Corona virus impact on clubs?

Didn't all the Arlington clubs close? I use to work around Six Flag and can see a lot of business in buildings that would totally be a club. Originally Posted by pathfinder420
Yes, there is one Club left in Arlington. Chico Locos at the fair I think is the actual name. It's owned by Birch management. It's the last of 13 clubs that were in Arlington before Jerry decided to move in.
Yes, there is one Club left in Arlington. Chico Locos at the fair I think is the actual name. It's owned by Birch management. It's the last of 13 clubs that were in Arlington before Jerry decided to move in. Originally Posted by oldbutstillgoing

Jerry wanted all the Arlington dancers for his bus
When clubs reopen, will it be buyers (customers) or sellers (dancers) market

I think some girls will try to recover their losses all at once or couple of nights
TomCollins's Avatar
I heard from a dancer that she had heard (yeah really solid reporting here!) that the clubs were expecting to reopen May 15.

I’m skeptical.
mtabsw's Avatar
I got a similar text, but she sent a picture of her new dancing costume. Eat your heart out.
  • mb60
  • 04-24-2020, 10:22 PM
I heard from a dancer that she had heard (yeah really solid reporting here!) that the clubs were expecting to reopen May 15.

I’m skeptical. Originally Posted by TomCollins
Strip clubs in Dallas will be nowhere close to May 15th. Tarrant county might be ahead of the curve before Dallas.
Hobby Jon's Avatar
I talked to a regular of mine at Bucks. She said they are telling them end of June maybe mid-July. Can someone say buyers market!!