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  • FU_CC
  • 01-05-2014, 07:54 PM
Well now, this is a wonderful opportunity to turn into a learning experience, children.

First notice, IB finally did answer a question. You might have to wait a while. A long while. And dig through lots of excrement, but every once in a while he will answer a question when he is embarrassed into it.

Second, notice how if he has said "served 28 years" a few hundred thousand posts ago he could have avoided much pain and suffering. So the implication one could draw is he is a masochist--but that is a topic for another thread. What is appropriate here is I will take his claim at face value and keep my; I will make no more welfare check accusations about IB.

Third, this is classic vomitus IB. He uses THREE words to actually answer the question I posed to him, and tosses in FORY SEVEN words (depending upon how you count acronyms and hyphenations) to spew his typical sewer mouth anger and hate. Simple math would say that makes IB 6% civil and 94% asshole. Seems about right. See, dear students, math is useful in the real world. Originally Posted by Old-T
You're still 100% hypocrite, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man. BTW, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man, that "question" was answered many times before over the course of the last two years. It's notable that that answer had to be REPEATED for your ignorant edification, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Maybe I didn't see it because I don't spend 22 1/2 hours a day on here. Maybe it's because you post inane comments on a lot of threads I never read. And maybe it's because you had not actually addressed it before. It sure isn't worth my time to go back and look to decide which it is--YOU are not worth that much of my time.

Regardless, it does not explain why you spend so much of your "answer" spewing sewage--does it?
Originally Posted by Old-T

Nothing in your rant mitigates the fact that you're still 100% a hypocrite or that your ignorance predisposes you to greater degrees of hypocrisy than others, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Poor IBBrainDamaged. Still can't differentiate between "hypocrite" and "has the audacity to disagree with IBCondomMan".

Rant away you poor little, angry man. Originally Posted by Old-T

You're the one ranting, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man, and you're still 100% a hypocrite, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Wow! You really are just sitting at your computer waiting for me to post. You have your stack of cut & paste replies just ready to fire back with one of those sharp retorts like you did here. No wonder you have so many posts--and why so few make any sense.

Rant away pathetic little man. Bet you'll reply again almost before I post. I'll check back later. I have far better things to attend to now, but no, I have no intention of telling you her name. Originally Posted by Old-T
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  • Old-T
  • 01-06-2014, 09:42 AM
Bet you'll reply again almost before I post. Originally Posted by Old-T
You're the one on a rant, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man. There's no "rant" in exposing you for the hypocrite you are, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man. BTW, you're also a pathetic little egoist if you believe you're so important that anyone would actually wait for one of your ignorant posts, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You are SOOOOOO predictable! I'm a little surprised it took a full 10 minutes. Maybe the server was bogged down a bit. How quickly would you have responded if you were stalking me? I hate to think. It is also interesting to note that after this post of yours I signed off to do better things--and you were immediately paralyzed! Since I didn't post again last night you couldn't find anything else worth saying! You probably stayed up until 4 AM waiting.

Any new thought in your post? Nope. The same fixated IBCut&Paste items:

--"Prophylactic Man" (an idea plagiarized from me without proper credit, and improperly used in your posts; its PROPER use is in connection with someone (YOU) who knowingly selected an avatar that reminded people of a man in a full body condom. Any other use of the term is improper. If you want to insult someone the least you can do is use a bit of creativity. It isn't my fault you don't have any. Your insistence on copying other people's creative insults and using them as if they were your own really is a form of intellectual property infringement. It is the moral equivalent of communism in the sense you believe in taking insults from those who are more capable (me) and giving them to those who have the greater creativity deficit (you). THAT, sir, is the prototypical example of a hypocrite: you moan and complain about the evils of communism, but you apply the exact same communist principles when it suits you. You DO believe in redistribution of insults when it fits you, but condemn redistribution of wealth. You SUPPORT the concept of capitalism and the right of intellectual ideas, but you steal creative insults with no credit given or any payment of royalties. Yep, IBHypocrit is alive and well!!!

