More gun violence, Connecticut School Shooting

I will accept these kinds of ugly things that come with a free and open society. I don't like it. But it is the cost of being free.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I was talking about you, IBBQ Originally Posted by CJ7
You were addressed at:

I B Hankering's Avatar
You are a fucking disgrace, continuing to argue, fling insults, etc.

How do you feel about the 20 kids between 5 and 10 who died today? Or are you so wrapped up in your own venomous froth to even have an opinion on this incident?

Please folks. Please beat your drums a little quieter.
ABC news just aired a poll that says more than half of America favor stricter gun laws.

I know, I know. Fuck everybody, right? Just keep the Mexicans from invading Texas!

You are disgraceful. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You can't read, can you, you illiterate fuck? See @: Notice, there were no insults in that post, you illiterate fuck. Now go back and check who started the name calling, jackass -- that is if you can find a third-grader to do your reading for you!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
That sick fuck killed his mother and then went to where she taught and killed other innocents before doing what he should have done in the first place.
This isn't "gun violence", this is a suck fuck bastard that could not committ suicide in the proper manner.
Step 1, Kill yourself
There is no step 2.
Stupid sick ass fuck.
waverunner234's Avatar
I will accept these kinds of ugly things that come with a free and open society. I don't like it. But it is the cost of being free. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
If you want a free and open society, move far away from the usa.
You might find it in Denmark or Sweden or even Italy or France.
I B Hankering's Avatar
What is the point of the above? It is ONE incident. You don't make policy based on anecdotes. It is a like a liberal saying we need higher taxes and citing Paris Hilton of why the rich don't deserve their money.

You take the statistical average and, as I said above, the vast majority of criminals WILL be stopped by .32s and .38s.

And while it is a tragedy that a wounded criminal will go on to wound or kill his victim because the first shot did not stop them, that is a SMALL number and it has to be weighed against the number of victims who will survive a gunshot because they were shot with a .38 and not a .45.

Don't those numbers offset one another?

I wasn't taking about the M1911. I learned about the history of the .45 years ago in my own military training. The overstatement was your last sentence "the .38 cal will still not stop drugged-up, insensate burglars, rapists, thieves and murderers in the 21st century..."

That is clearly NOT true. It may not stop a small number, but most WILL be stopped - either dead or debilitated.
Originally Posted by ExNYer
Okay, so you want a "qualified" statement: "the .38 cal. will still not stop "all or necessarily most" drugged-up, insensate burglars, rapists, thieves and murderers in the 21st century -- just like it didn't stop "all or even most" of the drugged-up Moros in the Philippines during the American-Philippine War.


It's funny you say you learned about the M1911, yet you deny that the .38 cal. it replaced was replaced because it wasn't killing or incapacitating Moros who were drugged-up and virtually unstoppable with a .38 cal.

Plus there are scores -- if not hundreds -- of stories like these buried in the news across the nation, ExNYer:

“Aguilar said the man ate his victim’s nose and eyeballs.

“The officer then used his service weapon and shot the man, Aguilar said, but the gunshot had no effect. Other sources confirmed that the man refused to obey, and continued his attack. Aguilar said the officer had no choice but to keep shooting until the attacker was dead.”

(BTW, ExNYer, the cops were using "nines", not .38's.)

Stores now selling 'Zombie Bullets' as police warn against new Cloud Nine drug following TWO more horrifying cannibal attacks

“Last week Rudy Eugene - who is believed to have taken the over-the-counter ecstasy-like drug - growled at officers as he chewed off most of a homeless man's face before being shot dead by Miami police.

“Since then two further incidents have been linked to the substance, which is part of a new line of 'bath salts'.”

Then there are the cases like Larry Eugene Phillips Jr., who was shot eleven times before he committed suicide, and his partner Emil Mătăsăreanu, who was shot twenty times before he was incapacitated, surrendered and bled out.

I B Hankering's Avatar
I'm gonna buy a guy.

