Harris County grand jury indicts pair behind Planned Parenthood videos

Actually you get charged with solicitation and not prostitution. Prostitution requires some evidence of the act and solicitation just requires an offer to perform the act. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yes, which is why I said "It's kind of like soliciting a prostitute: you don't have to have sex with her for it to be a crime." Was this not clear? I know that it is my job, when communicating my point, to get the audience to understand. I'm not sure what was unclear about that statement. Could you describe to me what you thought that sentence meant so I can do a better job of conveying my position to you in the future?

But, anyway, the reason I drew this analogy is because the law does not require actually buying or selling organs, just like soliciting a prostitute does not require anyone having sex. All that's important is that someone intentionally offered to buy or sell, which apparently they did.
  • DSK
  • 01-29-2016, 10:23 AM
If you make a prediction and it turns out wrong....that is not lying. If you later lie about what you predicted, that is a lie.

Not telling the truth is lying. There are many different degrees. Like killing another. There are different degrees of culpability.

Some folks incorrectly believe in something and then lie unintentionally.

Others know the truth yet try and distort it with lies. They intentionally lie to win their point.
Originally Posted by WTF
I agree with these statements, and I appreciate your answer.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-29-2016, 10:26 AM
JD does not even understand prostitution laws...i doubt he is capable of understanding this.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You do understand that the aborted fetal tissue is discarded?

But if it is harvested for scientific research to help you in your old age with the benefits of that research....then PPH can only charge the extra cost associated with preserving what would have been thrown away. It is my understanding that this cost is 25-50 dollars. These idiots who were not approved to buy fetal tissue, offered 1600 dollars. PPH ceased communications with them. They then tried to lie about PPH selling fetal tissue. They should be aborted along with you, if I had my way. Liars would be aborted. You and LexusLiar would be in a world of hurt.

So it seems you idiots have no problem with PPH throwing away aborted fetal tissue but shit your pants about them passing on the cost of the harvest and shipping to a research company. Is that wtf you idiots are crying about? Because that is legal. Now as a libertarian , you might object to say yourself doing that but one would think you would not force your morality on others. But then I maintain that you are not a libertarian. You do understand that there are folks out there that think you are immoral for fucking girls half your age....that it is against the law for you to even offer to fuck them for money. That is wtf you are sounding like. Originally Posted by WTF
I just asked a question. You then make up shit, tear it down, and declare yourself a "winner".

You want to know what I really think of PPH? I don't really give a rat's ass what they do, so long as they do it without taxpayer support. That's a Libertarian position.

BTW, it's spelled "oops", moron. Oh I know, you "intended" to spell it that way. Spare us.
lustylad's Avatar
If you make a prediction and it turns out wrong....that is not lying.... Some folks incorrectly believe in something and then lie unintentionally.... Originally Posted by WTF
As usual, you stumble all over yourself... Because he believed in every available intelligence estimate, George W Bush predicted we would find WMDs in Iraq. Per your definition, that's NOT lying... Then in the next breath you say it IS lying to "incorrectly believe in something".

Monstrous contradiction. And don't even try to weasel out of it. I won't hijack this thread to go down your rabbit hole.

Flip flop, flip flop, flip flop... fagboy has more waffles than a house of pancakes!
LexusLover's Avatar
As usual, you stumble all over yourself... Because he believed in every available intelligence estimate, George W Bush predicted we would find WMDs in Iraq. Per your definition, that's NOT lying... Then in the next breath you say it IS lying to "incorrectly believe in something".

Monstrous contradiction. And don't even try to weasel out of it. I won't hijack this thread to go down your rabbit hole.

Flip flop, flip flop, flip flop... fagboy has more waffles than a house of pancakes! Originally Posted by lustylad
He "thinks" you forgot his last epic bullshit session. That's a "liberal thing"!

It went on for days about Bush Lying about WMD's. But he wants you to forget!

