Multiple boats participating in a Trump Boat Parade are in distress on Lake Travis near Austin

Lapdog's Avatar
You can take that to the bank, junior.
  • oeb11
  • 09-07-2020, 09:54 AM
Poor Puppy brigade - such a shame to waste a life deluded by Marxist, racist propaganda of teh DPST party.
Yep! I was 100% on point. Multiple handles by you!!!!!

And you're not really living in Canada ... you've been sighted numerous times lurking about in the stalls of Enfield Drug Store, which is OUTSIDE OF CLARKSVILLE. Your mental lapses do expose themselves & you! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Since they have defunded the APD I guess they don't have time to shoo him away?
Grace Preston's Avatar
I am gathering it was more than just one boat, but several. I find that a bit out of the ordinary. Originally Posted by Levianon17
In a mass gathering where people were not necessarily using common sense in regards to basic safety-- I'm honestly surprised it wasn't more. Sometimes the urge to show off overrules common sense.
LexusLover's Avatar
Since they have defunded the APD I guess they don't have time to shoo him away? Originally Posted by friendly fred
I've heard there's a lot of APD traffic at the lunch counter to get the discount available, so he's a good fit for tension releases for the PD pansies who are fitting in these days in Austin. Just imagine who stays and who gets cut.
LexusLover's Avatar
In a mass gathering where people were not necessarily using common sense in regards to basic safety-- I'm honestly surprised it wasn't more. Sometimes the urge to show off overrules common sense. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Are you buying into the implied theme that proTrumpers don't know enough about boating and someone who would vote for a dementia stricken government tit sucker would? I thought so.

The Bitten-Kumola campaign theme .... "We Know How Government Works"!
LexusLover's Avatar
You can take that to the bank, junior. Originally Posted by Lapdog
You and Speedo .... Dos Amigas!

Grace Preston's Avatar
Are you buying into the implied theme that proTrumpers don't know enough about boating and someone who would vote for a dementia stricken government tit sucker would? I thought so.

The Bitten-Kumola campaign theme .... "We Know How Government Works"! Originally Posted by LexusLover

No.. I'm saying that if you watch some of the videos.. they weren't all using common sense. I'd say the same regardless of political party-- I'd say the same if this wasn't a political event, at all.

Most of the similar events to this went fine because they either A-- were moving slowly or B-- were significantly spread out. Most of the boaters at this event were fine-- but it does appear a few either didn't use their heads-- or were victims of someone else not using their heads. The five boats that went down were all due to issues with wake. I'm actually grateful that it was only loss of property and that nobody was harmed. 15 distress calls and 5 boats that sank... things could have been a lot worse.

I have no intention of voting for Biden-- I don't think he's any better-- and in many ways is worse-- than what we have now.
In a mass gathering where people were not necessarily using common sense in regards to basic safety-- I'm honestly surprised it wasn't more. Sometimes the urge to show off overrules common sense. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
What were they specifically doing that would defy common sense and basic boating safety?
LexusLover's Avatar
No.. I'm saying that if you watch some of the videos.. they weren't all using common sense.

I have no intention of voting for Biden-- I don't think he's any better-- and in many ways is worse-- than what we have now. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Rarely, if ever, have I ever gone out on the water, fresh or salt, and observed the 100% exercise of "common sense" by other operators of water craft ... in fact at the time one could question their exercise of "common sense" for even being on the water.

But ... apparently the lame-ass point of this already overextended thread is to suggest that Trump supporters are careless boaters ... or lack "common sense" with regard to exercise what some on here have characterized as "safe boating"!

My only observation is to question an anonymous poster proclaiming their expertise to critique others' "boating safety" what ever their lameass purpose might be for doing so.

Although I admit that a lot of "boating safety" is based on "common sense," there are concepts of "safe boating" that extend beyond "common sense," since what may be "common" to some sober adult when operating a motor vehicle may not be sensical with respect to operating a water craft among others who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground with respect to being safe.

But some folks on here "assume" everyone else in the world is stupid and doesn't have a clue on any topic, unless, of course, they have at least 20 (usually bullshit) reviews. But that is "Eccie" ... and hookers, who apparently seem to believe if they can entice money from a guy for a piece of ass they are a genius.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
No.. I'm saying that if you watch some of the videos.. they weren't all using common sense. I'd say the same regardless of political party-- I'd say the same if this wasn't a political event, at all.

Most of the similar events to this went fine because they either A-- were moving slowly or B-- were significantly spread out. Most of the boaters at this event were fine-- but it does appear a few either didn't use their heads-- or were victims of someone else not using their heads. The five boats that went down were all due to issues with wake. I'm actually grateful that it was only loss of property and that nobody was harmed. 15 distress calls and 5 boats that sank... things could have been a lot worse.

