Providers against all AA? Let me know

goodolboy's Avatar
It's a numbers game, dipshit. They can't eliminate 80% of the pussy buying population. Even though white guys make up the biggest collective group of perverts, rapists, and killers, Originally Posted by Randall Creed
The statistics are what they are, but you must keep in mind whites are about 65% of the population and blacks about 13%.

As a simple example if Ford cars were only 13% of the cars on the road but were responsible for 50% of all mechanical breakdowns many would question their reliability.

The FBI statistics are in the link.
1. I'm not your bro.
2. The stats are publicly available to anyone that wants to see them. It's called the Department of Justice.
3. I get that you're probably still wet behind the ears, but your expectation that others will do the hard work (and thinking) for you is sadly misplaced. Originally Posted by texassapper
1. NO! You ARE my bro, bro!
2. The stats you quoted support my mass shooter argument, bro. You were right about Ronald though. Kudos.
3. Not sure what the hell your no. 3 means, but remember that throwing the word "math" into every other sentence doesn't mean you are actually doing math. If we're talking probabilities, you already conceded that most violent crime is committed by people of the same race. So for white providers to avoid violent crime (according to your logic-MATH!), white women should ban all white guys. I think that's dumb logic.

Here's better logic that doesn't require visiting a federal law enforcement agencies website in connection with your online whore board beef.

A. If you are revolted by the sight of a black guy, don't see them (and get therapy).

B. If you are afraid for your safety, use a verification service and refs. You'll weed out pimps, serial killers, mass shooters, and people who randomly scream "Math!" in the middle of the night. You'll also capture revenue from a group that is outright banned by women who don't know how to screen.
Oh, and I did not call people apes. Originally Posted by Muscleup
Here's the quote below:

"So, if I were an actuarial for the provider business, I would rate an AA (AmericanApe) a poor risk. Just sayin'."

If this wasn't you, I'll happily apologize. I just scrolled back through the thread and found it.

I'm curious. Why write the above line and then not want to be associated with the word "racist"? Why deny writing it? It is a free country. You could be racist if you wanted to. What do you love about saying "Aa" means "American ape" but hate about people who are racist? If you said, "I'm racist! Fuck off JL" I'd respect the honesty.

Second, why do you need this so much? Why do you need to talk about black people the way you do? Does it make you feel better about life? Does it make you forget? Black folks will be alright. They've seen worse.

You should do some soul searching. Meditate. Take a long walk. See one of the lovely providers on the board. Then go home, listen to some jazz (by a white guy, of course), then go to the refrigerator, grab something to snack on, sit down at the dinner table... And EAT A DICK.

VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
Here's the quote below:

"So, if I were an actuarial for the provider business, I would rate an AA (AmericanApe) a poor risk. Just sayin'."

If this wasn't you, I'll happily apologize. I just scrolled back through the thread and found it.

I'm curious. Why write the above line and then not want to be associated with the word "racist"? Why deny writing it? It is a free country. You could be racist if you wanted to. What do you love about saying "Aa" means "American ape" but hate about people who are racist? If you said, "I'm racist! Fuck off JL" I'd respect the honesty.

Second, why do you need this so much? Why do you need to talk about black people the way you do? Does it make you feel better about life? Does it make you forget? Black folks will be alright. They've seen worse.

You should do some soul searching. Meditate. Take a long walk. See one of the lovely providers on the board. Then go home, listen to some jazz (by a white guy, of course), then go to the refrigerator, grab something to snack on, sit down at the dinner table... And EAT A DICK.

#math Originally Posted by Johnnylewisusa
I Always have said, being white doesn't equal being happy.
1. NO! You ARE my bro, bro!
2. The stats you quoted support my mass shooter argument, bro. You were right about Ronald though. Kudos.
3. Not sure what the hell your no. 3 means, but remember that throwing the word "math" into every other sentence doesn't mean you are actually doing math. If we're talking probabilities, you already conceded that most violent crime is committed by people of the same race. So for white providers to avoid violent crime (according to your logic-MATH!), white women should ban all white guys. I think that's dumb logic.

Here's better logic that doesn't require visiting a federal law enforcement agencies website in connection with your online whore board beef.

A. If you are revolted by the sight of a black guy, don't see them (and get therapy).

B. If you are afraid for your safety, use a verification service and refs. You'll weed out pimps, serial killers, mass shooters, and people who randomly scream "Math!" in the middle of the night. You'll also capture revenue from a group that is outright banned by women who don't know how to screen. Originally Posted by Johnnylewisusa
Oh darn, bro. I almost forgot.

4. If we're arguing that black people disproportionately commit more crimes and should be banned, don't forget that most COPS are white. More than 70% (MATH!), so if you ban black guys without screening white guys, don't you increase the likelihood of bumping into LE? If you argue that by seeing a black guy you are more likely to run into a criminal black guy because more blacks are in jail, you have to concede that if see a white guy you're more likely to run into a cop because the vast majority of cops are white. Both are bullshit arguments to me. Solution: SCREEN.

