What Biden done for the good of the country

A trillion dollar bipartisan infrastructure bill, to start

There were videos posted somewhere discussing the Biden administration. Where were they.....oh, they are way back on page 1 of this thread.

All other relevant posts and the OP immediately shouts BS. He doesn't want to hear the accomplishments of the Biden administration. He wants to attack the Biden administration. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Not for the United States, maybe for Israel and Ukraine to build those two shit countries back from destruction. Learn to read the fine print.
VitaMan's Avatar
Trump tried to get an infrastructure bill passed for years. He wasn't able to. The Biden administration got it done.
VitaMan's Avatar
Bullshit. I see what is happening everyday and its not good. I don't have time right now but I'll give you a list 9f negatives for B8den tomorrow. Then you can explain why I'm wrong. Originally Posted by Budman

Your thread asks what the Biden administration has done for the good of the country. You were provided some answers. But you don't even want to view them.

Now you are on to this, in your own thread. Are you doing 2 threads in 1 ? No one cares if you post a list of negatives or not. You have completely lost focus of your own thread.

Incredible BDS here. I am moving on from this thread. This is bordering on obsession.
Trump tried to get an infrastructure bill passed for years. He wasn't able to. The Biden administration got it done. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Yeah, not for America though. Biden isn't taking care of business. He weaponized the FBI to go after Trump that's all he's done. Biden is playing Mob Boss. His chances of getting reelected are getting slimmer by the day. Biden is a shit President America doesn't need him.
Budman's Avatar
Wrong again. Providing biased videos isn’t what I was asking for. I want to know what you lefties believe Biden has done good for the country. Here is some of the things I believe he has done that has harmed the country.

1. Open borders. You can claim that there is not an official open border policy but that doesn’t change that fact that he has done nothing to stop illegal crossings and has done things that help the illegals get into the US.
2. Payoff student loans. Why on earth should I foot the bill for people that took out loans to get some worthless degree or others that became successful professionals. There is no way you can spin this to be fair and right.
3. His awful withdrawal from Afghanistan. Shameful!
4. Not fully supporting Israel.
5. Weaponizing the FBI and DOJ to go after his political opponent.
6. Inflation
7. His trillion dollar inflation reduction act. (Actually a green energy boondoggle.)

This is just off the top of my head. Come on lefties tell me where I’m wrong.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You have listed a number of actions that at least half of the country supports.

Again, your bds is crushing your ability to reason.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Wrong again. Providing biased videos isn’t what I was asking for. I want to know what you lefties believe Biden has done good for the country. Here is some of the things I believe he has done that has harmed the country.

1. Open borders. You can claim that there is not an official open border policy but that doesn’t change that fact that he has done nothing to stop illegal crossings and has done things that help the illegals get into the US.bullshit
2. Payoff student loans. Why on earth should I foot the bill for people that took out loans to get some worthless degree or others that became successful professionals. There is no way you can spin this to be fair and right. your personal disdain for higher education is at the root of this grievance, not student loan forgiveness. We know Trump loves the uneducated.
3. His awful withdrawal from Afghanistan. Shameful! Trump’s agreement
4. Not fully supporting Israel. Netanyahu is a facist and continues to resist the world’s call for peace.
5. Weaponizing the FBI and DOJ to go after his political opponent. bullshit
6. Inflation. Not entirely Biden’s doing
7. His trillion dollar inflation reduction act. (Actually a green energy boondoggle.) climate/science deniers broken record comment

This is just off the top of my head. Come on lefties tell me where I’m wrong. Originally Posted by Budman
From top to bottom. Your vitriol is the real product of Trump’s unsuccessful attempt to overthrow our government. And I figure you ought to be worn out by now from all the hatred you spew on this board.

Tap out.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
You have listed a number of actions that at least half of the country supports.
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
the 1/2 that hates US ///?
adav8s28's Avatar
Tell me what you think he has done for the good of the country. I'm not watching a bunch of biased videos from left wingers. Originally Posted by Budman
Do you think Conservatives/Republicans are going to make a video on Biden's accomplishments? Maybe the republicans who formed the "Lincoln Project" might. Their number one objective was making sure Trump would not be re-elected. They were successful.

Biden accomplishments:

The 3 Trillion Infastructure Bill passed. (A Bipartisan Bill)

Rolled out the Vaccine to fight SARS_CoV2 virus

Got the price of prescriptions drugs lowered.

Renewables are the number two source of electricity.

Unemployment is still low.

Recovery from the CoVid outbreak has been speedy because of the extra stimulus.

Three Stock indexes have set all time highs.

Unified NATO countries against Russia for invading Ukraine.
  • Tiny
  • 05-27-2024, 03:42 PM
Hi Adav8s28 and Vitaman,

Biden accomplishments:

The 3 Trillion Infastructure Bill passed. (A Bipartisan Bill) Originally Posted by adav8s28
Biden's Infrastructure Bill will "only" cost $1 trillion, not $3 trillion. Thank God! Most infrastructure expenditures should be made by localities and states, not the federal government. When the power of the purse and decision making are closest to the people, the money is spent most efficiently. The Biden/McConnell infrastructure bill is loaded with pork and handouts.

Rolled out the Vaccine to fight SARS_CoV2 virus Originally Posted by adav8s28
The roll out probably would have been delayed by months and hundreds of thousands more would have died if not for the Trump Administration's Operation Warp Speed, and for Trump pushing approvals through the FDA.