His "retorts" have the central theme of: (1) "you're a liar" (2) "you can't read" (3) "you can't seem to comprehend" (4) "do I have to educate you?" (5) etc, etc.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-30-2016, 06:03 AM
As usual, you stumble all over yourself... Because he believed in every available intelligence estimate, George W Bush predicted we would find WMDs in Iraq. Per your definition, that's NOT lying... Then in the next breath you say it IS lying to "incorrectly believe in something".

Monstrous contradiction. And don't even try to weasel out of it. I won't hijack this thread to go down your rabbit hole.

Flip flop, flip flop, flip flop... fagboy has more waffles than a house of pancakes! Originally Posted by lustylad
GWB said it was a slam dunk. That is not a prediction. Kinda like your bung hole being full of man cum is a fact and not a prediction!

You do not go to war on faulty intelligence and not fire the fucking people who fed you the faulty intelligence unless of course the faulty intelligence is the only answer you really wanted.

Either way...Bush lied. Whether he knew he was lying is possibly debatable and I'm willing to give him the benifit of doubt.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-30-2016, 06:25 AM
He "thinks" you forgot his last epic bullshit session. That's a "liberal thing"!

It went on for days about Bush Lying about WMD's. But he wants you to forget!

His "retorts" have the central theme of: (1) "you're a liar" (2) "you can't read" (3) "you can't seem to comprehend" (4) "do I have to educate you?" (5) etc, etc. Originally Posted by LexusLover
LL...my definition of lying that i gave DSK applies to Bush. Bush did not make a prediction, he took is to war under the lie that Iraq had WMD's.

How about you quit lying.
  • DSK
  • 01-30-2016, 10:43 AM
LL...my definition of lying that i gave DSK applies to Bush. Bush did not make a prediction, he took is to war under the lie that Iraq had WMD's.

How about you quit lying. Originally Posted by WTF
Did Bush know it was a lie?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-30-2016, 04:07 PM
Did Bush know it was a lie? Originally Posted by DSK
I give him the benifit of doubt.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Nobody has convicted these idiots. If the facts lead to them breaking the law, they should be convicted....do you agree or not? If the facts lead to PPH breaking the law should they have been charged? Are you saying you do not agree with the Grand Jury?

Do you think that they will have a better chance of being convicted if the jury is pro life or pro choice?
Originally Posted by WTF
"The facts" are that they video taped themselves breaking the law by using fake IDs and offering to buy fetal tissue for $$$. Otherwise, they, like the 18 year old with the fake ID for beer, probably would not have been indicted. That is what makes it funny. They created the evidence against themselves.

The other funny thing is that the Republican AG asked for the Grand Jury to investigate PP and in introducing the "evidence", the Republican DA showed the Grand Jury (probably mixed Republicans and Democrats) evidence that caused them to indict the so called "film makers" but didn't find any evidence of wrongdoing against PP.

That is called "hoist by one's own petard" and not just once, but twice. That makes it officially funny to anyone on either side except those so blinded by their own agenda that they have lost all reason.


I can't believe three pages of posts were wasted on this. It just confirms why I left off posting here.
0zombies we will let this play out in court. I don't think it will turn like you 0zombies think... http://www.lifenews.com/2016/01/28/d...m-abortionist/

[QUOTE=IIFFOFRDB;1057751631. I don't think i


WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-30-2016, 08:54 PM
0zombies we will let this play out in court. I don't think it will turn like you 0zombies think... http://www.lifenews.com/2016/01/28/d...m-abortionist/

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Let it play out...i have no problem with that. It is you whining every single time things do not go your way... you fuckers cry about two lying fuckers getting caught lying....and the group yhey represent doubles down on trying to dirty the DA!
  • DSK
  • 01-31-2016, 12:54 PM
Let it play out...i have no problem with that. It is you whining every single time things do not go your way... you fuckers cry about two lying fuckers getting caught lying....and the group yhey represent doubles down on trying to dirty the DA! Originally Posted by WTF
It is investigative journalism!!! Freedom of the press works both ways, and it was an expose - they formed no illegal intent to purchase fetal tissue except as it pertained to their investigation.