I'm Starting To Like Rand Paul

Snowden? Are there any more Gitmo guests we can trade for him?

Snowden is last year's news ..... the AP is on top of the 2015 story.


........"air borne" cell towers .... Now there's a 3 call system for appointment!

The third call is from FBI to the local LE vice.

You all worry about the "Patriot Act" ... ok? Originally Posted by LexusLover
If they can collect all your email plus anything you post on social media, a collection of your calls to numbers, and numbers to you and the time you talked is pretty minor.
Snowden? Are there any more Gitmo guests we can trade for him?

Snowden is last year's news ..... the AP is on top of the 2015 story.


........"air borne" cell towers .... Now there's a 3 call system for appointment!

The third call is from FBI to the local LE vice.

You all worry about the "Patriot Act" ... ok? Originally Posted by LexusLover
LLIdiot, knowing what we all know now ... was the Spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq a good strategical move ... or a bad strategical move?

It can't be both!

Which one is it LLIdiot?

Hindsight being 20/20, was it good or bad?

Just choose one or the other (but not both)!

For the record, I say it was a verrrrrry bad strategical move on your man Shrubbie's part.

See how easy that was?

Don't be a coward ... give it your best shot!

Yes or no?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Rand Paul stood against the "Freedom" Act. Yeah. I'm starting to like the guy.
Rand Paul stood against the "Freedom" Act. Yeah. I'm starting to like the guy. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
But is he commie enough to break corporations apart? Since that's a hurdle that must cleared, per you.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Baby steps.