Who cares, you don’t like it, don’t use that provider if her rules offend you, personally I’m tired of people telling me I have to change how I feel about something because it hurts their feelings, I’m entitled to believe what I want too and the providers are free to feel whatever they want and put in place and advertise any rules that may make them safe or make them feel safe
greenraven's Avatar
I thought the no aa girls were pimped out or something lol i would be nervous too see someone who was like no aa or no indians or something it makes me think an aa or indian is gonna set me up and dont want too rob or scam there own people
This might be the post of the year.

These same ol' yahoos come in here and talk ALLLL that shit about how tired OF THE TOPIC AT HAND they are. Actually addressing the matter be damned.

All they give a shit about is shifting the agony and grief of the subject to the black man. They could give two fucks about how WE feel about the constant, NEVER ENDING inconvenience of dealing with it.

The typical attitude is SUCKS TO BE YOU...GLAD IT AIN'T ME...SHUT UP ABOUT IT, and crawl back into your hole.

Then they do a fistpump and be like, yeahhh!! Woo hoo!!! I'm glad you don't see those black bastards!! Way to go!!! Originally Posted by Randall Creed

I think this would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the many great contributions of the black community and their culture to our society. Their peaceful and generous nature makes them ideal neighbors, lending testimony to their exceptional family values and parenting skills unrivaled by any other culture. Their commitment to academic excellence enriches our schools and serves as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as a people. Real estate values are fueled by the influx of African Americans and illegal immigrants into an area due to their caring and respectful nurturing of these communities, as an example of all they have achieved by their enthusiasm for self-improvement through hard work and a self-reliant can-do nature. Without their industrious and creative drive, we would be poorer as a nation.

Here's the quote below:

"So, if I were an actuarial for the provider business, I would rate an AA (AmericanApe) a poor risk. Just sayin'."

If this wasn't you, I'll happily apologize. I just scrolled back through the thread and found it. Originally Posted by Johnnylewisusa
Not so quick on the uptake of the subtleties of my ending comment.

Think about it. (I know that's difficult for you)
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I did not call PEOPLE (humans) apes.

Get it yet?
I thought the no aa girls were pimped out or something lol i would be nervous too see someone who was like no aa or no indians or something it makes me think an aa or indian is gonna set me up and dont want too rob or scam there own people Originally Posted by greenraven
No, it means they do not want to get r-aped or robbed.
I see more age specific no AA ads than anything,very often the provider is black herself. I wonder why this age restriction on AA is so common? The age cut off typically seems to be no AA under 35.

At the end of the day it is irrelevant, her body her rules. Originally Posted by goodolboy

The male AA still alive at the age of 35 means they were never gang members, or they survived and got bank from their honorable trade, and possibly they may be part of the top 18% of the AA's with an IQ of 100 or more.
greenraven's Avatar
No, it means they do not want to get r-aped or robbed. Originally Posted by Muscleup
Yikes lol you must be a troll ive seen white and mexican pimps and guys that were super gangster face tats and all once you become more well traveled you will see that gansters come in all shape and sizes and colors. Besides alot off the mass shooters are white so every race has idiots in it that do things that makes normal people in that race embarrassed alot of young black guys arnt trained to interact with a sex worker they see them as women they can take advantage off sometimes but most are like normal people lol once prostitution becomes legal than all this crap will go away. All the legal prostitution places dont care what you look like cause they are ran by people who actually make money
Yikes lol you must be a troll ive seen white and mexican pimps and guys that were super gangster face tats and all once you become more well traveled you will see that gansters come in all shape and sizes and colors. Besides alot off the mass shooters are white so every race has idiots in it that do things that makes normal people in that race embarrassed alot of young black guys arnt trained to interact with a sex worker they see them as women they can take advantage off sometimes but most are like normal people lol once prostitution becomes legal than all this crap will go away. All the legal prostitution places dont care what you look like cause they are ran by people who actually make money Originally Posted by greenraven
When you know he's a troll, why do you give him the one thing that he craves the most? Your attention. Doesn't matter if it's positive or negative attention, trolls thrive on it.

Ignore him and he'll soon grow bored and go away.
Wow. I remember my younger ASPD days trying to make sense of this typic. I used to try and prove myself aged finishing my degree and starting a career. I grew up with the BA in DFW and just decided I’d have enough and moved on to better things.

Coming across this same topic over 10 years later is sad. Leaving and growing was the best decision ever. I refuse to continue to deal with ignorant ass folks, especially when it involves me actually spending my money. This is a bad look for the area.

Ps. Pimps and Robs of all colors are exposed daily in my neck of the woods. Majority of them are non ADOS or African.
texassapper's Avatar
More than 70% (MATH!), so if you ban black guys without screening white guys, don't you increase the likelihood of bumping into LE? If you argue that by seeing a black guy you are more likely to run into a criminal black guy because more blacks are in jail, you have to concede that if see a white guy you're more likely to run into a cop because the vast majority of cops are white. Originally Posted by Johnnylewisusa
Your other post was just ignorant backwash, so I'll ignore it since there wasn't any intelligent statement to reference. But based on this, you're starting to understand.. the probability that a client will be LE is higher when seeing a white client.

You mention screening... and I agree that does reduce the probability of assault or LEO... but that's not what the discussion was about in the first place... it was simply about NBA policy. And from a simple statistical probability and risk view, it's understandable why they exist vs. a no Indian policy.

This last post of yours alone indicates that you understand the argument you just don't want to admit it.

Thanks for playing.