--"hypocrite" and "pathetic", also just reflecting back terms I correctly used to describe you, and in an true juvenile "Oh Yea? You too!" manner you try to hurl back at me, but ineffectively because it is clear I am neither hypocritical nor pathetic. You have to redefine the terms to fit your sordid intentions--and even then you can't point out factual examples. You still confuse criticizing you with being hypocritical. Well, if you have a god complex, maybe I can see your illogic.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Old-T, IBIdiot is lying low because he doesn't want to accept his Dipshit of the Year title.

if we're lucky, he left in a 2014 HUFF!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-06-2014, 10:16 AM
Old-T, IBIdiot is lying low because he doesn't want to accept his Dipshit of the Year title.

if we're lucky, he left in a 2014 HUFF! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I doubt that is what happened. He stalked me on this thread three times in 31 minutes yesterday.

I am thinking, though, that the IBCommunist idea (which just struck me as I was typing that post above) is probably worthy of a thread all its own.
I B Hankering's Avatar

You are SOOOOOO predictable! I'm a little surprised it took a full 10 minutes. And your post at #87 took you all of six minutes, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. So what exactly is your ignorant point, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Maybe the server was bogged down a bit. You do wallow in your conceit, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. How quickly would you have responded if you were stalking me? You're the only stalker here, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. I hate to think. Don't worry, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, you've never been accused of "thinking". It is also interesting to note that after this post of yours I signed off to do better things--and you were immediately paralyzed! You'd best not trip and fall from your ego to your IQ, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, you'll hurt yourself. Since I didn't post again last night you couldn't find anything else worth posting! You probably stayed up until 4 AM waiting for me to post again. It's truly amusing to watch you let your misguided imagination govern your world in such a way, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man.

Any new thought in your post? Nope. The same fixated IBCut&Paste items:
--"Old-Twerp" Haven't seen anything original from you in over a year, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man.

--"Prophylactic Man" (an idea plagiarized from me without proper credit, and improperly used in your posts; its PROPER use is in connection with someone (YOU) who knowingly selected an avatar that reminded people of a man in a full body condom. It's deservedly your moniker, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, you've been ignorantly harping on it for over a year now. Any other use of the term is improper. It's not improper to consign it to you as a moniker, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, since you've been ignorantly harping on it for over a year. If you want to insult someone the least you can do is use a bit of creativity. But it is your creation, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, and you earned your moniker because you repetitiously belabored the phrase "Prophylactic Man" for more than a year, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. It isn't my fault you don't have any. Again, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, it is your creation and you own it. Your insistence on copying other people's creative insults and using them as if they were your own really is a form of intellectual property infringement. You should be happy to have carved out an epithet you so richly deserve, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. It is the moral equivalent of communism in the sense you believe in taking insults from those who are more capable (me) and giving them to those who have the greater creativity deficit (you). Your self conceit is only surpassed by your hypocrisy, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. THAT, sir, is the prototypical example of a hypocrite: you moan and complain about the evils of communism, but you apply the exact same communist principles when it suits you. Actually, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, it was the horrors of war that were being discussed before your lame-hypocritical-ass and your consort, the lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM, launched into your lame-ass mantra of name calling, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. You DO believe in redistribution of insults when it fits you, but condemn redistribution of wealth. Is this to be your *new* straw man argument, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man? You SUPPORT the concept of capitalism and the right of intellectual ideas, but you steal creative insults with no credit given or any payment of royalties. Nothing was stolen, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man; it always was yours and it remains yours, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Yep, IBHypocrit is alive and well!!! It's funny that after your petty little rant that you don't see the hypocrisy in your appropriation of the term "hypocrite", Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. The least you could do, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, is spell it correctly.

