bambino, lustyladdie 2019 GDP...2.3. 4th quarter...2.1

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  • 02-07-2020, 08:17 AM
so tell us professor, what did he get right and what did he get wrong?

and you haven't yet said what part of the debt is the good part. yeah, there is a good part to the debt.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You tell me what you think he got right and I'll grade you junior
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  • 02-07-2020, 10:37 AM

Federal Deficit As % of GDP (Fiscal Years ending 9/30):

Odumbo 1st Term (2009-2012 Avg) - 8.5%
Odumbo 2nd Term (2013-2016 Avg) - 3.1%
Trump To Date (2017-2019 Avg) - 4.1%

Can you read a graph? Here's a bar graph showing the results on a year-by-year basis, along with projections going forward:

and demonstrably stupid on any topic involving economics.
Originally Posted by lustylad
Riddle me this lustyLaffer...

Which of those numbers ar better?

Obama's last four years of 3.1 or Trumps 4.1 to date?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Riddle me this lustyLaffer...

Which of those numbers ar better?

Obama's last four years of 3.1 or Trumps 4.1 to date? Originally Posted by WTF
come back in 2025 and we'll tell yous.

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  • 02-07-2020, 11:11 AM
come back in 2025 and we'll tell yous.

BAHAHAHAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Let's discuss the facts to date, not your wet dreams...

Which is the better number ,Trumps or Obama's? These numbers were provided by your economic hero, lustyLaffer.

Is he going to raise taxes and cut spending?

Trump is a liberal spender and doesn't want to raise taxes.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Let's discuss the facts to date, not your wet dreams...

Which is the better number ,Trumps or Obama's? These numbers were provided by your economic hero, lustyLaffer.

Is he going to raise taxes and cut spending?

Trump is a liberal spender and doesn't want to raise taxes. Originally Posted by WTF

then look at the data to date and stop trying to eat a peach and call it an apple .. Duane

lustylad's Avatar
You do not even understand your own graph.

First let me explain the first year of a new President is really the last year of the prior presidents budget.

What year are you yabbering about, dingleface? 2009? Did you forget how odumbo signed an $828 billion stimulus bill during his very first month in office (that would be Feb. 2009) and started doling out those funds immediately? Since he was too chickenshit to confront greenie opposition to “shovel-ready” projects, he wound up shoveling out much of this money to his political cronies such as Solyndra. What a fine use of taxpayer dollars that was! And you say it's all Bushie’s fault? How much Solyndra-style crony spending did he pack into his last budget? As usual, your comments only reveal what a twat you are.

Now after cherry-picking your numbers...hopefully you'll see that Trump is running much higher numbers than Obama's 2nd term.

Only an idiot would use the first term numbers as they are skewed by the recession.

No, only a brain-dead idiot would claim that four fucking years were all “skewed” by a recession that ended (according to the National Bureau for Economic Research) in the 2nd quarter of 2009! The only thing skewed is your dick… did you tell Olivia that was Bushie’s fault too? Following the 1982 recession, Ronald Reagan’s economy came roaring back with real GDP advancing by 4.6% in 1983 and 7.2% in 1984! That’s why your hero Ronnie was re-elected in a landslide. But now you want to spot odumbo 4 fucking years to turn the economy around? Doesn’t work that way, dipshit.

I'm not sure in what world where you think Trumps 4.1 number is better than Obama's 3.1 number????

Let me explain...the higher the number in relation to your graph is a bad thing. Originally Posted by WTF

I’ll tell you what, you cherry-picking, ball-scratching Chewbacca.... I’ll even let you use all 8 years of odumbo’s numbers for your comparison.

What could be more fair than that? It’s like Olivia giving you 2 hours free to try and get an erection.

No more whining about trump’s budget deficits unless you put them into proper perspective and acknowledge odumbo’s 8-year string of deficits first.

Let’s do the math, shall we? During his entire two terms in office, odumbo ran an average federal budget deficit equivalent to 5.8% of GDP.

I’m not sure in what world you think odumbo’s 5.8 number is better than trump’s 4.1 number. Didn’t you just "explain" that a higher number “is a bad thing”?
lustylad's Avatar
SS and Medicare/Medicaid have run a surplus since the mid 80s... Originally Posted by WTF
Once again, you don't know wtf you're talking about.

Got a link for that, you actuarial flunkee?

Are your imaginary "surpluses" before or after crediting those programs with interest earned on reserves?
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  • WTF
  • 02-08-2020, 06:58 AM
Once again, you don't know wtf you're talking about.

Got a link for that, you actuarial flunkee?

Are your imaginary "surpluses" before or after crediting those programs with interest earned on reserves? Originally Posted by lustylad
You do not know that both SS and Medicare have run a surplus since the mid 80s?

I mean really....
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  • 02-08-2020, 07:09 AM

I’m not sure in what world you think odumbo’s 5.8 number is better than trump’s 4.1 number. Didn’t you just "explain" that a higher number “is a bad thing”?[/SIZE] Originally Posted by lustylad
Oh so you finally admit that Obama's last four years were better than Trumps first three in regards to deficits.

You have to throw in the Bush recession that worked it's way through the economy during Obama's first term to get your skewed numbers.

And Trump's deficits are rising AFTER all this fracki6gas and oil has come online for production!

