~ 2017-2018 San Antonio Spurs Superthread ~

tx Easy Rider's Avatar
Don't forget the Admiral.

As for Spurs always draft well: they really don't. Nobody from the 2102, 2103 & 2015 drafts has even contributed a single minute.

Manu in 1998 was an inspired selection, as was TP@ 26 in 2001. The other drafts have been spotty, at best.

They have coached exceptionally well & filled their roster with useful parts. Trading George Hill for K Leonard was genius.

But drafting has not been a strength. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
+1 . also think if Murray is gonna be worth the Spurs future he needs to bulk up some. He was literally pushed around like a kid on a playground last playoffs.
+1 . also think if Murray is gonna be worth the Spurs future he needs to bulk up some. He was literally pushed around like a kid on a playground last playoffs. Originally Posted by tx Easy Rider
I believe the problem isn't the players; it's the COACH.

Murray's STRENGTH is his SPEED but with too many bigs, you've got a race-horse with a bunch of barn animals.

Look at the most recent "all-star" game: Aldridge had ZERO points and not many minutes WHY? Because the game has evolved from the days when bigs like dave, tim, olajuwan, etc. ruled the paint with their size and strength. Shaq couldn't shoot a free throw with a shot-gun but he wanted to DOMINATE you (and he did). The guy was a BEAST.

One of pop's most famous quotes is "we don't worry about other teams." Well, while he and buford were busy not worrying, the rest of the league passed the franchise by.

And I'm starting to think Kawhi won't stay - he's got no help. They are going to wear the guy out having to play 100% at both ends. And besides, what good is ONE defender against the likes of the warriors and rockets?

And speaking of the rockets, compare/contrast them vs Spurs. Houston KNEW GS was THE team to beat so they go out and get a run-n-gun coach and built their team accordingly. We signed patty mills for $50 million...
Dr Grey's Avatar
Speaking of the Rockets, we may watch yet another loss tonight.

I'm not sure the coach is as much to blame as is Buford also who is the GM. Not holding onto key players Bellineli, Simmons, Baynes, Jamychel Green, Corey Joseph. Unable to commit to Chris Paul in favor of Parker and Murray. Resigning Parker and Manu for way too much money. All while overpaying others like Patty, Pau, Danny. All that's left after those three is our G League that they are over confident in. Management messed this up big time. Only decent player we got was Rudy this offseason.

Can blame Pop too, but when management leaves you with this squad we have now, you have to show management who they left you with. Pop is straight up telling Buford, this is who you left me with while you let my better guys go and walk. Which is why pop isn't mad after games like he normally is.

Yeah, injuries may have played a huge role also. Our team has never been healthy all year. But if you had the guys I named above who are NBA players and not g leaguers, we might still be in 3rd by a huge margin. I blame Buford on this one.

Who knows, maybe there is a design behind the rebuild. Looks like Leonard and Murray are really the only ones locked up as the spurs basically are looking to have a clean slate by this off-season and next in 2019 when a deeper number of FA hit the market. I'm also betting we don't make the playoffs this year to get into the lottery. Get Kawhi even more young help.

Kawhi 26 and Murray 21. We got time to build.
pickupkid's Avatar
WE may not make the playoffs...If wedo we won't get past first round.
Dr Grey's Avatar
I'm honestly hoping we don't for a lottery pick. First round if we do get in may very well be against the Warriors or Rockets. Don't see anyone beating them, and honestly not sure anyone beats Houston with the way they bought off the refs this year.

In other news, Kawhi was reported to return Thursday, and now as of a little while ago, he's not playing Thursday.
A question for the good Dr, or hittnit, or pickupkid, would anyone think any less of the Spurs or Pop if they decided to tank the rest of the season to get that lottery pick? ..... I think the top 12 teams (or bottom 12 teams actually) qualify for the lottery, and according to mynfl.com if the season were over today the Spurs would have the 13th pick in the first round ..... I fully understand the "you always play to win" concept, yet those lottery ping-pong balls can take some funny bounces ..... and while I don't think lightning could ever strike three times with the Spurs lucking into the first overall pick, who knows? A top five pick might certainly be possible ..... and yet I don't know anything about any of the potential draftees this year, are there 4-6 top prospects the Spurs might be interested in pairing with Kawhi and Murray to make the Spurs think about tanking? ..... and gentlemen I apologize, obviously that was more than one question, but I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on this .....
Dr Grey's Avatar
As for tanking, I would not be upset, not at all.