Goodbye. Originally Posted by waverunner234
Seriously, Wavy, you've been in California too long?!?
"...he screamed that he would shoot me next time..."

Sounds like you have a clear case of terroristic threatening (although I know nothing of Texas law.) Contact you local DA's office, and tell them the police ignored your complaint.

I live in a nicer neighborhood in a small town, there are a few police officers who live on my block and patrol regularly.

Yesterday afternoon, I was walking my dog and we passed a backyard fence where the owner keeps a few greyhounds. My dog likes to run along the fence and play chase with the greyhounds. The owner had come out a few days ago to sternly tell me to stay off his property, which was a small patch of grass next to the road and no sidewalk. Seeing me yesterday, he became enraged and ran up to the fence and yelled at me that he would call the cops. I apologized politely and he kept yelling. I offered to stick around if he wanted to call the police and he screamed that he would shoot me next time. I reminded him it was illegal to discharge a firearm in city limits and that if he shot me or my dog, that he would be spending time in jail with his new boyfriend. I then went to the police station and filed an incident report. The cop who
took my report did not seem to feel that a report was necessary since I did not think I was in imminent danger. Well, nowadays if someone threatens to shoot I do think it is something to be taken seriously and I won't allow myself to be bullied by a nutcase with a vendetta. God bless all the victims of this latest horrific example of insanity meets guns. Originally Posted by cinderbella
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
This was one sick nut job today Gun laws will not stop this from happening again, it was just one asshole, and yes it will happen again FACT OF LIFE TODAY
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-14-2012, 08:12 PM
It's even worse when you know one of the families.

The ear to the ground says it was lined up by gov. Don't know if it's US or UN, but something's wrong. This is all they need to push gun laws. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
I really hope you are kidding.

If you aren't, why don't you shut your whore mouth and take your agenda elsewhere. Originally Posted by Lovely_Lilianna
Sadly she is not kidding...but I do think I have found a date next time I'm in Reno.

I think 'shut your whore mouth' is an instant classic, right up there with Gone With The Wind, The Wizard of Oz and To Kill A Mockingbird!
Okay, so you want a "qualified" statement: "the .38 cal. will still not stop "all or necessarily most" drugged-up, insensate burglars, rapists, thieves and murderers in the 21st century -- just like it didn't stop "all or even most" of the drugged-up Moros in the Philippines during the American-Philippine War.

It's funny you say you learned about the M1911, yet you deny that the .38 cal. it replaced was replaced because it wasn't killing or incapacitating Moros who were drugged-up and virtually unstoppable with a .38 cal. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Please point out - with specificity (post # and line) - where I DENIED anything about why the .38 was replaced by the .45. I said the opposite. I told you I learned all about that many years ago in the military. How do you stretch a denial out of that?

Also, can you cite a statistic that the .38 failed to stop "even most" of the Moros in the Phillippines? There is a BIG difference between the .38 not stopping most after one shot and the .38 not stopping "enough" after one shot.

If the .38 stops 85% of the attackers on the first shot and the .45 stops 95% on the first shot, you can justify replacing the .38, even though the .38 did actually stop most of the attackers with one shot. It just didn't stop enough with one shot.

And can you really extrapolate military tactics and weapons to civilian self-defense? First off all, where does it stop? The .45 ALSO did not stop everyone on the first shot - it just did better than the .38. So, do we go up to heavier weapons? Perhaps 50 caliber machine guns?

The Moros were Muslim fanatics. They were highly motivated guerrillas who used drugs to reduce the pain of being shot. They weren't afraid to die and you couldn't scare them off by flashing your gun.

But that's not true of 99% of your criminals. Burglars and rapists want EASY victims. They don't want to get shot, not even by a .38.

And most of the druggies in this country are using cocaine, pot, heroin, ecstasy or other recreational drugs. Those drugs won't make you insensate to being shot. Not even meth does that. Those drugs make people stupid, irrational, uncoodinated and semi-coherent, but they don't turn anyone into superhuman warriors. When they get shot they go down.

