I thought this topic died a long time ago, no need to have another thread like this, the last one lasted years and didn't resolve anything, I'm glad that one is long gone, no need to start this again
Originally Posted by dreamvacationdates
Yes, great idea there. Forbid people from talking about things and everything works out, right? That is the whole problem today. We aren't allowed to talk about X, Y, or Z, and even if we do, we have to be careful to not use certain words. Oh, and the language changes like the wind these days, too, so be careful to not use words which are perfectly acceptable today but not in a week, month, year(s), etc. AND, if you are conversing about whatever, and ONE WORD is uttered which the other party dislikes, "gets triggered", is too scared by it's use, the conversation immediately degrades to be about that word and the original conversation goes dormant and festers for another day.
MANY, MANY wars have been avoided with dialogue. Funny, it is usually the more left wing presidents and leaders who would rather talk/compromise than defend their position but those same people refuse to allow us to talk.
We haven't solved anything here but I am not afraid to express my first amendment right. Once the first Amendment is gone we might look back to this conversation and wish we could still debate things. We are divided more than ever. I personally welcome discourse and don't hold grudges or "cancel" people with differing opinions. Many people have fought for this right and we should appreciate that they did.
Websites/news sites used to have comment sections but no longer do. Some websites like Reddit allow conversation but ban people for wrongspeak. I suspect that is why people are vocal here.