all the advice on here was that oh2 was dead and gone forever Originally Posted by VitaManConsider the sources on that sorta talk. Those comments are usually made by scorn tricks who are just chomping at the bit to hear of OH2's final demise. They get wood everytime someone says they can't login, or getting a timeout or file not found, etc.
OH2 has been acting like a little biznatch to me today overall but going to go ahead and note that I've noticed two obvious changes on the site. One being just a new link to view who's online and then another being in the form of what you might call a status update or something, hard to explain. And then if I've noticed two clear changes just in a short time, gotta figure there's been some other things tweeked/upgraded as well, I personally just haven't noticed them yet. So (as of now) the site is not dead and there is indeed someone pulling some strings on there, so it hasn't been abandoned and "left for dead" either.