As for funny bounces of the ping pong balls, Spurs had lowest odds of a number 1 pick when we got Tim Duncan in that years draft. So it's certainly possible we can end up pretty well even in top 5.

If Spurs do tank, this year's draft is deepest that it has been in a very long time. Thing is, we need an athletic wing player. One who already can hit shots from all ranges and finish at the rim or at least get into the paint to cause defense to collapse. We really don't need a big guy, point guard, or 3 and D player. We need another Simmons since we let him walk. But yes, there's quite a few and if in the top 5, makes getting a great player to form a formidable perimeter. Now if a Ben Simmons or Donovan Mitchell type player is available in the draft, I'd take it and look to trade Murray and Mills for an athletic veteran in the league. And Use Parker as back up since he wants to play 20 total seasons. By then, another point will come along.

If we go to the playoffs, you better hope Free agents like Mirotic, Bradley, and others want to play here. And hope you can trade our bad contracts.

Without Kawhi the roster looks a lot worse than it really is. We would be in 1st through 3rd with him and our 102 pts a game goes up to 114 to 118 and likely one of the top 2. We won 63 games with this same roster one year. But adding a good draft pick ar the expense of an injury riddled year would be the ultimate payoff to get into contention for the upcoming years as today's stars are approaching their mid 30s age wise.

And as a long shot, or shorter than a lot think, LeBron still wants to talk with us in the off-season. You team him with Kawhi, Aldridge and Murray with a new draft prospect, I don't see many teams beating us in a 7 game series with that new starting line and the best bench in the NBA which would still have Tony, Green, Pau and somewhat likely Manu and/or Gay or very least forbs and bertans. We are in a good spot playoffs or no playoffs really to get help this off-season.
A question for the good Dr, or hittnit, or pickupkid, would anyone think any less of the Spurs or Pop if they decided to tank the rest of the season to get that lottery pick? ..... I think the top 12 teams (or bottom 12 teams actually) qualify for the lottery, and according to mynfl.com if the season were over today the Spurs would have the 13th pick in the first round ..... I fully understand the "you always play to win" concept, yet those lottery ping-pong balls can take some funny bounces ..... and while I don't think lightning could ever strike three times with the Spurs lucking into the first overall pick, who knows? A top five pick might certainly be possible ..... and yet I don't know anything about any of the potential draftees this year, are there 4-6 top prospects the Spurs might be interested in pairing with Kawhi and Murray to make the Spurs think about tanking? ..... and gentlemen I apologize, obviously that was more than one question, but I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on this ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
As someone who goes to as many games as possible throughout any season, tanking would be a complete insult to me and all the others who walk through the gates to keep this one pro team here in town. I recall when asshole mccombs owned the team. He flat-out said if we don’t get a solid base of tickets sold (season holders) he threatened to move the team.

Here’s the problem with a high draft pick: kawhi has that max deal pending and you’ve already promised gasol and Aldridge their future funds. They signed mills to 50 mil. You have decisions to make with forbes, murray and bertans as they are all in option years this summer. I’m not sure they will be ca$h for a hot shot rookie for the immediate future.