Tell ya what you think Bush would have gone to war had he known about all this oil and gas we had here in this country? Btw....did you support that decision?

All these things tie in to debt you know. 6 trillion dollar war. Trying to pay for the stupid war with crazy housing bubble, ensuring recession. Keynesian economic recovery.....but then a funny thing happened....Obama's deficits came down in his 2nd term as you clearly demonstrated....3.1 was it. Now why is it Trump's deficits are on the rise Einstein?

Can you riddle me that?
lustylad's Avatar
You do not know that both SS and Medicare have run a surplus since the mid 80s?

I mean really.... Originally Posted by WTF
You're wrong. They're running deficits and have been for years. That's why you won't post a link. You would be proving yourself a liar.
lustylad's Avatar
All these things tie in to debt you know. 6 trillion dollar war. Trying to pay for the stupid war with crazy housing bubble, ensuring recession. Keynesian economic recovery.... Originally Posted by WTF
Well yes, when you're a simple-minded simpleton everything is related to everything else! And you're related to Kevin Bacon, right?

Keep stringing together those buzzwords and you just might sound like you actually know what you're babbling about!

(Btw - real economists use the word "correlated". Look up econometrics, regression analysis, r-squared. Then try again. Fake it til you make it!)

Now why is it Trump's deficits are on the rise Einstein?

Can you riddle me that? Originally Posted by WTF
Already answered. Try to keep up. Dim-retards won't bite the bullet on spending. Odumbo set up his own bipartisan commission, then was too chickenshit to adopt its recommendations!

"In 2010 the bipartisan Erskine-Bowles commission – 9 Republicans and 9 Democrats – appointed by President Obama outlined what such a path might look like. Let expenses grow at one-half the rate of inflation. Equal cuts for defense and non-defense spending. Reduce Social Security benefits for high income individuals. Gradually increase the retirement age from 66 to 68. Increase the payroll tax maximum from $132 thousand to $190 thousand. For Medicare, do not cover the first $500 of health care expenditures. From $500-$5,000 cover only 50%. Raise the eligibility age from 65 to 68. Interestingly, 11 of the 18 members of the committee agreed to the package. But Obama thought it cut entitlement spending too much and rejected It. Imagine! It was his commission. They did exactly what he asked them to do. Fix everything. As amazing as it may seem, less than a decade ago a bipartisan committee reached an agreement on something important. But Obama said no. What a missed opportunity!"

lustylad's Avatar
Can you riddle me that? Originally Posted by WTF
Now it's your turn...

Riddle me this - which dim-retard candidates for President are even TALKING about reducing the deficit? If you care so much about this problem, then why the fuck aren't you ringing the alarm bells over the EXPLOSION in spending that would occur if we adopted Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, and free college tuition - to name just 3 of the profligately spendthrift programs they want to roll out, without even a prayer of being able to finance a fraction of them!?!

At least trumpy is likely to keep the deficit around 5% of GDP going forward. Which dim-retard candidate can even come close to that? Since this is an issue you seem to care so much about, you must have an answer!
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  • WTF
  • 02-08-2020, 10:12 AM

Already answered. Try to keep up. Dim-retards won't bite the bullet on spending. Odumbo set up his own bipartisan commission, then was too chickenshit to adopt its recommendations!

"In 2010 the bipartisan Erskine-Bowles commission – 9 Republicans and 9 Democrats – appointed by President Obama outlined what such a path might look like. Let expenses grow at one-half the rate of inflation. Equal cuts for defense and non-defense spending. Reduce Social Security benefits for high income individuals. Gradually increase the retirement age from 66 to 68. Increase the payroll tax maximum from $132 thousand to $190 thousand. For Medicare, do not cover the first $500 of health care expenditures. From $500-$5,000 cover only 50%. Raise the eligibility age from 65 to 68. Interestingly, 11 of the 18 members of the committee agreed to the package. But Obama thought it cut entitlement spending too much and rejected It. Imagine! It was his commission. They did exactly what he asked them to do. Fix everything. As amazing as it may seem, less than a decade ago a bipartisan committee reached an agreement on something important. But Obama said no. What a missed opportunity!"

Originally Posted by lustylad
Was there a bill that Obama vetoed?

Of course not you lying liar.

But of course Trump can champion that bill...hell he may have even gotten it passed holding both the House and Senate.

So once question is Why are the deficits rising under Trumps reign more than Obama's last term?

Oh and did you ever honor your bet with me that Trump would substan a year of 3% GDP?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Was there a bill that Obama vetoed?

Of course not you lying liar.

But of course Trump can champion that bill...hell he may have even gotten it passed holding both the House and Senate.

So once question is Why are the deficits rising under Trumps reign more than Obama's last term?

Oh and did you ever honor your bet with me that Trump would substan a year of 3% GDP? Originally Posted by WTF

it's not. now go herd yer illegal cats. chop chop!!
lustylad's Avatar
Poor wtf... He whines about trump's deficits, but he knows ANY of the current dim-retard candidates make trump look like a fiscal conservative scrooge by comparison.

So if wtf really cares about the deficit, he has to vote for trump.

Otherwise he has to admit he's just a liar, a fraud and a partisan hack since a vote for anyone else is a vote in favor of exploding the deficit!!