- I lost weight, imroved my incall, improved my wardrobe-- and slowly raised my rates. It also expanded my clientele-- as some gents were not comfortable seeing a provider at the rate level I originally charged as they assumed something was "seriously wrong". I've seen others come into this industry starting out at the same point I started out at-- but at a much higher rate-- and just killed it. They had a level of confidence I just didn't have when I started. A prime example of "because the lady said so". I let my "real world" business mind get in the way of the fact that this world doesn't match the outside business world. It is what it is.

I agree with you that people shouldn't be shamed for their choices in the hobby. WEC and I have a long history of not seeing eye to eye-- but I am very cautious to not shame him for his preferences when it comes to this topic-- everyone is entitled to see who they want for the style of session that they prefer... we are all here for different reasons. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
WOW!! , well said GP well said.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
And then there's bottom feeding little pains in the ass like you. I really don't take people like you serious. You really should work on your reputation instead of your nonsense. Originally Posted by R.M.

I just spit my water out lol
And keep on beatig that same damn dead horse over & over & over
secondHandNews's Avatar
I appreciate the well-written responses, particularly from Grace and TinMan. I want to be clear that I in no way begrudge a provider from setting her rate, nor a client from paying it. However, I also don't begrudge a guy from asking "why?" whether out of curiosity or frustration. Not everybody on this board has been around for years, and we should expect to see the same questions crop up as new folks--men and women--navigate the hobby.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I interpreted OP's question as targeting the guys rather than the ladies. This thread drifted towards addressing the ladies rates, but I think he was asking instead why the guys pay them. For many, it's hard to wrap his head around the idea of, say, paying $700 to sit on a couch sipping wine with an overweight 54 yo versus paying $400 to see the perky breasts of a 24 yo bounce as she rides him to glory. Guys can pay whatever they want, of course, but I'd like to give OP the benefit of the doubt and say that the question was an innocent one. He just wanted to know, "What am I missing?"
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
I appreciate the well-written responses, particularly from Grace and TinMan. I want to be clear that I in no way begrudge a provider from setting her rate, nor a client from paying it. However, I also don't begrudge a guy from asking "why?" whether out of curiosity or frustration. Not everybody on this board has been around for years, and we should expect to see the same questions crop up as new folks--men and women--navigate the hobby.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I interpreted OP's question as targeting the guys rather than the ladies. This thread drifted towards addressing the ladies rates, but I think he was asking instead why the guys pay them. For many, it's hard to wrap his head around the idea of, say, paying $700 to sit on a couch sipping wine with an overweight 54 yo versus paying $400 to see the perky breasts of a 24 yo bounce as she rides him to glory. Guys can pay whatever they want, of course, but I'd like to give OP the benefit of the doubt and say that the question was an innocent one. He just wanted to know, "What am I missing?" Originally Posted by secondHandNews
Spot on.

This has nothing to do with rates providers are charging.

As I said numerous times in this thread, it is all about the ROI. That is going to be different depending on who you ask, but one thing is very clear--if by first hand experience, reviews written or other intel, a guy feels the ROI in his opinion is not worth it, then he has every right to express his opinion on the matter without flack from the peanut drama gallery.
winn dixie's Avatar
Rates at 4 and rising and most don't know about that hawk tuah. Let em charge what they want.