should of known better.

berryberry's Avatar
Dreamgurl you are absolutely delusional. Here are some facts, not opinions, facts:

1. Screening protects you and you alone... and in fact is completely useless. As if screening can prevent arrest if either side was the law. It can’t.

2. Deposits protect you and you alone. Same issue as above and I’ll add that it gives you more control over the situation. That isn’t a benefit to us nor is it protection. Now if there was a governing body that would give us a refund sure... but it’s not regulated so lol.

3. Your word, like many other women ESPECIALLY those in the hobby, is weak at best. Which means most of you are liars, cheaters, and overall crooks. That said that further devalues your “deposit” theory.

4. So far about this topic alone all I’ve seen is shaming tonality in your post, not counting some of those meant towards bambino, and no actual relevant information has been given by you to prove your argument on how screening and deposits are good for THE CLIENT and provider. Which leads me back to point 3.

Honestly gentlemen we can’t be angry at her for doing this though it places her in a dynamic position of power over her clients ya know... “just in case”. I would do it to if I could. And I am. This is how.

Vote with your wallet. If a girl wants to screen fine don’t give her your money. If she wants a deposit that’s ok don’t give her your money.

Dreamgurl will never see a penny from me. Nothing personal towards her honestly but I don’t agree with those practices so. Nope.

As far as the lawyer...

I can’t believe a lawyer would fall for such a trick lol. I think he was smarter than that but erred on the side of caution (lol) I mean he was a prominent lawyer so if there WAS a video... His first hint should have been “Wow. She lowered the amount. Who does that?”. Heck I would have been on the defensive and done nothing but collaborated a story about how she was “just a girl I met”. So many options... but he went straight to the police. Ending his career. Shame. What a weak man... Originally Posted by blckstuff412
Very well said

Just back from a trip out to Florida where I spent time with many lovely ladies.

Do you know how many girls asked me for real life "blackmail - err I mean screening" info. NONE

Do you know how many girls asked me for deposits. NONE

And based on what was reported earlier in this thread on how the Indy's HOs secretly gathered and kept and shared real life info on clients - and given Dreamgurrl owned Indy's at one time - ask yourself this - why would anyone here trust her with their personal information?
Maybe they are building their retirement benefits?.lol
bambino's Avatar
Very well said

Just back from a trip out to Florida where I spent time with many lovely ladies.

Do you know how many girls asked me for real life "blackmail - err I mean screening" info. NONE

Do you know how many girls asked me for deposits. NONE

And based on what was reported earlier in this thread on how the Indy's HOs secretly gathered and kept and shared real life info on clients - and given Dreamgurrl owned Indy's at one time - ask yourself this - why would anyone here trust her with their personal information? Originally Posted by berryberry
That’s why I mentioned Tryst. A lot of Indy Hos are there. We already know from a good source they have a hobbyist blacklist!!!!!