--"hypocrite" and "pathetic", also just reflecting back terms I correctly used to describe you, and in an true juvenile "Oh Yea? You too!" manner you try to hurl back at me, but ineffectively because it is clear I am neither hypocritical nor pathetic. You are a pathetic little hypocrite, Old -Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Not only have you never castigated the lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM, for its overt racism, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, you continue to align with it and humor it. You have to redefine the terms to fit your sordid intentions--and even then you can't point out factual examples. You still confuse criticizing you with being hypocritical. There's no confusion, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, you are a pathetic little hypocrite. You don't measure up to the standard you oblige of others, Old -Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Well, if you have a god complex, maybe I can see your illogic. You are fortunate that you do not live in antiquity, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, the gods would smite you for your hubris.
Originally Posted by Old-T

Old-T, IBIdiot is lying low because he doesn't want to accept his Dipshit of the Year title.
You're still a leading contender there, you lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM.
if we're lucky, he left in a 2014 HUFF!
Only in your bizarre little fantasies, you lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

I doubt that is what happened. He stalked me on this thread three times in 31 minutes yesterday. Once again you hypocritically misrepresent the sequence of events, Old -Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. It's easy to reconstruct a timeline that shows you are, in fact, the stalker and that you, in fact, cast the first non-substantive aspersion in this exchange, Old -Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man.

I am thinking, though, that the IBCommunist idea (which just struck me as I was typing that post above) is probably worthy of a thread all its own. That's so typical of you, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Every time you have your ass handed to you in a substantive exchange, you create a straw man argument and pretend you won something, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man.
Originally Posted by Old-T
IB really is the tower of Babble.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-07-2014, 04:57 PM
Truth really is stranger than fiction. At least our resident wacked out IBCondomMan is!

The below is the abridged version of his most recent “cogent, articulate commentary”. It really does speak for itself. All that follows came from ONE POST by IBBabblingBuffoon. I didn’t add a single word. The only thing I changed was to highlight the two pieces it red—still IB’s own words! Those parts caused me to laugh out loud for a good five minutes because I know IB didn’t even realize how badly he skewered himself without trying.

“Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. So what exactly is your ignorant point, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. You do wallow in your conceit, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. You're the only stalker here, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Don't worry, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. It's deservedly your moniker, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, consign it to you as a moniker, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, "Prophylactic Man" for more than a year, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man Again, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Your self conceit is only surpassed by your hypocrisy, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Actually, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, before your lame-hypocritical-ass and your consort, the lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM, launched into your lame-ass mantra of name calling, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man., Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man? Nothing was stolen, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man; Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. It's funny that after your petty little rant that you don't see the hypocrisy of the term "hypocrite", Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. You are a pathetic little hypocrite, Old -Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, you are a pathetic little hypocrite. Old -Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, Old -Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Old -Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. That's so typical of you, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man.”

And this was just the part talking about ME, not even the piece directed at YR! After you popped a mental gasket on that ONE post you can’t even see how absurd you are claiming that I ranted? Oh my, you are more hopeless than I realized.

Rant away bumbling buffoon. Rant away. Even you will have a hard time topping that one, but I’m sure you can do it!
Truth really is stranger than fiction. At least our resident wacked out IBCondomMan is!

The below is the abridged version of his most recent “cogent, articulate commentary”. It really does speak for itself. All that follows came from ONE POST by IBBabblingBuffoon. I didn’t add a single word. The only thing I changed was to highlight the two pieces it red—still IB’s own words! Those parts caused me to laugh out loud for a good five minutes because I know IB didn’t even realize how badly he skewered himself without trying.

“Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. So what exactly is your ignorant point, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. You do wallow in your conceit, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. You're the only stalker here, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Don't worry, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. It's deservedly your moniker, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, consign it to you as a moniker, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, "Prophylactic Man" for more than a year, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man Again, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Your self conceit is only surpassed by your hypocrisy, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Actually, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, before your lame-hypocritical-ass and your consort, the lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM, launched into your lame-ass mantra of name calling, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man., Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man? Nothing was stolen, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man; Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. It's funny that after your petty little rant that you don't see the hypocrisy of the term "hypocrite", Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. You are a pathetic little hypocrite, Old -Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, you are a pathetic little hypocrite. Old -Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, Old -Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Old -Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. That's so typical of you, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man.”

And this was just the part talking about ME, not even the piece directed at YR! After you popped a mental gasket on that ONE post you can’t even see how absurd you are claiming that I ranted? Oh my, you are more hopeless than I realized.

Rant away bumbling buffoon. Rant away. Even you will have a hard time topping that one, but I’m sure you can do it! Originally Posted by Old-T
So, what is you point... “Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-07-2014, 07:20 PM
I think my point was quite obvious to anyone who wanted to see it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Truth really is stranger than fiction. At least our resident wacked out IBCondomMan is!

