A coincidence? I think not!

No, Old-THUMPER, you are again lying. And you can deflect as you are wont, Old-THUMPER, but the topic is and always will be about what a pathetic, miserable creature you are and how your primary goal in life is to trollishly stalk post counts on a SHMB, Old-THUMPER. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Says the person with almost 17K posts, from Obama's hometown of Chicago. You're gruber grubbered you odumbo sodomite.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Says the person with almost 17K posts, from Obama's hometown of Chicago. You're gruber grubbered you odumbo sodomite. Originally Posted by WombRaider
By your own words you would be the sodomized dick-sucker advocating and voting for your right to suck cock 24/7, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, and at 50 post per day, your "#Grubered" ass will be at 17,000 posts in about ten months, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.
Says the person with almost 17K posts, from Obama's hometown of Chicago. You're gruber grubbered you odumbo sodomite. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Take it like a man if you can...

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Obsessed much, Corpy?
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  • Old-T
  • 05-13-2015, 09:50 PM
By your own words you would be the sodomized dick-sucker advocating and voting for your right to suck cock 24/7, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, and at 50 post per day, your "#Grubered" ass will be at 17,000 posts in about ten months, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
So, children, what do we learn from this post of IB's?

We learn that he wants to limit everyone else's right to vote if they disagree with him.

We learn that he is a very loud homosexual hater--a sure sign that he is a closet homosexual himself.

And we learn that contrary to his protestations about others, HE is very aware of and jealous of his post count--and anyone he thinks might surpass it!

Now sit patiently while we wait for the liar himself to pretend these things are not true. Take my word, children, he will blithering and babble and call US the liars. Yes, you wait and see!
I B Hankering's Avatar
So, children, what do we learn from this post of IB's?

We learn that he wants to limit everyone else's right to vote if they disagree with him.

a closet homosexual

And we learn that contrary to his protestations about others, HE is very aware of and jealous of his post count--and anyone he thinks might surpass it!

Now sit patiently while we wait for the liar himself to pretend these things are not true. Take my word, children, he will blithering and babble and call US the liars. Yes, you wait and see!
Originally Posted by Old-T
Notice how Old-THUMPER is addressing an audience of his intellectual peers.
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  • Old-T
  • 05-14-2015, 06:37 AM
Notice how Old-THUMPER is addressing an audience of his intellectual peers.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Notice how IB once again concedes any pretense of substance. After thousands of examples of his stupid lies I don't know why anyone would think he is capable and willing to discuss something objectively.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Notice how IB once again concedes any pretense of substance. After thousands of examples of his stupid lies I don't know why anyone would think he is capable and willing to discuss something objectively. Originally Posted by Old-T
You're a pathetic, drunken little troll if you imagine that you ever had any substance in your posts, Old-THUMPER.
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  • Old-T
  • 05-14-2015, 12:12 PM
I will let others decided that for themselves. I certainly don't lose sleep over your opinions. In fact, if you started agreeing with me a lot I would look for what I had done wrong.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I will let others decided that for themselves. I certainly don't lose sleep over your opinions. In fact, if you started agreeing with me a lot I would look for what I had done wrong. Originally Posted by Old-T
It would be difficult for you to lose sleep the way you drink yourself into a stupor and pass out, Old-THUMPER.
It would be difficult for you to lose sleep the way you drink yourself into a stupor and pass out, Old-THUMPER. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Go suck an old man's dirty dick, you gruber grubbered odumbo minion from Obama's hometown of Chicago. Why do you live in such a terrible place? Your breath probably smells like a rotten onion passing through an old lady fart. Go do crazy somewhere else. We're all stocked up here.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Go suck an old man's dirty dick, you gruber grubbered odumbo minion from Obama's hometown of Chicago. Why do you live in such a terrible place? Your breath probably smells like a rotten onion passing through an old lady fart. Go do crazy somewhere else. We're all stocked up here. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Anywhere you are is overstocked on crazy and stupid, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.
Anywhere you are is overstocked on crazy and stupid, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You're the one sucking on the government teat in good old chicago. The most corrupt town in the US. Won Kennedy the election in 60 by getting dead people to vote. You're right where you belong. A morally bankrupt piece of shit with no talent for prose, but a great talent for repeating.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You're the one sucking on the government teat in good old chicago. The most corrupt town in the US. Won Kennedy the election in 60 by getting dead people to vote. You're right where you belong. A morally bankrupt piece of shit with no talent for prose, but a great talent for repeating. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Your three most conspicuous talents are 1) lying, 2) being stupid, and 3) being wrong, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
IBMassa has spoken again!