I have no intention of voting for Biden-- I don't think he's any better-- and in many ways is worse-- than what we have now. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Old Lexy believes that the sinking of 5 boats during calm weather is to be expected. Can't be due to the ineptitude of Trump supporters. Must have been some anti-Biden infiltrators.

I'm still waiting for him to prove that I've lied. Strange how he ignores that.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Rarely, if ever, have I ever gone out on the water, fresh or salt, and observed the 100% exercise of "common sense" by other operators of water craft ... in fact at the time one could question their exercise of "common sense" for even being on the water.

But ... apparently the lame-ass point of this already overextended thread is to suggest that Trump supporters are careless boaters ... or lack "common sense" with regard to exercise what some on here have characterized as "safe boating"!

My only observation is to question an anonymous poster proclaiming their expertise to critique others' "boating safety" what ever their lameass purpose might be for doing so.

Although I admit that a lot of "boating safety" is based on "common sense," there are concepts of "safe boating" that extend beyond "common sense," since what may be "common" to some sober adult when operating a motor vehicle may not be sensical with respect to operating a water craft among others who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground with respect to being safe.

But some folks on here "assume" everyone else in the world is stupid and doesn't have a clue on any topic, unless, of course, they have at least 20 (usually bullshit) reviews. But that is "Eccie" ... and hookers, who apparently seem to believe if they can entice money from a guy for a piece of ass they are a genius. Originally Posted by LexusLover

For a person from the party that likes to call others snowflakes, you certainly do read an awful lot into everything.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Rarely, if ever, have I ever gone out on the water, fresh or salt, and observed the 100% exercise of "common sense" by other operators of water craft ... in fact at the time one could question their exercise of "common sense" for even being on the water.

But ... apparently the lame-ass point of this already overextended thread is to suggest that Trump supporters are careless boaters ... or lack "common sense" with regard to exercise what some on here have characterized as "safe boating"!

My only observation is to question an anonymous poster proclaiming their expertise to critique others' "boating safety" what ever their lameass purpose might be for doing so.

Although I admit that a lot of "boating safety" is based on "common sense," there are concepts of "safe boating" that extend beyond "common sense," since what may be "common" to some sober adult when operating a motor vehicle may not be sensical with respect to operating a water craft among others who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground with respect to being safe.

But some folks on here "assume" everyone else in the world is stupid and doesn't have a clue on any topic, unless, of course, they have at least 20 (usually bullshit) reviews. But that is "Eccie" ... and hookers, who apparently seem to believe if they can entice money from a guy for a piece of ass they are a genius. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Five boats sank on Saturday. If this was a Democratic rally you would be all over it. It happened to be a Republican rally. No, not all Trump supporters are careless boaters. Obviously there were careless boaters out there on Saturday who did not know squat about boating safety. In their defense, such an event has rarely, if ever, happened on Lake Travis and knowing what to do in such circumstances may not have come naturally. Some were going too fast for the proximity of boats and their wake inundated other boats and caused them to sink.
Grace Preston's Avatar
What were they specifically doing that would defy common sense and basic boating safety? Originally Posted by Levianon17

When you have large gatherings like that-- the larger boats should have either been on a low idle to minimize wake-- or in the back of the group so as to not affect the much smaller vessels. Or both. That's on top of the list.

Also-- I imagine most of the folks boating in freshwater lakes typically do so on their own or maybe with one or two others. and not in large groups like this. I don't think incompetence factors into it at all-- its just not a typical "situation" that most recreational boaters would find themselves in. I mean.. those of you who have gone fishing or wakeboarding, etc. on the lake... should know what wake from a boat or two does, right? Now imagine dozens upon dozens. Its going to make calm waters--- far less calm.

Experience has a lot to do with it. And, that's not to say they were inexperienced. But-- if they primarily get out on the lake on the weekends-- they typically won't have as much wake-- There was an event on the Ohio river this weekend as well that had no issues-- but if you boat on the Ohio-- you're used to having to contend with wakes from the large barges that go up and down the river. And the regattas they've had in the bays in Florida-- those are larger boats and they are accustomed to higher wave action. I mean.. look at some of the pics from Lake Travis-- on a typical, calm day-- you're not going to see the water like that.

I can't speak for others-- but I can say that in my case.. using the phrase "common sense" isn't thrown as an insult. This literally could have happened to anyone in similar circumstances.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
What were they specifically doing that would defy common sense and basic boating safety? Originally Posted by Levianon17
When a boat comes into proximity to another boat common sense is to slow down in case something unexpected happens that would put both boats in jeopardy. For instance, on Lake Travis there are areas close to shore that are "no wake" zones, meaning you must slow the boat down because it is very likely others boats will be passing you at close quarters. In my opinion, the water area where the rally was held should have been exactly that, a "no wake" zone.