For Those Who Think Trump Didn't Act Quickly Enough During The COVID-19 Pandemic...

sportfisherman's Avatar
Your lame bullshit is really beneath response.

I said once "all" and once "most all" epidemiologists,doctors,scient ists,and clinicians recognize the importance of testing.Either way you term it you are definitely in the minority.

The NEJM is one of many medical journals for medical professionals.They generally are not geared towards lay people like yourself.
They are not down on the same level as "You Tube".

How much thinkin' did your feeble brain do before you came up with this
shit ?

Why don't we now discuss your idea of the Earth being flat ?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Your lame bullshit is really beneath response. I said once "all" and once "most all" .... Originally Posted by sportfisherman

Maybe you should quit while you are a behind?

NYC ER DOCTOR: ‘I’ve Worked The Coronavirus Front Line — And I Say It’s Time To Start Opening Up

Dr. Daniel G. Murphy is chairman of the Department of Emergency Medicine at St. Barnabas Hospital in The Bronx. New York City is ground zero for the COVID-19.

So Murphy knows a thing or two about the virus. (You? Not so much)

Murphy has been in the ER every day for the last few weeks, either supervising or providing direct care, the doctor wrote in a piece for The New York Post. “I contracted a COVID-19 infection very early in the outbreak, as did two of my daughters, one of whom is a nurse. We are all well, thank God.”

Murphy said the virus has been the worst health care disaster in his 30-year career, but now, he said, “the lasting impact is what worries me the most. And it’s why I now believe we should end the lockdown and rapidly get back to work.”
sportfisherman's Avatar
Great !! Now we have some more "Intellectual Chumpsters" in the game.

You have to come down to their level because Chump/Chumpsters are rude,insulting,and belittle people.You have to push back.They don't like it.Their expectation is for you to roll over like they do and accept all the bullshit.

As to the opinion thing ;
"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion."
"Everyone has their own opinion".

These are both fine sentiments aren't they? Hard to go against.

What if you go to the Nuclear Power Plant where the Engineer in charge of it who has a PhD in Nuclear Physics gives you a tour.
Afterwards you start telling him "Your Opinion" about how to do things.You might consider that you have "No Valid" opinion.Sometimes if you have one it is best to keep it to yourself.

You are somewhat astute regarding "Why worry about testing now ?"
At this late date it would be primarily to pick up on and address any hotspots that come up with the re-opening.
But in the main Chump's halting,faltering,response is definitely "In the Rear View mirror".We are just left to deal with the devastation from it now.

I'm sorry I have to go watch You Tube. They have an interesting video on the Earth being flat.
sportfisherman's Avatar
The guy sounds credible and I feel for him and what he and his family have gone through.

But you are addressing an argument regarding the Testing Failing with a You Tube video about Shelter in Place.

And then one from a Reputable source but it deals with ending the lockdown.I'm for that too.
  • oeb11
  • 04-28-2020, 03:01 PM
"Chump" must be the new go to for True believers of the fascist DPST narrative.

To One who has never read an issue of the NEJM - go ahead - question my qualifications -

Just another elitist keyboard warrior with with nothing but name-calling repetition to offer. And an inflated ego and sense of self-importance - with a lower part that won't inflate.

U and j66 both need some serious professional Help for ur hatred. hatred is ultimately self destructive

I do hope u take the advice - I do not think the odds of that are at all good - and that is a shame for U!
sportfisherman's Avatar
You are over-qualified. Don't short yourself.
You sound like a 24 carat Chumpster !!

Let's see ; Name calling
Inflated ego
Inflated sense of self-importance

That's Chump alright !! You got him pegged !!

Was it Chump that said "Is it Chicken or is it Tuna ?"
No,that was Jessica Simpson.
Chump said "swallow a lightbulb,inhale bleach vapors,and inject disinfectant."
On live TV !!
sportfisherman's Avatar
You are over-qualified. Don't short yourself.
You sound like a 24 carat Chumpster !!

Let's see ; Name calling
Inflated ego
Inflated sense of self-importance

That's Chump alright !! You got him pegged !!

Was it Chump that said "Is it Chicken or is it Tuna ?"
No,that was Jessica Simpson.
Chump said "swallow a lightbulb,inhale bleach vapors,and inject disinfectant."
On live TV !!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You are over-qualified. Don't short yourself.
You sound like a 24 carat Chumpster !!

Let's see ; Name calling
Inflated ego
Inflated sense of self-importance

That's Chump alright !! You got him pegged !!

Was it Chump that said "Is it Chicken or is it Tuna ?"
No,that was Jessica Simpson.
Chump said "swallow a lightbulb,inhale bleach vapors,and inject disinfectant."
On live TV !! Originally Posted by sportfisherman

if yous say so
chefnerd's Avatar
Hotrod511's Avatar
more morons from Austin
Trump was going along with the agenda. It doesn't matter what anyone thinks.
Looks like ob1 and the truck stop kid need to hit that Lysol some more. Can't do their brain cells any more damage. Twit head was fast on that stupid remark. He will soon maybe if they let him sign an executive order to keep McDonalds open
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Looks like ob1 and the truck stop kid need to hit that Lysol some more. Can't do their brain cells any more damage. Twit head was fast on that stupid remark. He will soon maybe if they let him sign an executive order to keep McDonalds open Originally Posted by Tsmokies

as usual yous are amusing. yous ramble on about "illiterate" Trump supporters. by reading yous posts one wonders what the average IQ of Trump Haters is?

I love to Fk with you amusing red heads and putin/trump huggers. Hit that bleach biotch Bahahahahaa
  • Tiny
  • 04-28-2020, 08:55 PM
How come you don't live in one of those tiny countries anyway? You seem to be a perfectly compliant little Comrade. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't "much smaller" mean that they are much smaller in both population and geography? You do realize that the USA, which might even be a country that you reside in, has tested more people than all other countries, chite-hole or otherwise, combined. Right? Try to keep up here. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
The first four countries below have higher population density and much more person-to-person contact with China than the United States. Hong Kong and Singapore have higher population density than New York City.

South Korea -
Deaths: 246
Population: 51,171,706
5 deaths per million population

Singapore -
Deaths: 14
Population: 5,804,000
2.4 deaths per million

Taiwan -
Deaths: 6
Population: 23,726,460
0.25 deaths per million

Hong Kong -
Deaths: 4
Population: 7,371,000
0.54 deaths per million

New Zealand -
Deaths: 19
Population: 4,743,131
4 deaths per million

United States -
Deaths: 58,955
Population: 327,096,000
180 deaths per million

New York City (for comparison to Hong Kong and Singapore)
Deaths: 12,509
Population: 8,400,000
1489 deaths per million

So mandatory testing, multiple times, for 330M people and contact tracing of all persons, followed by separating families. Is that your proposal? What is that based on? Appears that does include me and everyone else. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Nobody's proposing testing 330 million Americans multiple times. You test people with symptoms, then follow up with tracing and testing of contacts. And nobody's separating families, except maybe China and Vietnam.

Masks, testing, and tracing are how the first four countries above did so well compared to us. If we don't implement this, it's going to cost a lot more money and lives. If we don't, you're going to see NYC recreated in other places and we'll be looking at massive lockdowns all over again.