TxTraveller's Avatar
Hey, Jen..... yep, yet another refugee from aspd.net...... I never did like that second screen name that I had, so I chose one that's a bit more to my liking. I used to be TxRanger691 and.... well, this is my new one (TxTraveller).....
layzieb36's Avatar
New to the Hobby and Site, wanted on ASPD but the registration is closed atm. However, the water seems fine here Nice to meet all of you.
guest031812's Avatar
I finally made it over nice to see alot of familiar faces!
RedRyder's Avatar
I am looking forward to a new home. BTW, I had a name change on the way over. Was RedFlyer now RedRyder. Why? I wanted RedRyder on aspd but it was taken. Since I don't fly (except like Up In The Air) this fits better.
munchman350's Avatar
Cool, new site to check out...and my old friends are already here!
Skip_8's Avatar
I'm here!
Jack$lit's Avatar
Rocky ready to R&R ...
TxPizzaGuy09's Avatar
snoopdogg's Avatar
PeAcH's Avatar
  • PeAcH
  • 01-03-2010, 05:19 PM
I finally made it! Ugh! This website was lagging the night I tried joining, but now it's smooth as ice. Hello again fellow friends!
Baloney Pony's Avatar
Da Pony is here.

Peace and Love,

Da Pony
Never underestimate the power of stupidity in large groups.
I made it.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Glad to see you made it sweetheart, and welcome aboard, my I get you a seat?
sweetshane's Avatar
Absolutely LOVING the familiar names!! I know few know me at all, but very happy to see ALL of you!!

~ hugs ~