What would be a fitting punishment for the guy who killed that family?

When someone is trying to prove their credibility then misuses a relevant term it does make a difference. Originally Posted by boardman

Lol none of you guys have disproved a word I've typed. I've provided a solid basis for my view on the DT issue which BTW is nothing but a wedge issue introduced by WU since he was obviously losing his original argument and grasping at straws. Politics 101.

I like you guys though yall hilarious all in lock step. - Matthew 15:14
boardman's Avatar
Dorian Gray's Avatar
I just had to check something for a bit.... Yep, they're still dead
pyramider's Avatar
Lol none of you guys have disproved a word I've typed. I've provided a solid basis for my view on the DT issue which BTW is nothing but a wedge issue introduced by WU since he was obviously losing his original argument and grasping at straws. Politics 101.

I like you guys though yall hilarious all in lock step. - Matthew 15:14 Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

Proof??? If there was proof the discussion would have ended. Keep trying.
Gandhi said an eye for an eye makes the whole World blind. I have to agree. He should get life in prison. No amount of pain inflicted on him will change the fact those people are dead. Originally Posted by Sonya
If he gets life in prison he would think about what he did, then kill himself
loveitdou's Avatar
Time to go to HIT City on this slime and those like him.

I do not care about just punishment for this slime. A baseball bat would break his hands,feet,knees,shoulders, balls, elbows & ankles--be sure to keep him from going into shock and keep him alive for as long as possible without pain killers. Yes I am cold blooded when it comes to slime that harm/kill children. Give me the bat, I'll do it-I don't give a shit about what is right for him.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
It's as if the punishment were designed by some ad agency so as not to disturb delicate sensibilities of caring sheep while still rendering the criminal room temperature.

This judge has a much better idea:


The guillotine may be the most humane means of killing ever devised. It's just that head-flopping-in-a-basket part that upsets onlookers. Easy to fix that: don't look!

Guillotining a motherfucker is truth-telling; overdosing his ass is an attempt to hide the damn truth. Hypocrisy.
boardman's Avatar
I remember Gary Gilmore being executed by firing squad year ago. I was still a kid.

There was someone a while back that threatened Utah with a lawsuit if they didn't execute him by firing squad which was still allowed by State law. He got his wish.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
"Shoot straight, you bastards!"
Breaker Morant
Skyblaster99's Avatar
Pour Hydrcloric acid on his dick
And stand back and watch then let any of
His relatives shoot him with a holle point
45 ....