Good Experiences

elghund's Avatar
. It is nice to know that some guys sincerely enjoy lady participation. Originally Posted by tinylatina
The problem here is that the number of guys who enjoy lady participation are outnumbered by the guys in Upset who prefer to run them into the ground, and off the site......

fuckin dam shame......

Guest042416's Avatar
marg that's fair very fair you have that directed with a quote at the right person to start, very good
were all not like jc though, just don't blend us all together
Guest042416's Avatar
egh youre right and we all know who will come on here the same ones and say they don't drive girls off and that it doesn't happen,

heres an example yet again,

just put them on ignore ladies, and you move on

Ive always said let the ladies review us as well, it don't matter to me, let the info flow both ways.

we need more ladies on this site to talk instead of getting degraded and chased off, that would be a good thing some day
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-20-2014, 02:40 PM
When TL actually makes something into a threAD like the student you are reffering to... I will take her to task in an instant. Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
You mean like here?

Given that i've never used the term "threAD" in the relevant context TL (i'm just not one of the cool kids, i suppose), don't take this as a personal slight in your direction - i'm just pointing out that that's the very sort of thread that typically gets referred to as a threAD around here. Not surprising that your new-found best buddy didn't note it as such only given that he seems to like you.

Others that are surely less genuine in their approach are less successful.....

Do you have trouble discerning the genuineness of different providers Dove?
The rest of the board seems quite adept at this....
Her very first post, introducing herself to the board, in the Welcome and Introductions section, and you already had her pegged as disingenuous.

Impressive. Your powers are more incredible than even i imagined.

Or you're full of shit. I'll let you guess which one i think it is.

And thancks for looking up my pgh post!!!
Look again, Rockstar. The post i quoted was in upstate.

And thank you for explaining to our little dovemuffin what I didn't have the patience to explain. I think he's just jealous of me cause I got to do you and he hasn't. lol Originally Posted by tinylatina
I'm not quite sure what Paul supposedly explained, but regardless. You seem like a nice young lady TL, so i do hope you stick around awhile.

If you do, i'm sure you'll eventually come to realize who around here are the truly respectful ones, and who are the baboons who might pretend to be so long as they enjoy your blow-jobs. And here's a hint, the former category isn't filled with the people who go around using the terms 'threAD', 'hooktard' or 'modtard'. Nor is it filled with the ones who harass a girl simply because someone provided her with "private" board info.

Enjoy your stay.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-20-2014, 02:54 PM
Maybe the ladies would be more active if some (not all) of the "men" weren't such d-bags and added value instead of just constantly degrading us from behind a computer screen. Originally Posted by MargeauxMe
I don't really know whether more ladies would post here or not, nevertheless the rest of your comment is entirely spot on and deserves to be said.
Plastic Man's Avatar
lol ...groveling jimmies

...what the "ladies" want unlimited threADing to sell funnel ...whenever they feel like ...selling funnel

...working an illegal ...."business" begin with ...seems like the few mostly minor comments and ...pussy slapping fights here ...would be the least a ...hook with on an average day once again ...the couple funnels who ...left ...were mostly in bitch fights with ...other funnels ...and were likely ...unstable anyway ...or went utr

...if the hooks wants ta ...have endless threADs about ...what ice cream is best ...with a few lonely ...old pecker jimmies ...aint nothing stopping that from goin on other than ...a couple overly sensitive ...hooks creating drama ...where it really aint
offshoredrilling's Avatar
lol ...groveling jimmies

...what the "ladies" want unlimited threADing to sell funnel ...whenever they feel like ...selling funnel

...working an illegal ...."business" begin with ...seems like the few mostly minor comments and ...pussy slapping fights here ...would be the least a ...hook with on an average day once again ...the couple funnels who ...left ...were mostly in bitch fights with ...other funnels ...and were likely ...unstable anyway ...or went utr

...if the hooks wants ta ...have endless threADs about ...what ice cream is best ...with a few lonely ...old pecker jimmies ...aint nothing stopping that from goin on other than ...a couple overly sensitive ...hooks creating drama ...where it really aint Originally Posted by Plastic Man
Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 08-20-2014, 05:37 PM
Maybe the ladies would be more active if some (not all) of the "men" weren't such d-bags and added value instead of just constantly degrading us from behind a computer screen. Originally Posted by MargeauxMe

Geez, what did I say now?
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Maybe the ladies would be more active if some (not all) of the "men" weren't such d-bags and added value instead of just constantly degrading us from behind a computer screen. Originally Posted by MargeauxMe
I'd degrade you face to face everyday if circumstances were different, in the respectful way you get paid for. I think you might be overstating that just a little, but even if you aren't I still assert you should just post anyway. Trolls are like ants a picnic, there going to be there whatever you do, just enjoy the outdoors.

If you read what I've posted here it is encouraging you to post in spite of the douchebags. But I stand by my assertion that for a thread like this to work, the OP has to chime in, start the ball rolling. Even Howdy agrees with that, and he's not half the douchebag I am. Or maybe he's twice the douchebag I am. Whichever makes him feel better. You decide.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
marg that's fair very fair you have that directed with a quote at the right person to start, very good
were all not like jc though, just don't blend us all together Originally Posted by bjwstw
The good part of them not being all like me is that some of them really make a lot of money and are willing to spend it frivolously. Some of them have really big dicks they work like Gandalf's magic wand.

The above quoted poster, in differentiating himself from yours truly, is putting himself in the camp of trolls that have falsified reviews and been banned for racial disrespect. His first contact with me upon return included more such disrespect, but included some choice sexism as well. He's all yours, blend as you wish.
Guest042416's Avatar
The good part of them not being all like me is that some of them really make a lot of money and are willing to spend it frivolously. Some of them have really big dicks they work like Gandalf's magic wand.

The above quoted poster, in differentiating himself from yours truly, is putting himself in the camp of trolls that have falsified reviews and been banned for racial disrespect. His first contact with me upon return included more such disrespect, but included some choice sexism as well. He's all yours, blend as you wish. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
eg you owe me a beer, as I predicted lol

I stated my opinion and I believe we can move on now.
Maybe the ladies would be more active if some (not all) of the "men" weren't such d-bags and added value instead of just constantly degrading us from behind a computer screen. Originally Posted by MargeauxMe
When TL actually makes something into a threAD like the student you are reffering to... I will take her to task in an instant. Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
You mean like here?
Originally Posted by Doove
Ummmm... what about that thread makes you thinck it's a threAD?

You mean like here?

Her very first post, introducing herself to the board, in the Welcome and Introductions section, and you already had her pegged as disingenuous.

She had a pretty good instructor.....

Impressive. Your powers are more incredible than even i imagined.

Thanck you.

Or you're full of shit. I'll let you guess which one i think it is.

You wanna play even more games?

And here's a hint, the former category isn't filled with the people who go around using the terms 'threAD', 'hooktard' or 'modtard'. Nor is it filled with the ones who harass a girl simply because someone provided her with "private" board info.

Enjoy your stay. Originally Posted by Doove
What kind of terms DO those kind people use Dovetard??
elghund's Avatar
Maybe the ladies would be more active if some (not all) of the "men" weren't such d-bags and added value instead of just constantly degrading us from behind a computer screen. Originally Posted by MargeauxMe

Try using ignore to filter out the trolls......I finally did, and it helped the readability of the threads quite a bit.


Try using ignore to filter out the trolls......I finally did, and it helped the readability of the threads quite a bit.

elg...... Originally Posted by elghund

Fuckin elg......