Trump visit

Precious_b's Avatar
Like putting the guy with four accusations of sexual assault on the Supreme Court. That's a huge win for Trump, who has been accused of sexual misconduct by 23 women himself.

But of course, they were all lying, and he can't possibly be guilty, because he is the Chosen One. Originally Posted by Dev Null
Don't put that on Trump.
That falls squarely with Mitch.
The only reason why they say "do nothing Democrats" is because he blocks most everything they come up with.
But you sure as hell don't hear anyone saying "do nothing Republicans" when it was time to go over the nominations that were lined up for Judges. Dragged their feet till they could rig the Judicial with nominations from the current administration.
Precious_b's Avatar
No I don't. My purchasing power went down this year. Fixed income and tariffs increasing the price of just about everything.

Please be a little more explicit in defending Trump. What has he done that you consider to be positive? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
They may be stating/showing that the economy is booming but I agree with you on what my $$$ can buy now.

hhehehe. Why are Hobbyist complaining that Providers are charging more when Hobbyist surely are benefiting from a roaring economy?
Precious_b's Avatar
Are you serious trying to use a bloomberg link? Seriously?

You're not even trying to hide your bias! This proves my point of libs only looking at numbers that have been fabricated to enhance their viewpoints.
That ranking is a joke! Not even close to reality!
Originally Posted by winn dixie
You're right about the source.
But I have found that it really sticks in Republican craws when asked to name the person who last left the Treasury in a surplus. I can't remember, at least, one that will name him. Sure, they will say it is because of someone else. But they won't name the person who left the more $$$ in the till when they left than what was there when he started.
Precious_b's Avatar
I dropped a couple of grand this year on Black Friday.
First time ever.
I saw the numbers - record spending.
Jeeze, you can really tell how bad things are getting now. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
How large was the check you sent to help build the Wall?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I dropped a couple of grand this year on Black Friday.
First time ever.
I saw the numbers - record spending.
Jeeze, you can really tell how bad things are getting now. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Consumer spending is the only thing keeping the GDP from falling into the 1s instead of the low 2s. I remember that you were lauding Trump after the first quarter GDP hit 3.1%. You've been rather silent on the topic since then.

And most of the consumer spending is financed by increasing debt, not spending more of what we earn. On average, each household with a credit card carries $8,398 in credit card debt.

So when you see that record spending going on out there, remember where the money is coming from -- massive credit card debt.
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
Are you serious trying to use a bloomberg link? Seriously?

You're not even trying to hide your bias! This proves my point of libs only looking at numbers that have been fabricated to enhance their viewpoints.
That ranking is a joke! Not even close to reality!
Originally Posted by winn dixie
Oh really and what does Wank Dixie use as a reliable source? Faux Fox News ?
Big Lou Dobbs? Or maybe BreitFart. you Trump turds can’t stand looking at facts. The economy is all down to Obama as he had to rescue the 2008 debacle caused by you know who, yeah if I want to go bankrupt and screw the system then I’ll call Trump. He’s really good at that. FYI slick Just because I’m doing well in my business has nothing to do with Trump. It’s all down to me and my skills. I want Trump and his cronies nowhere near my business. I know he will fuck it up somehow,
pleasurem's Avatar
You are a fool if you think O’Dumbass has anything to do with today’s economy, yes, Bush was horrid too, and he left it in a mess, O’Dumbass did zero, I mean zero for the economy!!! Health care, a joke... geez, give me a break
Dev Null's Avatar
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You are a fool if you think O’Dumbass has anything to do with today’s economy, yes, Bush was horrid too, and he left it in a mess, O’Dumbass did zero, I mean zero for the economy!!! Health care, a joke... geez, give me a break Originally Posted by pleasurem
IF you think you made a lot of money in the stock market under Trump, I guarantee you I made more under Obama.

Obamacare is far from perfect but it is better than that piece of crap that Republicans wanted to get passed. Which never even made it to a vote. It is now more than 10 years since Obamacare was passed into law and Republicans still haven't come up with a better healthcare proposal.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
8< copy-pasta stuff (big surprise??) snipped >8 Originally Posted by Dev Null
You have an interesting point there that GEPOTUS has vastly improved the economy and markets in a mere 2 years vs what O'Dumbo-Jumbo did in 8. Had not realized how profoundly until now. Thanks. Ghee wizakers, the next 5 are going to mind boggling.
Dev Null's Avatar
You have an interesting point there that GEPOTUS has vastly improved the economy and markets in a mere 2 years vs what O'Dumbo-Jumbo did in 8. Had not realized how profoundly until now. Thanks. Ghee wizakers, the next 5 are going to mind boggling. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Your math is as fuzzy as your logic. You might want to review how the slope of the curves follows the trends of Obama's turnaround of the economic decline under George W., except the slope under Trump becomes more shallow in some instances, indicating a loss of economic momentum.

Also as shown in the curves, economic trends can have reversals, most notably under our last Republican president. So they are in no way predictive, but are only useful in tracking historical performance.

Your ridiculous comments only prove that right-wing propaganda causes irreversible brain damage.