Mission Accomplished!

I B Hankering's Avatar
+1 Originally Posted by bigtex
No banner -- no picture, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat. The ship requested the banner: not Bush!
The ship requested the banner: not Bush! Originally Posted by I B Hankering
That very well may be the case!

However, the photo op and/or press conference, including the placement of the cameras as it relates to the podium, was carefully staged by the Administration.

I B Hankering's Avatar
That very well may be the case! Originally Posted by bigtex
That's exactly the case, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat! "No banner -- no picture." Hence your niggling conflation has no merit, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat
LexusLover's Avatar
That very well may be the case!

However, the photo op and/or press conference, including the placement of the cameras as it relates to the podium, was carefully staged by the Administration. Originally Posted by bigtex
Identify the individuals by name and give a LINK?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-13-2014, 10:01 AM
It's easy to understand the obvious, Old-Twerp. You've libeled an O-5 who has greater personal knowledge of said event than you, and YOU've fabricated a story which you cannot substantiate with proof; hence, it is OBVIOUS that you're a liar, Old-Twerp. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Trying to actually discuss truth, lies, and realities with you is a waste of time. You neither listen nor comprehend. You believe the O-5 without transcript, proof, or logic because it fits what you want to believe and so you close your mind to anything else.

I actually have a clue about that world and infer that neither the secret service nor the WH press folks would explain to him WHY a podium was set where it was set. So maybe in his mind, yes, the ship requested the banner therefore its appearance in the video/photo was "a coincidence". But somehow YOU are convinced GWB sat down with him at dinner and told him, "Son, what banner? I didn't see any banner. Gosh darn, isn't that a luck coincidence!"

You really are acting like a buffoon. Sadly that is nothing new.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Trying to actually discuss truth, lies, and realities with you is a waste of time. You neither listen nor comprehend. You believe the O-5 without transcript, proof, or logic because it fits what you want to believe and so you close your mind to anything else.

I actually have a clue about that world and infer that neither the secret service nor the WH press folks would explain to him WHY a podium was set where it was set. So maybe in his mind, yes, the ship requested the banner therefore its appearance in the video/photo was "a coincidence". But somehow YOU are convinced GWB sat down with him at dinner and told him, "Son, what banner? I didn't see any banner. Gosh darn, isn't that a luck coincidence!"

You really are acting like a buffoon. Sadly that is nothing new.
Originally Posted by Old-T
There is no truth in your lies, Old-Twerp, and you're the one who is creating "fantasies" without "transcript, proof or logic" to fit what YOU want to believe. Hence, you're obviously the one "without a clue", Old-Twerp, because it is very evident this is a "coincidence" you continue to willfully ignore, you sad, pathetic buffoon.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I see they're starting to accept the truth, that the Bush White House had nothing to do with the banner but they still don't want to give up their dark fantasies of driving Bush from the White House in disgrace....what do you mean Bush has already left the White House. Then what they are doing is nothing more than rhetorical masturbation. Yuck!
You really are acting like a buffoon. Sadly that is nothing new. Originally Posted by Old-T
And that is the way they (IB, JD & LL) roll!

Collectively, there is not a whole lot between their ears.
Identify the individuals by name and give a LINK? Originally Posted by LexusLover
You want a name? How about the Shrub who said the following:

"Clearly, putting a 'mission accomplished' on an aircraft carrier was a mistake," Bush said, when asked about his errors while in the White House."

You want a link? How about this one?


LLIdiot, if Shrubbie can "clearly" admit "putting a 'mission accomplished' on an aircraft carrier was a mistake," why can't you and your fellow Idiots make the same admission?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
and here I thought you were recovery...
I thought Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
No chance that will occur!

In order for you to actually have a "thought," it would first require that you have something to think with.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So you're not in recovery? That's too bad. I hear that Bush Derangement syndrome is a lot like Ebola. Flu like symptons and then you bleed out your ass.

Well, admitting that you have a problem is the first step to recovery.
LexusLover's Avatar
You want a name? How about the Shrub who said the following:

"Clearly, putting a 'mission accomplished' on an aircraft carrier was a mistake," Bush said, when asked about his errors while in the White House."

You want a link? How about this one?


LLIdiot, if Shrubbie can "clearly" admit "putting a 'mission accomplished' on an aircraft carrier was a mistake," why can't you and your fellow Idiots make the same admission?

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED Originally Posted by bigtex
That's all you got? No wonder you ended up in the Canal.

Were you grabbing at straws then? A fucking BLOG? You are impaired.


"putting a 'mission accomplished' on an aircraft carrier"

BigTits ... you are behaving in a childish manner. Thrashing about and throwing a tantrum in an attempt to salvage your bullshit.
I B Hankering's Avatar
And that is the way they (IB, JD & LL) roll!

Collectively, there is not a whole lot between their ears.
Originally Posted by bigtex
The only thing you have between your ears, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat, is water ... must be a conditioned you acquired when you jumped over and missed your LZ in Panama the way you continue to jump over and miss facts and the truth in the real world, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat.
LexusLover's Avatar

On the 14th of December, 2011 President Barack Obama took credit for the freedom in Iraq and celebrated the end of the war....at least for the United States. After spending five minutes doing shout outs Obama finally started talking about Iraq. At 8:45 on this video he describes Iraq as stable, democratic, and at peace. Mission Accomplished! is the message. Heck of a job Barry!

The men and women of the United States military and their families did a hell of a job to get this far. It is a shame that their leader faultered just short of the goal line. This is a failure of leadership at the highest level. All of those thousands that died (that Tampon cries alligator tears over) and the many thousand that left something behind, all of that sacrifice has been wasted along with the lives of our soldiers.

Iraq is going down into barbarism while Obama watches...and waits. That is the Obama legacy, to watch and wait. Now we are being treated to the typical Obama screed; we didn't know, I didn't know, it's not my fault (the intelligence was bad) despite many warnings that things were going wrong. Obama was distracted doing other things.

Ironically, at 18:45 on this video, Obama says that we will take care of our veterans medical needs and Michelle (what does she have to do with this?) is working on a project to create 100,000 jobs for returning veterans. How did that work out?

This video should be enshrined for future youth as what NOT to be when it comes to leadership. This can, and should, turn your stomach when you listen to what was said and then compare to what was done.

I know that the left has NO response to this as will be demonstrated on this site so let the apologies, fault finding, Bush blaming, deflections, and yes, a few snicks (from the intellectually challenged) begin. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Here is the thread topic.