Fancy's Irish Palace of Pleasure has gone the way of Atlantis -- underwater!

TheCat'sMeow's Avatar
The men don't have to perform; that task should be on the provider, with the former being optional.
. Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Most Johns prefer whores that have good head game,,,It's too bad not too many whores have a head to match the head game.
Yummy - great avatar picture... yummy

Fancy - the universe say's take a break and think about your wants and needs. Downsize your operation. Rebuild your home - your way, treat yourself to that new spa tub, network an outcall, especially now. Recieve the embrace of your lady friends offering a hand. Don't sweat the savings drain, just be sure your remodel investment will cash out later. This is hard, but you have life, health, and you will overcome .

All supporter's out there, kudos.

P.S. who was supposed to be watching litter box?... he spilled another meme on himself.
who was supposed to be watching litter box?... he spilled another meme on himself. Originally Posted by Mythos
Ignore works wonders. I didn't notice.
TheCat'sMeow's Avatar
Ignore works wonders. I didn't notice. Originally Posted by idiot savant
Same here,,,LMAO.
Most Johns prefer whores that have good head game,,,It's too bad not too many whores have a head to match the head game. Originally Posted by TheCat'sMeow
You got dropped on your head as youngster, didn't you? That explains a lot.
You got dropped on your head as youngster, didn't you? That explains a lot. Originally Posted by lookn4boobies
rduke4923's Avatar
Yummy - great avatar picture... yummy

Fancy - the universe say's take a break and think about your wants and needs. Downsize your operation. Rebuild your home - your way, treat yourself to that new spa tub, network an outcall, especially now. Recieve the embrace of your lady friends offering a hand. Don't sweat the savings drain, just be sure your remodel investment will cash out later. This is hard, but you have life, health, and you will overcome .

All supporter's out there, kudos.

P.S. who was supposed to be watching litter box?... he spilled another meme on himself. Originally Posted by Mythos
Well said. +1
Take care Fancy.

R Duke
rduke4923's Avatar
[QUOTE=YummyMarie;1058080933]The men don't have to perform; that task should be on the provider, with the former being optional.

I gotta be honest some of what you post is spun gold.

There is a short list of ladies on this board with a gift for the
art of the post.

R Duke
dearhunter's Avatar
Blame the chihuahuas
Blame the chihuahuas Originally Posted by dearhunter
freakin illeagal papers......
TheCat'sMeow's Avatar
You got dropped on your head as youngster, didn't you? That explains a lot. Originally Posted by lookn4boobies
^^^^^Smaller dog in the avatar.
freakin illeagal papers...... Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
I read somewhere Donald Trump was going to export all the chihuahuas and have them to make their own fenced in kennel.
dearhunter's Avatar
Fucking chihuahuas are the root of all evil
Fancyinheels's Avatar
freakin illeagal papers...... Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
They have plenty of papers -- potty papers!

They weren't afraid of storms before, but now they're terrified. A line came through about the same time this morning as Wednesday morn, and I had chihuahuas climbing on my head. They won't even set paw in the master bedroom any more. Maybe they know something? There's still a big oak tree 10 feet away from the window.

Got a couple more inches of rain, but thankfully, the roof "condom" held. (Repairs can't start until we get a dry spell.) Lost another tree, the last of the redbuds I planted when I moved to the Irish Chihuahua Refuge 22 years ago. An oak took out its remaining buddy in the back earlier this week, and this one evidently committed suicide -- just gave up and laid over, roots upended. The ground has been saturated for too long, and then with the wind... Have to get the chainsaw out again as it's blocking access to the driveway.

My yard is looking like Tammy Faye Baker's badly plucked eyebrows!
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Fucking chihuahuas are the root of all evil Originally Posted by dearhunter

Only if you don't "touch up" the roots, dear.

Hey, if the Toltecs hadn't stopped worshiping chihuahuas, maybe the Aztecs wouldn't have kicked their asses. The Aztecs revered them for a while, then evidently that "fad" passed, and the Conquistadors kicked Aztec ass.

Taco Bell made a big thing of chihuahuas, but when they stopped the ad campaign, their food went to Hell and their sales slumped.

Seems to be some precedent for misfortune when chihuahuas are ignored. For all I know my yin-yang brother-sister duo of diminutive dog deities "Thor" and "Loki" are the reasons why my house wasn't sucked up in the tornado! I will continue to love, honor, render affectionate domestic service, and generously administer belly rubs to all of my wee woofs, and maybe the Great Hound in the Sky will have mercy and stop peeing on my tires.