My nightmare is that golden state have become the new “showtime” lakers and what I mean by that is look at all of the hi-tech companies that are based in that part of cali. It’s money, money, money. They will pay any price to see that team play and win. As such, the franchise can sign whoever they want for any amount they want. Front row tix run $845/seat. Now look at the rockets and it’s all about oil money. We just might be seeing the beginning of some kind of end here in SA.
Hittnit I'm not sure I think tanking is the right thing to do (although the Houston Astros did that, tore up their entire roster, started over, and look where they are now) ..... but the Doc makes some valid points ..... I think that the only way to compete with Golden State and Houston is to get younger and much more athletic roster ..... getting LeBron would be great but he earns $35.6 million next season, so do you not re-sign Parker, and trade Pau or LaMarcus to make that work? ..... if Danny, Rudy, and Lauvergne pick up their player options for next year that puts the team salary at $99.4 million, and that's before you re-sign Parker, Kyle, Bryn, and Davis who all play out their contracts this season ..... and there will be Kawhi's contract to contend with ..... we're paying way to much money for over-the-hill players, we're certainly not getting any younger or more athletic, which to my way of thinking, is the best way to compete with the big oil, hi-tech, or "showtime" teams ..... tanking or not, I think our entire roster and salary cap structure needs some serious re-thinking, or "the beginning of some kind of end here in SA" could very well come true .....
Hittnit I'm not sure I think tanking is the right thing to do (although the Houston Astros did that, tore up their entire roster, started over, and look where they are now) ..... but the Doc makes some valid points ..... I think that the only way to compete with Golden State and Houston is to get younger and much more athletic roster ..... getting LeBron would be great but he earns $35.6 million next season, so do you not re-sign Parker, and trade Pau or LaMarcus to make that work? ..... if Danny, Rudy, and Lauvergne pick up their player options for next year that puts the team salary at $99.4 million, and that's before you re-sign Parker, Kyle, Bryn, and Davis who all play out their contracts this season ..... and there will be Kawhi's contract to contend with ..... we're paying way to much money for over-the-hill players, we're certainly not getting any younger or more athletic, which to my way of thinking, is the best way to compete with the big oil, hi-tech, or "showtime" teams ..... tanking or not, I think our entire roster and salary cap structure needs some serious re-thinking, or "the beginning of some kind of end here in SA" could very well come true ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
Who knows what the real answer is? I went last nite. At one point Murray & Andersen had ZERO points (andersen ended with a donut I believe). Parker had 1. You can't have that. NOT from your starters and there's your youth right there. Sa is averaging 102 PPG. THAT'S 28TH IN THE LEAGUE. There's only 30 teams. And that;s probably high by SA standards.

It dawned on me what makes the warriors so good - they have a LOT of 2-way players. Getting younger won't mean ANYTHING if you don;t get 2-way players. Pop leans too much on defense. It's a scoring league nowadays. The teams ranked below the spurs in PPG are the kings and memphis - 2 teams that are out of playoff contention.

I saw becky hammond declined that college job. I would give her the reigns if the grand design is youth - so she can grow as a coach as the young players grow as well.
Dr Grey's Avatar
Would love Hammon to take over the head coaching spot.

I'm in no hurry and you just have to ride out the Warriors team right now this season and maybe a few more. With a healthy Kawhi and one more piece, we habe a legit chance against them. This season is just about making a playoff statement that we can make it.

I really don't think a lot of guys will be back next year. All players with options will be out. They will heavily look for trading partners for Pau and Mills. But if not, they will have to live with them. At least that's what I'd hope happens.

There's some good talent this off-season and more next, with Kawhi only 25, let's just hope we have a contender by the time he hits his peak performance in 2 seasons. I think we will. And that's why most guys contracts are up by then.

We never got to see this roster play at their full potential either nor healthy in their defense. So bringing every one back and a healthy Kawhi is not out of the question for next year. Confidence does wonders for folks scoring ability off the ball as we saw in our 63 win season. So we shall see if it pays off.

And I'll say it again, Rudy needs to have a much bigger role right now, and maybe start. Even with Kawhi. Not sure why he's not. Makes no sense to bring him here and only play him 15 to 20 a night when he's more than capable of 25 to 35. And can score.
WE may not make the playoffs...If wedo we won't get past first round. Originally Posted by pickupkid
The detroit red wings just had their 25-year streak broken last season (2017).

The NBA record runs from 1950 to 1971 (22 years) held by the Syracuse Nationals/Philly 76ers.
Dr Grey's Avatar
I've come to terms that I'm ok with getting a draft pick if we don't make it. If we do, would love to see Leonard make an effort to play. If not, will be a quick exit I think. I doubt he'll play, but wishful thinking.

Got huge games with OKC and Rockets next. They might knock us out again so we need to beat at least one of them. Luckily, we'd have Clips, Kings, and Lakera to bounce back (hopefully). Realistically, Spurs might only be able to afford 2 losses max going forward. Every night is a grind for us.

Thunder here at SA tomorrow night. If there was a game to support our team, this one is it! A must win game for sure.
Dr Grey's Avatar
And Spurs beat OKC the other night with an incredible game.

They have a giant road block ahead with Houston tonight! Hope we can show we belong in the same gym as these guys.
Dr Grey's Avatar
Spurs with a huge win today over the Rockets! What a game!

Meanwhile, Kawhi returns to New York for rehab. Wonder if he will try to get cleared for a playoff run?