It is with great disappointment I must officially announce that I....

BBWDeAnna's Avatar
Xman..let me go ahead and shut u up..u booked an appt on my very first ad I posted for hs when I returned..u also messages me the morning of with a bullshit excuse of car troubles only for it to be known u contacted other girls about dates same time frame..u also have stood up and no showed countless girls recently...u went on to try again to see me even offering to prepay. .I outright turned u down and told u to go see one of the other fine ladies in the ur a little butt hurt because the fat girl turned u down..its harm..

Second..u just WKed for another girl..thus proving my point further.u literally to a "t" came here to drag some providers name in to it and added NOTHING to the thread. Keep in mind..I didnt label myself that..a hobbyiest did..u wouldnt get the inside joke behind it.

3rd..I did not nor have I ever GIVEN myself a nickname..that name was given to me upon my return as when there were no big girls on thr boards much i made a name and did so speaking my mind honestly.when long time well respected hobbyiest who I have had outright WARS with I mean point issuing..thread locking wars..comes along to vouch for my name or agree..never mistake it for a WK..they know I dont need nor are they trying to blow smoke up my ass..They still dislike me..have never put a dime in my pocket..not one on this thread has ever..u tried turned down after u cancelled..and now your butt hurt and not in a good way.

Thanks for further proving my wk point tho..despite what u realize this isnt a competition..she wants the title..she can have it...put it as her sig line..she seems like a great girl finding her way in this crazy world...and maybe..just could be a very inside joke being called arkansas fave big gurl by someone..any name used for me good or bad I have 100% earned

Let clear..what I say there is never an in between..its pretty black and white..provider sends request for vouch..vouch response..on some cases girl sees same guy next gray area..and its just 1 problem plaguing the area..there are numerou others up to and including wk post like yours pulling a provider into aomething that she wasnt an attempt to do what? Get her a nickname? U have my permission to bestow it on her..wk
XmanVirgo's Avatar
My dear, I am sorry, that you are do butt hurt. Yes, I like big girls lol. That is why I wished to see you. I like every size of girl. By pointing oh that Lolahhh is Arkansas' favorite big girl, how does that make me a white night? You are the person who placed it in your rebuttal. I have a life, I have now learned to make appointments day of rather in advance. I am not really going to argue with you as it is of no importance. I said what I wish, you got butt hurt and responded. I am not prepared to exchange one monarchy for another. You are not 100% correct in everything you have written previously, or even in your rebuttal of me...Everyone has their own opinion, you have one and so do I. That does not make anyone more or less intelligent as you would have so many believe. Have fun in your future hobby choices...
BBWDeAnna's Avatar
Haha..I love when people take what I say to them and say it back as their defense...side note..actually I am 100% correct..on both accounts..and have the pm's and text messages to prove it.aftet cancelling..u ask repeatedly for weeks where to send the prepayment for a date..for weeks!! And I told u I wasnt gonna see u so explain why I would be mad? When I knew u wouldn't show due to known history and then turned down ur offer at prepaid date....that being said...if u cant see how u just WKed for a provider who has said nothing and u drug into this with your own selfish post then I have to disagree again..u not only couldnt be in topic..u proved my wk point and not seeing it does make u less intelligent unfortunately. .that now is my opinion..and not fact..its nothing I told u the morning u cancelled short notice I fully expected u not to show based on previous info about u..but I played along had someone booked in your PRIME TIME place u had selected to ensure I made money. U didnt show..with same excuse u have used other times with others..u have a fave in lolahh which as I said seems like a great eager to please sexy girl..its unfortunate u wked her tho
XmanVirgo's Avatar
Honey I've deleted all my communications with you. It's time to move on I have...