The below is the abridged version of his most recent “cogent, articulate commentary”. It really does speak for itself. All that follows came from ONE POST by IBBabblingBuffoon. I didn’t add a single word. The only thing I changed was to highlight the two pieces it red—still IB’s own words! Those parts caused me to laugh out loud for a good five minutes because I know IB didn’t even realize how badly he skewered himself without trying.

“Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. So what exactly is your ignorant point, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. You do wallow in your conceit, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. You're the only stalker here, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Don't worry, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. It's deservedly your moniker, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, consign it to you as a moniker, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, "Prophylactic Man" for more than a year, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man Again, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Your self conceit is only surpassed by your hypocrisy, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Actually, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, before your lame-hypocritical-ass and your consort, the lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM, launched into your lame-ass mantra of name calling, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man., Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man? Nothing was stolen, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man; Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. It's funny that after your petty little rant that you don't see the hypocrisy of the term "hypocrite", Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. You are a pathetic little hypocrite, Old -Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, you are a pathetic little hypocrite. Old -Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, Old -Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Old -Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. That's so typical of you, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man.”

And this was just the part talking about ME, not even the piece directed at YR! After you popped a mental gasket on that ONE post you can’t even see how absurd you are claiming that I ranted? Oh my, you are more hopeless than I realized.

Rant away bumbling buffoon. Rant away. Even you will have a hard time topping that one, but I’m sure you can do it! Originally Posted by Old-T
How in the world does this, the "premiere" dipshit, survive in this world?

Have a you EVER?


The Mount Vesuvius of dipshits! explosion followed by meltdown followed by explosion.

I think he really took exception to your IBCommunist idea. But maybe there's more to that than meets the "I"
I B Hankering's Avatar
RE: the OP

At a March 3, 2011, National Security Council meeting, Gates writes, the president opened with a “blast.” Obama criticized the military for “popping off in the press” and said he would push back hard against any delay in beginning the withdrawal.

According to Gates, Obama concluded, “ ‘If I believe I am being gamed . . .’ and left the sentence hanging there with the clear implication the consequences would be dire.”

Gates continues: “I was pretty upset myself. I thought implicitly accusing” Petraeus, and perhaps Mullen and Gates himself, “of gaming him in front of thirty people in the Situation Room was inappropriate, not to mention highly disrespectful of Petraeus. As I sat there, I thought: the president doesn’t trust his commander, can’t stand [Afghanistan President Hamid] Karzai, doesn’t believe in his own strategy, and doesn’t consider the war to be his. For him, it’s all about getting out.”


Truth really is stranger than fiction. You wouldn't know truth if it pissed on your egotistical nose, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. As for fiction, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, one need only read your ignorant, hypocritical assertions to see true fiction. At least our resident wacked out IBCondomMan is! It is evident that your definition of "wacked out" differs substantially from the majority in this forum since you hold the lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM in such high regard, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man.

The below is the abridged version of his most recent “cogent, articulate commentary”. Then you admit that you've taken such "commentary" completely out of context since you're obviously too ashamed of your original -- and now omitted -- inane and hypocritical remarks which were substantively rebuked, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. It really does speak for itself. All that follows came from ONE POST by IBBabblingBuffoon. I didn’t add a single word. The enormity of your conceit is exceeded only by your hypocrisy, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. The only thing I changed was to highlight the two pieces it red—still IB’s own words! Those parts caused me to laugh out loud for a good five minutes because I know IB didn’t even realize how badly he skewered himself without trying. But you edited all of your ignorant remarks, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man; hence, removed the real comedy in the post. And this was just the part talking about ME, not even the piece directed at YR! After you popped a mental gasket on that ONE post you can’t even see how absurd you are claiming that I ranted? Yet another, obvious example of you ranting, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Oh my, you are more hopeless than I realized. Again, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, no one ever accused you of thinking. Rant away bumbling buffoon. Still more ranting from Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man! Rant away. That is what you are doing, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Even you will have a hard time topping that one, but I’m sure you can do it!
Originally Posted by Old-T
You're the stalker that initiated this ridiculous exchange of insults, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, so you surrendered any intellectual or moral high ground when you started.

