Are muslims unfairly Demonized????

In the past, Nazis and Communists could not get security clearances, were viewed with extreme suspicion, and in many cases were encouraged (painfully) to leave the service if they were able to make in. Sounds like a policy that works for me. If it worked for FDR then it should work for Obama (and anyone who comes afterward). Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
So that is why you left the Navy. DAMN COMMIE.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
"My God is better!" No, MY God is better!" Bullshit.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You are one low-life filthy POS of a human to make that remark, There are muslim men and women who have put their life on their life and have died for this country- while you sit on a whore board and make a mockery of their faith. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I quoted the history accurately. Your problem if you can't handle what FDR did. You should learn what Wilson did some time. You know (you should) about the Japanese internment camps right? How about the mass departations of Mexican workers from the US in the 30s. Did you know about that?

A mockery of their faith????? LMAO, the terrorists are making a mockery of their faith numbnuts but I don't hear them complaining, do you? Want to talk about Major Hassan. He is a Muslim in uniform "putting his life on the line for this country....and Jihad".
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
It appears to me that every time a radical muslim makes news- we tend to demonize the whole religion as if they(Muslims) all have the same agenda. I am no muslim apologist by any means- but I think to categorize a religion of over 1 billion people by the actions of a few is insane.

The KKK considers themselves Christians and many times quote verses from the Bible to justify their actions and agenda- but you don't see massed of people demonizing Christianity for the actions of the KKK. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I see people going crazy about shark attacks.. remember in 2001, when SUMMER OF THE SHARK happened, cause one kid was attcked

but don't see anyone afraid of COWS
yet cows kill about 22 people a year

What was your point again?
that people fear brown people?

or that people who listen to news are lemmings who follow anything they watch?

I LOLd at you proclaiming how you are a proud christian/..
proud of what exactly?
Crusades? judging and fighting overs over their made up "gods"?"

"My God is better!" No, MY God is better!" Bullshit. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Homer: Hey Ganesha, want a peanut?
Apu: Please do not offer my God a peanut.
Homer: No offence Apu, but when they were handing out religions you must have been out taking a whizz.
Apu: Mr. Simpson, please pay for your purchases and get out and come again!

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-21-2015, 07:42 AM
WTF doesn't give a rat's ass about that....
butt, he is scared of snakes and lightening. Originally Posted by boardman
I'm not scared of snakes, lightening or least not enough to throw 4 trillion dollars at any of those problems and then cry about my debt.

Maybe instead of shitting our pants about Muslims killing our soldiers we should be concerned with soldiers killing themselves

bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
I'm not scared of snakes, lightening or least not enough to throw 4 trillion dollars at any of those problems and then cry about my debt. Originally Posted by WTF
failing school and joining the armed forces won't fix my life so when I come home and I can ask a girl,"how much?" in 2 languages doesnt get me a job? I still have to deal with the fact I have no skills except being a peon and told what to do?
whoda thunk?