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ANONONE's Avatar
And anyone recommend the best way for me to get banned on ASPD?
I feel left out!

RR Originally Posted by RobRoy
Just ask a pointed, but honest question, or do like I did and get booted for making "excessive work for an admin/mod" and you will get your EXASPD Badge:

First, a so-called chat infraction.
Second, ask for the specific board policy you supposedly violated.
:chat ban and twelve warning points:
Third, ask how long the warning points will be in effect
:15 warning points for making excessive work for the mod/admin, this makes for a year long (or however long until they fade) ban:

Of course, I think they will selectively lift bans off some folks, but transfer them to the other site and enforce them on folks that do any critical thinking.

Let's be honest, this was a money grab--a way to get paid BCD members off the dole and keep the money and require them to pay new subscription rates at the new site.

Urrrggg. . .see there I went ranting again. Let's just celebrate this cool place and let the deranged play with their sponge blocks in the corner.
Mr Clever's Avatar
I love ASPD, but simply asking me to donate to a new board; not guaranteed to be ASPD knock off or transfer of data from,,,, also,,,, via a blank money order (donations can be tax write offs, right?) sounds rather hinky too me and like pissing in the wind.. I'd rather buy a lotto ticket,, at least I know if I won or lost. :P
It is to easy for them to take the money and run,, not only that,, every one and their mother has been downloading data and saving it too. How hard is that??? I don't think they have crap, other than going through 100k membership and emailing/spamming them all and asking them to join their new board.. Pipedream! ASPD is gone,, may it RIP! Originally Posted by AlexisSoftTouch

Personally, I feel as though they "the leaching" family members who have lived off of ASPD are feeling the effects of being broke. Can't access the cash...Since, Amber is gone. And, are scrambling to put together a spin off board. Which, they don't know how to run. That's been shown recently as they have showcased their customer service skills. And, in the name of Amber want to blah blah blah....LOL! They are full of shit. I've seen more crimes and scams committed in the name of God. One in the name of Amber is nothing.

My take.

Turn the fucking lights off already.

Mr. C
AMEN...pull the plug!!!
notanewbie's Avatar
Mr.C I do not believe I have ever read anything you have written quite as harsh as that. However I think you are dead on. And that in it self a shame. That is what her "legacy" is? This is how the once great ASPD will be remembered? Nice job family.
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
I have all of my reviews including bcd, plus many of my girlfriends as well, so I don't need aspd any more than I needed to spend my precious time reading all of the verbal diarrhea that the owners of aspd allowed to be "whispered."
  • npita
  • 01-06-2010, 11:41 AM
Personally, I feel as though they "the leaching" family members who have lived off of ASPD are feeling the effects of being broke. Can't access the cash...Since, Amber is gone. And, are scrambling to put together a spin off board. Originally Posted by Mr Clever
Personally, I think it's in bad taste to speculate on the motivations of Amber's family and this is the sort of thing that became prevalent on and should die along with aspd. I think many of us are happy that eccie has not fallen victim to drama and would like to leave the personal nastiness for other boards to deal with.
Magnetron's Avatar
i don't get it...what the hell good does it do to ban people on a day it supposedly was going dark??? Originally Posted by WickedHeather
Yeah, I wondered that too -
carkido45's Avatar
Yeah, I wondered that too - Originally Posted by Magnetron
Banning people keeps them from posting anything negative about the owners or staff.
Do it once your gone and you can't do it again they already posted
"no negative comments or you will be banned"
They want some peace before lights out and it seems to be working.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Nope, I hate moving, such a hassle and all the boxes, it usually takes me a year to unpack them, so, no here I stay, with all or with none.

johnnybax's Avatar
What has been cracking me up with the new mgmt over there is how they insist on typing 1/4 of their posts in UPPER CAPS. I always lolled when I imagined Ambers mom going to town on her keyboard, beating the fuck out of it and using the caps lock key so much.
GneissGuy's Avatar
Jade has posted several times that Amber has a son.

In terms of legality of copying the database, if no one with an ownership stake objects, there's probably no problem.
I quit posting and adding my reviews there over a week ago.
It cracks me up people are still adding reviews to a site that will be non-existent any time now.
The people at Aspd had all the chances in the world to keep the site going.They fucked it up.
They allowed fieryjade to post comments that alienated a huge portion of the membership and then want to blame everyone but themselves for the demise.
It's just another business that has failed.Shut it down but don't ask me to risk one thin dime on any new ventures you may have coming up.
Someone commented that Aspd did get it's start from donations,etc.
Well ,that was then this is now.
The managment over there have proven they cannot be trusted to handle funds in a proper way.Donations my Ass!
There is no need for a mirror site.
This site has all those bases covered with a much better and easier feel to it.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 01-06-2010, 07:36 PM
The idea that FJ can sit on the database and sell it to ERAPS is a little dicey. Sure it has some value, but it has a a pretty quick depreciation. Recent data is valuable. The older it gets the less useful it is and the less of a price it will command. Who wants to pay top dollar to read a 2002 review? Every month that goes by, this site and others will generate more and more fresh information and each new review undercuts the value of the old ASPD reviews. If they have to wait until the legal system finishes investigating Amber's death and the will is probated, the database's market value will be less than it is today.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
OK...I will never go back to anything ASPD related. Before the death of the owner it was mainly a bash fest with some dominant members who thoroughly enjoyed pruning their feathers by just flat out being mean and nasty to anyone they thought they could away with doing that to. After Amber's death, her family came on so strong and were so negative in their opinions and mannerisms that it's been a TOTAL turn off, not only to me, but many many others, as you all well know.

I have really enjoyed the format here on ECCIE, along with the class of people. I am hoping and praying that the aforementioned feather pruners (once they arrive here) are never allowed to address members the way they did on ASPD. I've always thought of this hobby as fun and light hearted. I'm not sure why anyone would think otherwise, but it certainly appeared to be the case on ASPD a lot of the time.
johnnybax's Avatar
OK...I will never go back to anything ASPD related. Before the death of the owner it was mainly a bash fest with some dominant members who thoroughly enjoyed pruning their feathers by just flat out being mean and nasty to anyone they thought they could away with doing that to. After Amber's death, her family came on so strong and were so negative in their opinions and mannerisms that it's been a TOTAL turn off, not only to me, but many many others, as you all well know.

I have really enjoyed the format here on ECCIE, along with the class of people. I am hoping and praying that the aforementioned feather pruners (once they arrive here) are never allowed to address members the way they did on ASPD. I've always thought of this hobby as fun and light hearted. I'm not sure why anyone would think otherwise, but it certainly appeared to be the case on ASPD a lot of the time. Originally Posted by M A X
Will you pm me more pics of your av?