The bath salt stories are horrific, but they are few and far between. And several of the stories you cited of people being shot multiple times don't even involve drugs.

But again, we have to weigh the number of victims who survive because they get shot with a .38 instead of a .45 against the number who die because their killer survived the first shot from a .38. I think the smaller caliber works in favor of the victims surviving.

And again, I said above I can live with the .45 if it is a revolver. We still don't need the 10-15 round clips. Big clips benefit criminals more than their victims.

You hear of too many situations where a gunman with one or more 12-round clips kills 8, 10, or 15 people. But how often do you hear of a victim that was attacked by 10 crazed rapists or muggers and needed a 15 round clip to kill them all? Criminals work in small numbers or alone and a five or six shot revolver should be enough to stop them.

Plus there are scores -- if not hundreds -- of stories like these buried in the news across the nation, ExNYer: Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Can you cite some statistics that there are scores or hundreds of these stories? Can you cite some report or study that shows the stories are somehow "buried". Who buries them?

I read the same sick bath salt murder stories you did. I don't see any evidence of a massive outbreak of such attacks. I only see some anecdotes.

Then there are the cases like Larry Eugene Phillips Jr., who was shot eleven times before he committed suicide, and his partner Emil Mătăsăreanu, who was shot twenty times before he was incapacitated, surrendered and bled out. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
They survived all of those bullets - including from shotguns and AR-15 rifles - because they were wearing BODY ARMOR. You left out that detail, didn't you? A.45 wouldn't have made a difference.
I will accept these kinds of ugly things that come with a free and open society. I don't like it. But it is the cost of being free. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Well, there you go. Whirly doesn't have a problem with it other than the fact that it is "ugly". Poor dumb fucker. Not your kids, right? Somebody ought to whip your ass.
Guest010619's Avatar
A breakdown of Yssup Rider Rant.

You are a fucking disgrace, continuing to argue, fling insults, etc...
Look who's talking and I don't mean just you. Now forgive me for my all out use of free speech, but this coming from the party that protects the right to kill the unborn and even demands it to be federally funded?

How do you feel about the 20 kids between 5 and 10 who died today? Or are you so wrapped up in your own venomous froth to even have an opinion on this incident
I feel terrible beyond words, but does that mean that I have to give up my right to protect me or my loved ones so that some kid who probably saw movies made by liberal Hollywood about the glorification of guns, killing, or played video games that starred many liberal activists who only saw it as a paycheck and not the message they were giving to young kids? Will Rosie O'Donnel let go of her armed guards while the rest of us remain un protected? Last time I checked I found my venomous froth count was zero.

Please folks. Please beat your drums a little quieter.
ABC news just aired a poll that says more than half of America favor stricter gun laws.
Again, Who cares what ABC says this is a heat of the moment survey. More than half of America also voted for Obama, thanks to hurricane Sandy.

I know, I know. Fuck everybody, right? Just keep the Mexicans from invading Texas!
You are disgraceful.
No, I actually celebrate life and everyone right to enjoy it. No innocent one should have it taken away, whether they are six seconds old or six years old. I happen to be Mexican by the way, and I hate how Hollywood has portrayed my race, we're not a bunch of lazy, accented, gun toting banditos, who thrive in gangs and have no smarts.
I just don't want the drugs or gangs coming here cause the don't give a shit about how old your kids are when they sell to them.
And from wher I stand, your disgraceful as well.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You can't read, can you, you illiterate fuck? See @: Notice, there were no insults in that post, you illiterate fuck. Now go back and check who started the name calling, jackass -- that is if you can find a third-grader to do your reading for you!
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
The nation is in mourning and you're ranting and raving like a lunatic. Throughout this thread.

did you hug your kids tonight?

Shame on you.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Ugotome, you aren't willing to listen to the opinions of the people. Blame the image of Mexicans on Hollywood, putting words in my mouth, and spew your anti-choice venom in a thread like this.

You're a fraud and a puto.