How this ended up in a political forum is beyond me. The cop was wrong! His boss said it the video showed it. And if that was your daughter you would want blood. Originally Posted by Raw dog
If that were my daughter, your right, I would want blood, her blood. My kids were taught to have respect first and foremost. Respect for their elders, and respect for authority, and if that did not happen, then her/his butt needs a whopping. (oh thats right, today's Liberal Agenda, don't spank the kids/brats, they might grow up and be good law abiding citizens, and lord knows then we can't push our agenda forward, like disarm the folks) Kids are no longer taught right from wrong, and the Liberals, or maybe it is Capitalism that allows for all the murder going on, starting when a child is young with their unsupervised "games", Hollywood movies that glorify murder and allow murder of people/cops just for the hell of it. Well, if one sees lack of authority, murder often enough, it becomes palatable, especially if it is the mind of child, which is nothing more than sponge, that soaks in everything it taught.