Got the price of prescriptions drugs lowered. Originally Posted by adav8s28
This is the one thing I can can think of that Biden did that I think was positive, and that probably wouldn't have happened under a Republican president. But it's not a big deal. So far the only tangible result is a $35 per month price cap on insulin. And a promise that Medicare will lower drug prices through negotiations. Healthcare in the USA costs 17% of GDP, far more than other countries. And our health care outcomes are on par with places like Cuba. This move by Biden is like taking a flat-chested, fat ugly woman and whacking a mole off her neck. Without massive liposuction, exercise, a change in diet, breast implants, and a nose job she's still going to be pretty damn ugly.

Renewables are the number two source of electricity. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Renewables became number two during the Trump administration:


When the market looks for a way to increase use of renewables in a way that won't hurt the taxpayer, Biden probably will squash it, like he is now by placing 100% tariffs on $10,000 Chinese electric cars. Never pass up an opportunity to squander taxpayer money, if it interferes with our omniscient federal government's industrial policy. Or more importantly if it deprives you of an opportunity to pass out pork (in this case to EV manufacturers and smug upper class Democrats who enjoy their Tesla tax credits.)

Unemployment is still low.

Recovery from the CoVid outbreak has been speedy because of the extra stimulus. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Yeah, trillions in stimulus spending will do that. Along with running up the debt. And playing a large part in the 20% cumulative inflation we've seen since Biden took office.

Three Stock indexes have set all time highs. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Just as indices have set highs under every president since Eisenhower except for Carter and Ford.

Unified NATO countries against Russia for invading Ukraine. Originally Posted by adav8s28
OK, yeah, but I'd argue Biden and NATO should be looking to end this war instead of fighting it to the last Ukrainian. One silver lining when Biden was elected was that I figured he wasn't a neoconservative. I figured wrong.

For education:

“Our Committees’ investigation found vulnerabilities in cranes at U.S. ports that could allow the CCP [Chinese Communist Party] to not only undercut trade competitors through espionage, but disrupt supply chains and the movement of cargo, devastating our nation’s economy,” Rep. Mark Green, the Republican chair of the House Homeland Security Committee, said.

“Without a swift sea-change, we will continue to gift the CCP with an easy means of infiltrating our critical infrastructure on their quest for global dominance.”

In the Coast Guard’s inspections of Chinese-made cranes, “we have found … openings, vulnerabilities that are there by design,” Rear Admiral John Vann, head of the Coast Guard Cyber Command, told lawmakers.

Owners and operators of over 200 Chinese-made container cranes at U.S. ports will be subject to new cyber-risk management requirements aimed at reducing China’s ability to spy on America’s domestic supply chains. Originally Posted by VitaMan
I suspect this is just a continuation of Chinese paranoia that began under Trump and continued with Biden. And in any event if that's the biggest accomplishment you guys can come up with, then Biden must not have done much. Finally, like the record stock market indices, how much did Biden have to do with this? Would it have happened anyway regardless of who was president? From what I'm reading, the military, the Coast Guard and Republicans on the House Homeland Security Committee had as much or more to do with this than the Biden administration.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Still waiting on the Open Borders Policy link...
Still waiting on the Open Borders Policy link... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
There is no policy that's why the Border is wide ass open.
  • Tiny
  • 05-27-2024, 06:25 PM
Renewables became number two during the Trump administration:

Originally Posted by Tiny
Sorry link above is from 2023. This is from 2020 during Trump’s presidency.


It shows renewables at number 2, generating 20% the USA’s electricity, just edging out coal and nuclear which were both at 19%. Natural gas was number one.
txdot-guy's Avatar
3. His awful withdrawal from Afghanistan. Shameful!
This is just off the top of my head. Come on lefties tell me where I’m wrong. Originally Posted by Budman
I’m going to have to push back on this one. President Biden has lost two children and his first wife. One of those children served in the military and was deployed to Iraq. I think that he has a much better understanding of the grief that parents experience when their children die in service. The PTSD that survivors experience. The trauma that comes with recovery from wounds which could include amputations or other injuries.

I’m willing to admit that the withdrawal from Afghanistan was flawed from the outset but Biden had the courage to stand by the decision rather than keeping troops in country for another decade or two just to keep from suffering a political defeat.

I like President Obama quite a lot but I am was quite disappointed that he didn’t pull us out of Afghanistan much sooner. We should have been out of there as soon as we took out Osama Bin Laden.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Unified NATO countries against Russia for invading Ukraine. Originally Posted by adav8s28
OK, yeah, but I'd argue Biden and NATO should be looking to end this war instead of fighting it to the last Ukrainian. One silver lining when Biden was elected was that I figured he wasn't a neoconservative. I figured wrong. Originally Posted by Tiny
I think you are looking at this incorrectly. Once Russia decided to invade we really had little choice but to respond. adav8s28’s statement was that Biden Unified NATO countries against Russia. The reason why I would consider this an accomplishment is because Trump pissed all over our existing relationships and threatened to leave NATO. Providing real leadership during that time was an important step to restoring our alliances.

I agree we should plan on concluding the conflict if possible but only the Ukrainian people can decide that, our part to play in this conflict is to provide the support necessary to make Russia sue for peace. The hold up in Ukraine funding that the minority of republicans supported did nothing but tell Russia that they should wait until after the election in November before negotiating with an eye to ending the conflict. Russia needs to see a united front between all of the NATO countries.