the TSA.. Thoughts and Opinions?

themystic's Avatar
Cannot disagree that there are multiple reports of failure to detect weapons by TSA.

And it is an inconvenience to boarding flights.

how effective is the TSA in preventing terrorist or destructive acts on flights - I do not know if that information exists.

It is likely a trade-off - how much intrusion into travel screening, v the risk of the horrible, but rare terrorism on a plane.

If you want security - El Al airline has very intensive screening, and effective security. For a good reason - they are a target of Radical Islamic terrorists and must screen passengers intensively for their survival as a carrier.

We have become inured by the lack of incidents in US carriers, and as a result, look at the TSA as only an inconvenience.

I wish info on how effective the TSA is was available.

Suggestion - CT - write your congressman and Senator letters of the issues - No One else has clout to change matters. Originally Posted by oeb11
Here's your evidence little man. There have been zero planes flown into buildings since 911. Maybe you should take a flight before offering your commentary. It lacks substantive facts. Thank you valued poster
  • oeb11
  • 08-17-2019, 09:58 AM
if he was implying she looks like she belongs in the Elephant cage at the local Zoo, I completely agree Originally Posted by Chung Tran

The post was clear - the TSA wages are not enough to hire better candidates for the jobs.

They pay "Peanuts" - and the usual hateful DPST's are twisting words and meaning into their preferred narrative of Racism and Nazi
While submitting nothing constructive to the discussion about TSA - Just Personal hatred.

So Sad.
Hotrod511's Avatar
You will starve to death little man. Btw I bought you a new MAGA hat to replace the one that got slapped off your head Originally Posted by themystic
themystic's Avatar
Originally Posted by Hotrod511
Great picture of what oeb considers a typical TSA employee. Thanks for sharing
  • oeb11
  • 08-17-2019, 11:52 AM
Personal attacks will eventually result in consequences, VP
No - TM, You do not speak for my mind - for that I am thankful.

Please proceed to Comedy Corner for your nazi racist posts.
DPST are the Racists - and You are chief among them - self admitted. And just like Omar and tlaib - Proud of your Racism.

RTM button is your friend.
Consider posting on the topic - TSA. I am Writing to a brick wall!
LexusLover's Avatar
I went through the "madhouse checkpoint" many, many times before getting my TSA precheck. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
How'd that work out in Israel ... that "TSA precheck"?

About like the Anti-TrumpMuslimUSAHATERS who are in Congress?
themystic's Avatar
Personal attacks will eventually result in consequences, VP
No - TM, You do not speak for my mind - for that I am thankful.

Please proceed to Comedy Corner for your nazi racist posts.
DPST are the Racists - and You are chief among them - self admitted. And just like Omar and tlaib - Proud of your Racism.

RTM button is your friend.
Consider posting on the topic - TSA. I am Writing to a brick wall! Originally Posted by oeb11
Do a reality check good sir. You routinely call people Socialist, Totalitarians, Racists, Jew Haters, etc. Your passive aggressive behavior is well known. RTM is not necessary with you or your kind. Grow up and take the Olive Branch I have so generously offered. Im disappointed in your divisional behavior. Please stick with cogent and constructive debate. This would be a much better forum if you did so. Don't be a DTDS Scardy Cat
Here's your evidence little man. There have been zero planes flown into buildings since 911. Maybe you should take a flight before offering your commentary. It lacks substantive facts. Thank you valued poster Originally Posted by themystic
How many Passenger Airliners hit buildings in the United States before 911?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Personal attacks will eventually result in consequences, VP
No - TM, You do not speak for my mind - for that I am thankful.

Please proceed to Comedy Corner for your nazi racist posts.
DPST are the Racists - and You are chief among them - self admitted. And just like Omar and tlaib - Proud of your Racism.

RTM button is your friend.
Consider posting on the topic - TSA. I am Writing to a brick wall! Originally Posted by oeb11
Maybe it’s a medical condition. You’re qualified to comment, right?
themystic's Avatar
How many Passenger Airliners hit buildings in the United States before 911? Originally Posted by Levianon17
Good point Levi
Good point Levi Originally Posted by themystic
Ok so it's a good point. How about a good answer.
While I think they are an overreaction to the events on 9/11, we've now had a full generation of people grow up with the TSA in existence and too many people willing to trade their 4th amendment rights for security. They aren't going anywhere soon.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
How'd that work out in Israel ... that "TSA precheck"?

About like the Anti-TrumpMuslimUSAHATERS who are in Congress? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I'm sure you realize TSA pre-check only applies in the U.S. Security checks at Ben Gurion Airport are no worse than here in the U.S. I really expected tighter security than I encountered.
I'm sure you realize TSA pre-check only applies in the U.S. Security checks at Ben Gurion Airport are no worse than here in the U.S. I really expected tighter security than I encountered. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Yes, TSA pre-check only applies in the US.

And for you I'm guessing the checks at Ben Gurion were not that bad as you likely don't fit the "profile" for added scrutiny at that airport.

Allow the TSA to implement many of the profiling methods that other countries(like Israel) employ and it could be made much more(may I hazard bigly more ) efficient.
themystic's Avatar
Ok so it's a good point. How about a good answer. Originally Posted by Levianon17
It’s a secret. If you don’t know then you may never know. That’s the problem
with arrogance Brother. You miss out on a lot