What do you providers base their rates on?

Madame X's Avatar
Not just +1, but +10...should make for a good orgie. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
In the archaic laws of MA, it states that 4 people make an orgy... da*n puritanical law! I say the more nekkid bodies the better

~Mme X~
In the archaic laws of MA, it states that 4 people make an orgy... da*n puritanical law! I say the more nekkid bodies the better

~Mme X~ Originally Posted by Madame X
IMHO, too much of the U.S. has too many restrictive laws when it comes to sex!!! This may be the greatest country on earth, but its sex laws stink. Now, if we could have this country and the sex laws of select countries in Europe...Yeah!!!
grtrader's Avatar
I say close the thread learn my lesson hands down will never ever offer shit help to any provider ever again. You can explain that bitch to Jordan on here who was hopping to move in here after she gets custody of her child back. Screw it.

Far as trying to help you girls out piss on it the server comes down. My actual plan for the server was to allow a base area you could build a stronger community even had work out with a number of advertisement companies for when I finshed the new sites production to provide a way you could earn money from the site based on the articles you post sort of like these blogs here but using localization and adword targeting that I built into the site we could allow customers to target ads to customer in specific areas and put the ads in around related articles you wrote. Which then if money was generated because of your article because someone went to the ads on the page you got money coming to you. Yea, that's right a site that was willing to pay you. Rather than take from your ass.

That's fine I'll put the server to us on my main project. I just happen to have one I could spare and so figure sure it was a good cause. But, since I am this so called ass with an agenda guess I should act the part.

I also had some other stuff lined up you might like to know about. A number of adult wear sites and other one interested in providing gifts and prises on monthly contest like best escort, model,masseuse ... cam show ... for the independents. They get publicity and you all would have got shots at winning something.

I also used to do weddings I think I mentioned before as a photographer. Figured I could offer free shoots and web video profiles and stuff.

I've also helped people get their own businesses going teach people how to build run their own servers, photography,.... I also tend to share things like how I got my last car bran new for right at half price. Or how I got my credit rating to 780, or how to get a member ship to a federal credit union that has an awesome 3.99 0 down 0 points home financing the only thing you pay is an inspection or something 299.00 for it. How I got and you can get a low interested 50K Visa credit card. There is more but you don't have to worry about it now. Or how you single moms can get legal advice for an entire year for 200 bucks the first time you sign up plus get the documents done dirt cheap by then talking. These guy taught me enough about law that I won my on child custody case.

Yep, so there it is my Agenda to rip you poor little girls off.
annie@christophers's Avatar
A DAISEY!! Chevalier..I am surprised at you..D.Diana FUNNY and Very clever girl..VERONICA MOORE..What'cha couldnt tell the (I think GIRL TRADER) to go FUCK HIMSELF?? Sorry I may have misspelled AGAIN! LOL!!! Showing my age here but.. CHEAP TRICK was my favorite band ..."I WANT YOU TO WANT ME" haha..... IT GOES ON FOREVER!! p.s CEO's Dont want the BULLSHIT.. ANNIE p.s veronica GET THAT FRUIT OFF THE POOR PUSSIES HEAD LOL!!
ANONONE's Avatar
I say close the thread. . . Originally Posted by grtrader
You heard him, MODS. Please, for the love of gawd, lock this thread!

auknowho's Avatar
Thread Closed on OP request.