IB really is the tower of Babble. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Ekim the Inbred Chimp loses arguments with desiccated, Kansas fence posts.

How in the world does this lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM -- the "premiere" dipshit -- survive in this world?

Have a you EVER?


The lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM is the Mount Vesuvius of dipshits! explosion followed by meltdown followed by explosion.
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
[QUOTE=I B Hankering;1054806460]RE: the OP

At a March 3, 2011, National Security Council meeting, Gates writes, the president opened with a “blast.” Obama criticized the military for “popping off in the press” and said he would push back hard against any delay in beginning the withdrawal.

According to Gates, Obama concluded, “ ‘If I believe I am being gamed . . .’ and left the sentence hanging there with the clear implication the consequences would be dire.”

Gates continues: “I was pretty upset myself. I thought implicitly accusing” Petraeus, and perhaps Mullen and Gates himself, “of gaming him in front of thirty people in the Situation Room was inappropriate, not to mention highly disrespectful of Petraeus. As I sat there, I thought: the president doesn’t trust his commander, can’t stand [Afghanistan President Hamid] Karzai, doesn’t believe in his own strategy, and doesn’t consider the war to be his. For him, it’s all about getting out.”


You're the stalker that initiated this ridiculous exchange of insults, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, so you surrendered any intellectual or moral high ground when you started.

Ekim the Inbred Chimp loses arguments with desiccated, Kansas fence posts.

In Bred is as sharp as a sack of marbles.
Mission accomplished, Huh?....

The Worst Defeat for the United States Since 9/11
Townhall.com ^ | January 8, 2014 | John Ransom
Posted on 1/8/2014 8:17:31 AM by Kaslin

Two years after Obama declared that the administration has decimated Al Qaeda worldwide, Al Qaeda has delivered the most devastating blow to the United States since the 9/11 attacks that precipitated America’s war on Islamic terrorism.

The fall of the Iraqi Anbar province towns of Ramadi and Fallujah recently to foreign fighters under control of Al Qaeda, called the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, represents not just a tactical defeat in Obama’s “Smart Power” strategy, but a strategic surrender of the entire U.S. foreign policy conception for the last 50 years.

“US policies and leaders in three years have destroyed a state system that earlier generations evolved over decades,” said an intelligence analyst who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to speak with the press. “The U.S. has nothing to show for it but suffering and has nothing to replace it with.”

Anbar province is strategically situated, sharing a border with Saudi Arabia, Syria and Jordan. While Jordan and Saudi Arabia remain tenuously allied with the United States, the spread of military operations by Al Qaeda out of Syria and into Iraq must mean that they will continue to cast around for more reliable allies than the Obama administration has proved to be.

“US policy makes no sense to anyone in the region,” the analyst continued. “In the view of the US administration, however, the US is consistent in trying to promote democratically elected government, despite the total irrelevance of that concept to region.”

The analyst further observed that the administration has crafted the ridiculous foreign policy conditions in which they support what the Al Qaeda rebels are doing in Syria in opposing that government, while the administration opposes the same rebels across the border in Iraq who are trying to topple the government installed through the Iraqi elections.

The rebels on both sides of the Iraq-Syria border, the self-styled Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS/ISIL), has been Al Qaeda since 2004 and mostly consist of foreign fighters.

In the fall of 2012 the administration tried to paint a very different picture of the strategic situation for Al Qaeda.

"The intelligence picture shows that al Qaeda's core is a shadow of its former self,” said Obama’s National Counterterrorism Director Matt Olsen in September 2012 as the administration was making its case for a second term.

A year earlier then-Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta said that the war against Al Qaeda was all but won: "I'm convinced that we're within reach of strategically defeating al Qaeda."

As late as November 1st, 2012 wearing his flight jacket as commander in chief Obama told a crowd on the campaign trail: “Thanks to sacrifice and service of our brave men and women in uniform, the war in Iraq is over, the war in Afghanistan is winding down, al Qaeda has been decimated, Osama bin Laden is dead.”

Not quite the “mission accomplished” speech George Bush indulged in from the deck of an aircraft carrier. In fact, it’s much, much worse. Because the comeback for Al Qaeda has been armed and fueled by Obama’s incomprehensible foreign, military and strategic policies in the Middle East and North Africa, starting with arming Al Qaeda in a bid to topple Libyan strongman Muammar Gaddafi in the spring of 2011. Since then American arms and American money has been helping to rebuild Al Qaeda in Africa, Syria, Iraq and throughout the Arab world. And it’s not just the stability of Iraq at stake anymore: Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Israel are all affected.

Each in turn now have very real concerns about the spread of fighting to their own country, an eventuality that never was contemplated while Bush was in charge.

One young Marine who supported operations in Ramadi when the fight was in doubt back in 2004 told me he was “irritated” by the loss of the town to the same Al Qaeda fighters that they chased out previously.

“The people in that town relied on us to protect them. They didn’t like Al Qaeda then,” said the Marine who supported the 2nd Battalion 4th Marines, “and they probably don’t like them now. 80 to 90 percent of those fighters weren’t even Iraqi anyway.”

A Navy veteran of Enduring Freedom, who walked the sand in Iraq, told me that he had been watching the situation “unfold for a while now. It’s incomprehensible to me,” he said “that we lost so much there and these guys just threw it all away.”

Like the Marine veteran, he didn’t want his name used for fear of retaliation from the Obama administration.

Tony Marsh, a U.S. contractor who helped with elections in Iraq has no such scruples. He blasted the administration for squandering the “sacrifice of American soldiers who in 2004 fought and won a bloody battle against Al Qaeda in Iraq’s Anbar Province.”

“From day one,” said Marsh, “president Obama has sent a very clear message that this is not a fight he or his Administration have the stomach for. Al Qaeda has been biding its time when they can finally emerge, unopposed by U.S. forces, to rebuild their networks and reaffirm their fight against the west. We see them doing that now in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and large parts of Africa.”

This defeat is worse than the Tet Offensive, the highly successful new years attack staged by the communists in Vietnam in 1968. While ultimately defeated by U.S. and Vietnamese forces, Tet was widely seen as convincing many that the war in Vietnam could not be won.

But here’s the difference. We can’t just walk away from the Middle East, as we did Vietnam. There is too much at stake for the United States and the West in the region. Recent developments show just how farsighted the Bush administration was in trying to prevent the very eventuality that Obama’s guns and money have enabled in Iraq and across the Middle East.

Whatever else one might say, it’s clear Bush had more strategic sense in his middle finger than Obama has in his whole administration.

Just think of that.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
what does that mean, IFFYYYY the Zero?

Bush declared Mission accomplished.

Are you saying he was as big a drooling retard as you are?

or are you saying that we won this thing and then Obama lost it for us?

WHA the fuck ARE you saying IFFYYYY the Zero?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-08-2014, 09:16 AM
I think he really took exception to your IBCommunist idea. But maybe there's more to that than meets the "I" Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Whatever gave you that idea? Oh, you mean this friendly little rant of his?

Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. So what exactly is your ignorant point, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. You do wallow in your conceit, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. You're the only stalker here, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Don't worry, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. It's deservedly your moniker, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, consign it to you as a moniker, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, "Prophylactic Man" for more than a year, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man Again, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Your self conceit is only surpassed by your hypocrisy, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Actually, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, before your lame-hypocritical-ass and your consort, the lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM, launched into your lame-ass mantra of name calling, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man., Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man? Nothing was stolen, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man; Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. It's funny that after your petty little rant that you don't see the hypocrisy of the term "hypocrite", Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. You are a pathetic little hypocrite, Old -Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, you are a pathetic little hypocrite. Old -Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man, Old -Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Old -Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. That's so typical of you, Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man. Old-Twerp: the Hypocrite and Prophylactic Man.. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
But you are right, I think there really is something here. How often has the most belligerent, hateful, homophobic speech come out of a RWW Thumper preacher who, it turns out, is really homosexual themselves? You think maybe that's the case with IBCommiePinko? Is he belligerent? CHECK. Is he hateful? CHECK. Does he spew huge amounts of anti-communist rhetoric? CHECK. Is he a RWW? CHECK.

The symptoms are there. Where there is smoke.... He who protest too much....